30-something looking for pals & a kick in the butt ;)

hello out there! I'm new to this AND exercising in general ;) I am looking for some friends & people with similar weight and goals.
ME: F, 33, so-Cal resident, currently 195 and trying to reach a normal BMI for my 5'5 frame. I desperately want to live a healthy lifestyle and am finding it extremely hard to get motivated to exercise. HOW DO Y'ALL DO IT!?
I have about 60 lbs to lose and I don't even know how to start :( I would love to add some friends on here & learn some of your tips :)


  • ME TOO! I added you as a friend, we can motivate eachother ????
  • I just added you too! Feel free to add me as I have similar goals. :)
  • KICK, KICK, KICK. Feel better? :flowerforyou: I just added you as a friend!!

    Let's do this!

  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I'm 39, almost a 40-something. Lol. I have very similar goals as you. I started at 200 pounds on a 5'2" frame, with about 75-80 pounds to lose. I'm willing to offer support and motivation in hopes that I'll receive the same. :)
  • webneb
    webneb Posts: 41 Member
    Once you start its hard to stop, make an exercise plan and do it no matter what excuses you tell yourself. I was in the same boat but now I am a fitness junkie. Eating well is still the hardest part but once you start exercising don't skip workouts even if they are only short walks for 30 mins or so. Its still better than sitting around being sedentary. As for eating just be honest with yourself about what you are eating, lying to yourself only leads to guilt and lack of motivation. Sometimes I lack motivation but I push myself out the door and once Im done I am always grateful I did it. Pinterest is great for motivation, There are literally thousands of boards with motivational stuff and advice. When I need to be pushed thats where I go for the motivation because 9/10 times laziness is all in my head. You can check out mine for an example if you like, http://www.pinterest.com/webneb/gym-and-fitness/
  • CBales_05
    CBales_05 Posts: 19 Member
    Congrats on your first step on your journey! One of my most helpful tips is to brush my teeth after dinner. This way I don't have the desire to eat anything before bed.

    I am always looking for more help staying motivated. Especially now..
  • crystichelle
    crystichelle Posts: 1 Member
    HI Enid! I'm in a similar boat in terms of weight and goals. I fell off the wagon there for a month or so, but i'm back up and determined. Happy to help motivate and would love some as well!

    Good luck!
  • I am neither female or that light but I can give you my take on it. I am 6'1" 345 lbs and have recently started my journey to a healthy size. In the past it was easy, I just ate less and exercised a little. Now, since I have passed the thirty five mark, things don't work as easily. I joined a gym, and that requires a serious commitment, Started seeing a nutritionist which has been the biggest single help so far and have a personal trainer to work out with. The nutritionist gave me a healthy view on food that I never had before. After following her advice for a short time I dropped 27 lbs in the first few weeks. Most of this was water retention from a high salt diet, which was a surprise to me since I do not add salt to anything. My Fitness Pal was recommended by the nutritionist and has been a great tool since I can track my intake at all times. The trick for me has been eating every two to three hours and not eating at night. Good luck in your efforts.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    31, 222 lbs, 5'5". Trying to get to 140! Add me if you want.
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    Almost 31 y/o here. I'm a decent ways into my loss goal, but not near complete with fitness goals.

    The biggest key to get me into steady exercising after 15 years of doing nothing was to just. keep. going. No excuses. None.

    And planning! I found that if I left my gym bag at home and had to go get it after work, i'd never leave. If I pack everything the night before and put it in my car, then it's easy to head straight to the gym. Has worked like a charm for me. If you work out at home, then I would still plan ahead - maybe lay everything out the night before so you get home and see it all starting at you.

    Motivating others here helps to motivate me too, so that might also give you a small kick in the butt. I'll send an add :)
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me, I'm maintaining now (5'5.5", 135lbs) and log daily. I was obsessed with Ghost World in high school and I love coleslaw, so your profile pic and name caught my attention, lol!
  • Feel free yo add me. I'm 620 days on mfp. Love this site
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    I'm 36, 5'4, 177 lbs, and just getting started on my journey. I'm a great cheerleader and I need all the support I can get too. Feel free to friend me!
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    I'm 38. Feel free to add me.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    i'm 28 but I feel older? I could use the support too
  • OhSayNow
    OhSayNow Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I am 33 and am about half way to my goal...50 lost 40-50ish to go. As for tips, for me it has really been as simple as tracking my calories and exercising more. I have had great luck with a combo of Jillian Michael's DVDs and walking, I may try adding some jogging if the snow and ice ever melt. Patience has been the hardest part for me, it took a while for me to come to terms with the fact that this is a process that takes time. Good luck, if I can do this anyone can!
  • timps10
    timps10 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 33 as well, 210lbs, and trying to get serious at this point. I want to log my food every day, and exercise frequently.
    I've been trying to get the weight off for a LONG time but I'm not going to let that get me down. I feel really good about doing it now- I feel very committed.
    I want to get down to 130-140, so to lose 80 or so pounds and be at a healthy BMI.
    I would love to motivate one another. One goal of mine is to log my food every day. We could try and do that together if you're interested. Also, feel free to message me and we can just start a regular conversation/motivational chat.
    Best wishes!
    I live in NJ, am single no kids but working on it!! :)


    I'm a Ghanaian-American female, born and raised in the US, 2 parents from Ghana, have travelled and lived abroad in Italy and Namibia and some other places, for bio's sake-- off to go write a proper bio in the section for that...

    Anyone out there who thinks we could motivate and help one another, please message and add me!
  • I am 29 5'2 need to lose 30 pounds seems so hars been trying from last two year but always lose hope after couples of days this time I want to go to the end hope I will make it this time :)
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you!
  • Enid_Coleslaw
    Enid_Coleslaw Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 33 as well, 210lbs, and trying to get serious at this point. I want to log my food every day, and exercise frequently.
    I've been trying to get the weight off for a LONG time but I'm not going to let that get me down. I feel really good about doing it now- I feel very committed.
    I want to get down to 130-140, so to lose 80 or so pounds and be at a healthy BMI.
    I would love to motivate one another. One goal of mine is to log my food every day. We could try and do that together if you're interested. Also, feel free to message me and we can just start a regular conversation/motivational chat.
    Best wishes!
    I live in NJ, am single no kids but working on it!! :)


    I'm a Ghanaian-American female, born and raised in the US, 2 parents from Ghana, have travelled and lived abroad in Italy and Namibia and some other places, for bio's sake-- off to go write a proper bio in the section for that...

    Anyone out there who thinks we could motivate and help one another, please message and add me!

    Thank you, Emefa! I too, have been trying to lose for a while--mostly WISHING, but all the same ;) I am determined to turn my lifestyle around and be healthy. Logging food seems like a good place to start--Let's be diligent loggers ;) Thanks for reminding me to log my breakfast ;)