Anyone starting Focus T25 today? or do you have any tips?



  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    I'm on on my 2nd Round of T25, currently on 2nd week of Alpha.

    Just go hard. You will feel yourself getting stronger, and the part of T25 I LOVE vs. Insanity (I am an Insanity graduate too) is obviously the time commitment. If you can't give 100% for 25 minutes a day, then why are you even trying?

    Love the workouts, and Shaun T. is a boss.

    For added weight loss, do it early in the morning in a fasted state. I follow an I.F. regimen and it has worked wonders for me.

    What's an I.f. regimen?

    Intermittent Fasting = I.F.

    Basically, I eat in an 8 hour window (9:30 am - 5:30 pm) and fast for 16 hours (of course much of that is sleep). Google it...lots of good info out there. It stabilizes insulin levels, actually REDUCES food cravings, and forces your body to use fat as energy rather than the 9pm snack you had or the 6am breakfast.
  • slik1227
    slik1227 Posts: 81 Member
    I am starting week 3 as well and could definitely use a buddy. I have lost inches and a couple of pounds and am feeling great. :smile:
  • tinklemar
    tinklemar Posts: 71 Member
    I am starting mine either tonight or tomorrow morning! Add me if you want, we can be t25 buddies :)
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I just started beta.. really liking it so far. My best advice is to stick with it and try not to miss workouts if at all possible. When things come up and I HAVE to miss a workout, I just double up the next day or get it done as soon as I can. I feel like it's a slippery slope, and if I missed a workout or two, it could snowball into slacking off big time!

    I also think it's important to go at your own pace and use the modifier when you need to. It's important to measure your success by how well YOU are improving versus comparing yourself to the professionals in the DVD.

    Personally I don't believe in doing fasting or anything of that nature. I eat a balanced diet and make sure I get enough protein.
  • I'm on week three of Alpha and I love it! I am also a graduate of Insanity and I loved that too but the selling point of T25 is that it is only 25 minutes so you have absolutely no excuses not to get it done everyday! I love Shawn T and he is very motivating, just stick with it and you will get better and remember that 80% to 90% of weight loss is what you eat so you have to change your eating or you won't see any real results. I have lost a few lbs and some inches so it does work!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Have any of you doing T25 done Rockin' Body? How does it compare?

    I did not care for that workout at all. T25 is more similar to Insanity. The Rockin' Body workout is more of just a dancing DVD.. it seemed kind of cheesy to me too. Sorry if that offends anyone.
  • msstatz
    msstatz Posts: 163 Member
    I'm on week three of Alpha and I love it! I am also a graduate of Insanity and I loved that too but the selling point of T25 is that it is only 25 minutes so you have absolutely no excuses not to get it done everyday! I love Shawn T and he is very motivating, just stick with it and you will get better and remember that 80% to 90% of weight loss is what you eat so you have to change your eating or you won't see any real results. I have lost a few lbs and some inches so it does work!

    How does T25 compare to Insanity intensity wise?
  • 2tired2think
    2tired2think Posts: 36 Member
    At least 2 people in the T25 videos are over 40 :)

    I'm in my 30's but am working off old injuries. I try to pace it so I'm going slow enough to keep correct form, but fast enough to keep it challenging.

    I am in my early 40's, but like this^ poster, I'm working through some physical issues. I have ongoing back and hip issues (I know -- I'm too young for this :wink: ), and I had a nasty fall early in the winter that did a real number on my knee. I follow Tanya consistently, but I still have to watch the twisting (face left, lunge, face right, lunge). I do feel that if I try to keep up with their pace, sometimes even Tanya's speed, I will be sacrificing form and risking injury. So, I agree, pace it slow enough to keep correct form but fast enough to be challenging. I am on week 1 of Beta. I haven't measured my inches lost yet, but I have lost about 4 pounds watching what I eat and working through Alpha. I've not been able to double up the workouts on any days, and there have even been a time or two when I completely missed a workout.
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Day 2 in the books. Did speed 1.0. Loved it!
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    Please keep us posted on how it goes for you, 2tired!
  • maurabelanger1
    maurabelanger1 Posts: 6 Member
    In week 3 & Love it! I would say just find a time you can be consistent everyday ( I do it first thing every morning) and just keep With it. So much more energy & I really look forward to waking up and working out!!! Also, like others I haven't done a double friday as time constraints in morning and getting myself and 3 year old out the door make it impossible unless I get up at 4:30!! : ) so, I have been doing the ab interval on saturday with another form of cardio. (Usually extra speed 1.0) and stretch/rest on sunday! Think you'll love it. Good luck!!!
  • maurabelanger1
    maurabelanger1 Posts: 6 Member
    Day 2 in the books. Did speed 1.0. Loved it!

    In week 3 and its definitely my favorite workout!! Love it!
  • Day 3 completed. I found this the hardest of all so far, but I had cycled to work today as well which is 20 mile round trip.

    The moves into and out of the plank progressions I found particularly hard as I am a big guy (260 lbs), hoping that with time and some weight off/power built these will get easier.

    Good luck with day 3 everyone
  • 2tired2think
    2tired2think Posts: 36 Member
    I'm excited about Beta because I'm moving on to something different (I get bored easily). I did the Core Cardio the first day, but I must have still been asleep because I can't remember much .,, lol (I workout early A.M., usually 4:30 or 5:00). Today, I did Speed 2.0 and HOLY COW! "Speed" is right! I was cracking myself up trying to keep up with the modifier, but I was having fun. Definitely a good solid cardio! I'm looking forward to the introduction of the resistance band and strength training during this Beta phase!
  • Robin_Brown72
    Robin_Brown72 Posts: 104 Member
    Have any of you doing T25 done Rockin' Body? How does it compare?

    Tomorrow is Day 4 of Week 3 of T25 Beta cycle and I also have the Rockin' body videos. They are absolutely nothing alike. RB is more dance - great cardio workouts and I still do them because they are fun. T25 is much harder (IMO). I personally think T25 produces much better results.
  • Searching4Self
    Searching4Self Posts: 2 Member
    I plan to start next week!
  • bigsmoove2
    bigsmoove2 Posts: 7 Member
    that total body circuit was tough on week 1. glad that was over. loving it so far. wife is doing it too! #woot
  • Day four down, I didnt struggle as much today as yesterday, however I can really feel my core pinging now though as I am typing this
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Week 1 of T25 in the books. Love it so far. Excited to start week 2!
  • ashm233
    ashm233 Posts: 56 Member
    Starting week 4 today. Doubling up since I missed yesterday.