Always off the wagon. I need help.

I have struggled with self image and weight literally since childhood.

The best progress I ever made was when I loss 40 pounds. It took me a while but I did it.

I met my boyfriend and we were going out to eat a lot(However he is much more active than I am so no weight gain happened on his part). I LOVE food, I've always been a foodie. I eventually just stopped watching what I ate and exercising all together. I gained it all back.

So, I want to get back on track.

I was looking at common problems that I have with staying on track.

One, I am not a morning person so I typically grab things I can quickly eat before work. These often include sugary or things full of bad carbs. I also tend to use food to react to anything. Got a new job, I invite everyone out to eat. I feel happy, I treat myself to chinese. I feel sad, I treat myself to chinese again lol. Like I said, I am a big foodie.

Now, I do like all foods, I am not saying I only want to eat smothered nachos. When I was on track I enjoyed eating fish, cabbage(I lived on cabbage lol). I actually prefer baked, broiled, and steamed food over fried. I would season my rice with veggies instead of salts and such.

However, I am really bad and coming up with a variety of dishes. I barely boil water. I tend to get bored with fish and cabbage every night and end up going to something bad.

I work a desk job and the worst thing about my job is that we are allowed to eat at our desk. The ladies and I seriously snack something fearsome. My thinnest coworker even said that she put on twenty pounds and after watching her eat chips and soda every day I fear I will end up the same and I don't have 20 to spare! I am a snacker though, especially during the slow time of year. I also sometimes skip breakfast and end up snacking terribly through my shift.

I eat fast, and I tend to overeat.

Another concern is late night meals. I hear you are not suppose to eat 3 hours before going to bed. 3 hours always seems like a long time to me lol

So anyway, these are my "sins" and I really could use some non judgmental advice.

1) Good, filling, breakfast options
2) Simple, healthy dinners(that won't break the bank)
3) Getting from dinner to sleep without stuffing my face
4) Getting my mind to stop obsessing over food.(I'm a Taurus, we're foodies lol)
5)Healthy snacks that are filling but not heavy

I'm pretty good with sticking to the gym. I don't like home workouts and being at the gym makes me feel more motivated. I just signed up at the one opening near my home in a couple weeks and I am excited but I wanted to change my eating habits before then. Since eating is the biggest part.

So, sorry for the long story and all. I hope you can help and if you want to add me that would be great too.



  • nurse_pamela
    nurse_pamela Posts: 2 Member
    I like to measure & precook baked egg with veggies I like (green pepper, onion, garlic, little pieces of broccoli, mushrooms) in a muffin tin (like a frittata) then refridgerate them ( I've never frozen them). Then on busy mornings I just pop them in the microwave & put between a whole wheat english muffin toasted or chop them & put them on a flatbread w/ some low sodium salsa. Quick & easy. (you could put a little parmesan grated cheese in them as well--measure tho!)
  • amanstewa3
    amanstewa3 Posts: 60 Member
    I have struggled with self image and weight literally since childhood.

    The best progress I ever made was when I loss 40 pounds. It took me a while but I did it.

    I met my boyfriend and we were going out to eat a lot(However he is much more active than I am so no weight gain happened on his part). I LOVE food, I've always been a foodie. I eventually just stopped watching what I ate and exercising all together. I gained it all back.

    So, I want to get back on track.

    I was looking at common problems that I have with staying on track.

    One, I am not a morning person so I typically grab things I can quickly eat before work. These often include sugary or things full of bad carbs. I also tend to use food to react to anything. Got a new job, I invite everyone out to eat. I feel happy, I treat myself to chinese. I feel sad, I treat myself to chinese again lol. Like I said, I am a big foodie.

    Now, I do like all foods, I am not saying I only want to eat smothered nachos. When I was on track I enjoyed eating fish, cabbage(I lived on cabbage lol). I actually prefer baked, broiled, and steamed food over fried. I would season my rice with veggies instead of salts and such.

    However, I am really bad and coming up with a variety of dishes. I barely boil water. I tend to get bored with fish and cabbage every night and end up going to something bad.

    I work a desk job and the worst thing about my job is that we are allowed to eat at our desk. The ladies and I seriously snack something fearsome. My thinnest coworker even said that she put on twenty pounds and after watching her eat chips and soda every day I fear I will end up the same and I don't have 20 to spare! I am a snacker though, especially during the slow time of year. I also sometimes skip breakfast and end up snacking terribly through my shift.

    I eat fast, and I tend to overeat.

    Another concern is late night meals. I hear you are not suppose to eat 3 hours before going to bed. 3 hours always seems like a long time to me lol

    So anyway, these are my "sins" and I really could use some non judgmental advice.

    1) Good, filling, breakfast options
    2) Simple, healthy dinners(that won't break the bank)
    3) Getting from dinner to sleep without stuffing my face
    4) Getting my mind to stop obsessing over food.(I'm a Taurus, we're foodies lol)
    5)Healthy snacks that are filling but not heavy

    I'm pretty good with sticking to the gym. I don't like home workouts and being at the gym makes me feel more motivated. I just signed up at the one opening near my home in a couple weeks and I am excited but I wanted to change my eating habits before then. Since eating is the biggest part.

    So, sorry for the long story and all. I hope you can help and if you want to add me that would be great too.

    THANK YOU! ^_^

    I have no advice but just wanted to say I can totally relate to this. Describes me almost exactly. I will be watching for everyone's input. Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    I can relate to your struggles as I love food and also tend to eat emotionally, as well as needing fast convenient healthy options that still taste good and don't leave em deprived. For me the solution has been a combination of two things. I'm a big fan of 'lightening up' favorite 'bad for you' dishes. Swapping whole wheat or quinoa pasta for regular, baking 'fries', using lean ground beef, bison, or turkey in dishes,. Using cottage cheese in lasagna. Greek yogurt in place of sour cream. The second thing that has helped me is getting on the body by vi challenge and using their meal replacement shakes 2x a day and snacking on their nutra cookies. Or 1 shake and one bowl of their cereal and nutra cookies. I get my sweet tooth/carb fix without actually binging on carbs or feeling guilty. It's fast, convenient, etc. I have that for breakfast and lunch and then make a lightened up dinner. For me this has worked great. I'd be happy to share some of my dinner recipes with you, or help if you have any questions. My email is :)
    As in BODY by VI? Why not just be straight up?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    When you're serious about changing, it will happen. But that's a decision you have to make on your own. A committed person doesn't let anything stand in their way of achieving their goal.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    I found it helpful to stick to a routine.

    I tend to eat a lot of the same things, quark for breakfast with a fruit, pb and fruit and a protein shake (make from a whey kind of protein bought at a regular store like GNC), for lunch, and tuna and vegs for dinner, fruit for snacks or greek joghurt. I tend not to buy cookies, for when I do I just eat them all, and that seems to defy the attempt of weight loss for me anyway.
    I commute to work by bicycle, I walk the dog and on the days I don't work I run (well....really slowly) with my running group I just joined. Due to to work schedule I do this on average 2x a week. Some weeks once and some weeks three times.
    And then I repeat all.
    Good luck
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    There is no wagon. You don't need help. This is a process with good days and bad days. Good decisions and bad decisions. One bad day doesn't mean you are "off" anything. Just choose differently the next day. Likewise, all of the problems / obstacles you listed were just life. The solutions are obvious. It's just a matter of you choosing to implement them.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Having a regular exercise program helps me a great deal. Going to the gym and working hard can be a great motivator to eat right and want to see that attention to fitness pay off.

    I love my morning oatmeal with just a little sugar on top. Warm and filling during winter. If you want something protein rich and savory but don't want to work with a pan, you can scramble eggs using a microwave. High protein meals tend to be more satisfying.

    I also eat at my desk at lunch, and I'm a fast eater (growing up with 3 brothers I had to make sure I got my share before it all got eaten) :tongue:

    None of these things have to wreck your plans!

    I'm really into soup, salad, sandwich for lunch. Soups especially can be good because they are hot so you have to eat them slower and hearty ones are very filling. Swap out the junk food snacks for something like carrots at work if you need something to crunch on. Brush your teeth and chew gum if you need to during periods of eating. Drink water, thirst can manifest itself as being hunger or cravings when you really just need hydration.
    A great dinner can be just taking a chicken breast with a little bit of vegetables and wrapping it in tin foil (or some fish on baking paper). People demonize potatoes but I love a baked potato with it to balance the meal.

    Often I will also just set aside an evening and cook a couple of entrees that will cover meals for the rest of the week. Many on-the-go dieters will set aside certain days of the week to assemble meals ahead of time.

    At the end of the day, it's not a matter of motivation, it's a matter of decision and how much you want it. Love yourself, tell yourself you are worthy of being taken care of. Good luck!