Recently turned 30. Need some advice and support.

I just turned 30 a few months back. I've been through a ton of life changes in the last year. I have always been self conscious about my weight. However, at 5'2 and 160 lbs, this is the worst I've felt about my body and general health. My goal is not just to lose weight. My goal is to lead a healthier and happier life. I generally don't cook, but I am trying to learn. I have dreams of doing backpacking and many day hikes this summer. Also, I just joined my first 5k.
Thanks in advance for all the love and support.


  • mzfernand0
    mzfernand0 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi!! I just joined today, and I will be turning 30 in July! Ehhhh lol I'm looking for support as well and am excited to get this thing going! Good luck to you! ????
  • ReDeCook
    ReDeCook Posts: 23 Member
    I turned 30 last August and I have let myself get into the worst shape of my life. I am extremely dissappointed in myself because a couple years ago I was in the best shape I have ever been.

    I started nursing school and stopped working out. With the stress of exams and clinicals, I have been stress eating and even stopped doing my morning yoga. I want to lose a least 50lbs or more. I want to get down to a healthy weight again and feel comfortable in my clothes.

    I work a crazy swing shift around my clinicals schedule, so I would also like to figure out how to fit workouts around my school and work. I am a vegetarian and eat generarly healthy, but there are some vices I need to work on.

    I would really like any advice, and support I can get.
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi, I'm 35. You are already at a good start because you decided to make some changes! I knew at 30 that I needed to do something, but I think I got caught up in negative thinking and not believing in myself. Over the last few years I've made small changes in my lifestyle and diet, which has helped me to feel a little better. One of the big changes was that I taught myself how to cook (and bake, which halted some of my weight loss!)

    On the cooking front, look around online for some recipes. There are plenty out there and a lot that are healthy and taste good! I learned a lot by googling techniques that I wasn't familiar with.

    I think it's exciting that you want to backpack and hike! That sounds like a lot of fun! And WTG on signing up for your first 5k! I'm thinking about trying one this summer or fall, but keep chickening out when it comes to signing up. I've never been a runner and have never been able to run a mile, but I really want to try!

    You can do this! If you want to friend me you can. I can definitely do encouraging and supportive!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    30 is the new 20!
    I'm nearly 40 and look and feel 25 due to health and fitness!

    If able, hire a good PT in your area and learn how to lift weights in the gym.
    You'll me a ton of people who like lifting and will keep you motivated.

    My biggest tip is to slowly change what you do negatively, into positive things.
    Don't try to change everything at once.

  • emilyschunatz
    emilyschunatz Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys! It is so great to hear from people that know how I feel. I've managed to drink more water and go on some walks the last few days. I always feel a ton better when I am outside and in the sun, regardless of how much exercise I actually get done. I wish you all luck!
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    The 30's are the best! Happy birthday!
  • Pats2KDynasty
    The common theme I hear in most posts is the negative self-image. Although it is hard, try not to waste your time with those lies. We often are the hardest on ourselves and the negative is so easy to dwell on. Instead start replacing that those thoughts with what you have accomplished, with who you are, with how others close to you who love and know you see you, etc. Ultimately you want to get to a place where you are confident of who you are outside of accomplishments and others but it is a good starting place. It is a bit like the move "It's a Wonderful Life", we often do not realize the positive effect we have had on others and how things would not be as good without being around. Remember we are each uniquely made and have a lot to offer and a lot to be proud of and it takes each one of us in our own corner working together to make things better. Start small so that every time you get a negative thought about yourself try to see the opposite as well; you may find that the opposite is closer to the truth.