10 pounds before the wedding

Hello- I am 5'5 and weigh between 152 and 156. I would like to be down to 145 by July 1. Seems it should be easy enough, right? Well I have been following MFP and have taken up spinning 3-4 times a week since Jan 1 and have not lost anything! Its so frustrutaing. My First fitting is April 4, and I would love to be down the weight by then- or at least down to 147. Any tip or suggestions?


  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Did you take measurements? Some people will find that they lose inches before pounds.

    Are you clothes any looser?
  • Andy__Dane
    Andy__Dane Posts: 46 Member
    Remember that spinning, especially if you don't do any cycling generally, will probably build your leg muscles. Cyclists tend to have strong calf and quad muscles. So don't be disheartened and don't concentrate on weight. Keep measurements of waist etc as well and you'll see where the changes are happening.
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    Have you checked your measurements? Sometimes you will see loss of inches before loss of weight. Are you eating at a deficit? I am working my butt off but not seeing any weight loss right now. However, I know I haven't been eating at the deficit that I need to to lose.
  • Why don't you try cutting way down on the carbs for a week or two.
    I know you are not supposed to eliminate any foods from your diet as it's not sustainable in the long run, but maybe limit your carbs to one meal in a day and preferably at breakfast or lunch so that your evening meal is just protein and vegetables.
    That might help to start shifting things.
    I read an interview with Dawn French who said all she did to lose her weight was cut out the carbs. And she lost a damn sight more than 10lbs.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error. It's possible that you're underestimating your food &/or overestimating your burns. Weigh your food. Eat back half your exercise calories.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • mistyblu13
    mistyblu13 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello- I am 5'5 and weigh between 152 and 156. I would like to be down to 145 by July 1. Seems it should be easy enough, right? Well I have been following MFP and have taken up spinning 3-4 times a week since Jan 1 and have not lost anything! Its so frustrutaing. My First fitting is April 4, and I would love to be down the weight by then- or at least down to 147. Any tip or suggestions?

    I did this to myself as well- just said our vows the 15th- and I had only lost 4 lbs lol which isn't anything really but I realized that with all the added pressure I was putting on myself I just made it worse- I lost sleep worrying about my weight amongst other more pressing matters but what it all boiled down to in the end that even though I wasn't where I wanted to be at for my wedding I was still marrying my best friend and he still thought I was the most beautiful woman in the world and that's all that mattered!
    That being said ...you said you were taking spinning classes with no results....you might want to check your calories ...if you are getting too few =that can cause the exact opposite of loss....your body needs cals to function daily....so with the calories you are burning each day working out and even just breathing ....dont go below 1200 cals but most likely you should be taking in at least 2000 those days minimum....those classes are tough!! lol even at moderate level for 60 min you are burning a little over 800 cals!! :) God Bless and Congrats on your upcoming union!! :)
  • Thank everyone- right now I am trying to eat around 1400 calories a day after exercise. I use a HRM while in class- and average between 130 ( rest periods) and 174 (full on workout peaks)- and per the bike I am burning around 350-400 calories per 45 min class (with watts around 120ish, RPM around 79).

    I will try to cut carbs- I know I do not eat a lot of protein, with the exception of seafood am not a huge meat person. I do eat a decent amount of fruit and veggies. I am more of a grazer, I would rather snack than eat a full meal, but I am trying to change that by eating dinner every night.

    Another downfall for me- alcohol. I always include those calories- and try to make better choices, light beer, wine, or vodka with diet soda
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I will try to cut carbs- I know I do not eat a lot of protein, with the exception of seafood am not a huge meat person. I do eat a decent amount of fruit and veggies. I am more of a grazer, I would rather snack than eat a full meal, but I am trying to change that by eating dinner every night.
    Everybody's different, but what works for me is using the MFP protein goal as a minimum and ignoring carbs & fat. High-protein snacks include hard-boiled eggs, portion-controlled nuts & cheese, greek yogurt, hummus…
  • mistyblu13
    mistyblu13 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank everyone- right now I am trying to eat around 1400 calories a day after exercise. I use a HRM while in class- and average between 130 ( rest periods) and 174 (full on workout peaks)- and per the bike I am burning around 350-400 calories per 45 min class (with watts around 120ish, RPM around 79).

    I will try to cut carbs- I know I do not eat a lot of protein, with the exception of seafood am not a huge meat person. I do eat a decent amount of fruit and veggies. I am more of a grazer, I would rather snack than eat a full meal, but I am trying to change that by eating dinner every night.

    Another downfall for me- alcohol. I always include those calories- and try to make better choices, light beer, wine, or vodka with diet soda

    I am a beer drinker from way back lol when I was younger 20-30's I could drink 3-4 a week while dieting and still lose weight now after 40- no way! wont budge! lol so that might be part of it for you too- the alcohol not the age lol also protein is your friend ...you don't need to eat meats to get protein if youd rather not no sugar added yogurt is goodwith a lil raw honey....cheese sticks....lentils per cup has 16 grams
    Other beans high in protein per cup cooked: Kidney Beans (17g), White Beans (17g), Lima Beans (15g), Fava Beans (14g), Black Beans (15g), Mung Beans (14g).
    Read more at http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/foods-highest-in-protein.php#AJDD1qmg4ZQwmTjZ.99
    almond milk is another good source
    not sure how you could fit those into your grazing eating style but maybe check out recipes.com they might have some recipes that would use some of those items into finger foods.....I make a veggie soup with those in there along with oyster mushrooms that is really good and you can take a cup or two to go with you :)