75 pounds lost by August 17th

Hi Everyone--

My name's Katie. I've been on here in the past, and then....dropped off the face of Myfitnesspal for a few months.

Im fat. have been....basically my entire life. I got divorced a little over 3 years ago and lost weight. (it was FREEING!) but have stayed where Im currently at. which is....WAY too big. :)

I'm graduating with my teaching degree in about a year. I want to be healthy and strong. and I know my weight also affects my dating life.
I'm happy with where my life is headed and what I've been able to accomplish. but I'm tired of my weight holding me back.

so my goal is to lose 50-75 pounds (shooting for closer to 75) by my birthday in August.

So far, I've lost 8.

anybody wanna join me on this treck? Id love support and "partners in crime"


  • GinnieC100
    GinnieC100 Posts: 48 Member
    I would love to join you. I could stand to lose 40-50 lbs and my birthday is in August too, the 20th. I would be happy with a 40 lb weight loss even though it should be closer to 50. Wish I didn't yo-yo so much. I need that determination to stick to it!
  • mamma321
    mamma321 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there, I am in, I really need help to stay motivated and to keep on my workout routine, so any suggestions tips you have lets do this~!
  • Cammy_girl
    Cammy_girl Posts: 115 Member
    Hey there! My birthday is a week before yours, and I'm hoping to lose a similar amount by then. While I'd love to lose 75, the way I've been going, it will probably be closer to 30 -40.

    Hopefully with a little more accountability, i'll get my *kitten* into gear lol.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Welcome back. Why the hurry to lose so much weight quickly?

    Your weight loss goal of 75 pounds by August 17th is unrealistic and it's not very healthy either. Weight loss is generally pretty quick at first, but then slows down as you move toward your goal. You always want to lose those last 30 or fewer pounds at a slow rate.

    I encourage you to set more realistic goals.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    sure I am in. August 13th will mark my day 365/one year on this journey. I have lost some but have more to go. Even when I stop losing I will be learning the maintaining thing so I am in. I will add you. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Couponqueenren
    Couponqueenren Posts: 47 Member
    I'm with you if you'll have me. I have about 75 to lose to be happy, but more like 100 to lose to be at my proper range. But I will settle for happy :)
  • kisha1967
    kisha1967 Posts: 27 Member
    My birthday is the 24th so I'll join you. My goal will be to lose 35 pounds. This is my second time keeping track with MFP. The last one didn't last long but now I've got my game face on. I think having someone to help me stay motivated would be great.
  • I would love to join you. I have a special event which involves travel in September and would like to lose at least 50lbs by 09/01/2014. I'm all in! It also helps to have others to hold you accountable and to be an encouragement when you hit those moments. To help you understand where I am coming from I have always struggled with my weight but I have been in a new relationship for a year now and with all the outtings and dining out I have gained 25lbs in this past year. So I do understand the struggle.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    August the 17th is a great day for a Birthday :wink:

    I'd like to loose 20lbs by then, but I'm going to have to be much stricter on myself when it comes to alcohol intake if I'm going to achieve that!
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    You already can have a satisfying career and life just the way you are. You are already smart and strong and ambitious, since you're completing a college degree, and beautiful as well. I know that our appearance (or what we think of our appearance) has a lot to do with our self confidence and that affects how we deal with others, but I also know that we are wrong about that much of the time.

    All that said, however, it is far healthier for you to be at a proper weight and you are right to seek to do this for your health. Depending on the age of children you will be teaching, the improved agility that comes with less weight may make your work life easier as well.

    Even if you lose only half of what your goal for August is, you will be still be thrilled with how you look and feel. Best of luck to you.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Pick Me!!!
  • Ladytrajedi
    Ladytrajedi Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in!!...My birthday is not in August, but I did have my last child August 2nd, 2013 and gave myself 1 year to lose close to 100lbs as possible......I'm hoping to lose another 30-40 lbs by then and would definitely love the support of others with the same goal.
  • I'm in too.
  • kj26boys
    kj26boys Posts: 73 Member
    I'll be in!
  • phyllisann26
    phyllisann26 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm in too!! I have August Birthday and a trip planned for August.
  • LinzRae28
    LinzRae28 Posts: 1 Member
    Katie-would love to join you. I'm just getting back on here today and would love to lose before my wedding in August!
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm in. Vacation in August so 39 would be great for me. As for 75 lbs, I think 3lbs a week average would be 60 by then. So why not 75 as a goal? I say reach for it, if you are allitle short you can keep going!
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    Im in, my birthday is August 16th. I have a little less to lose, around 30. But id like some support!
  • August 10th birthday here. I have a total of 40 more pounds to lose, 20 of which I'd like to get rid of my my birthday. I'd love to join in.

    Feel free to add me.