
I am struggling to get back on track with eating and exercising. I keep making poor food choices and I have not been able to get up in the morning to work out. This winter is killing me! I think I gained about 10lbs. Any advice for getting back on track????


  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    Not sure as I seem to be struggling too but giving in is not an option. Keep logging your food and if you fail one day, pick yourself up and try again the next. Life is for living, not being on a really restrictive diet all the time so it's finding that balance that we all strive for. Good luck and hope you get your mojo back, me too :) Sent you a friend request
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Just do it!!! I was also struggling to get up to work out. BUT, I forced myself to do it 3 times a week (think alarm clock across the room so you HAVE to get out of bed). Before I knew it, I was actually looking forward to getting up to work out. Then, I started noticing that I was looking better and that in itself was a HUGE motivator!!

    As for the poor food choices, I log everything BEFORE I eat it. That's my reality check. If I feel guilty after I log it, I usually just pass on it.

    Just do it!!
  • HappyNewTamera2014

    When you really want to will.
  • mrsg2006
    mrsg2006 Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks ALL!
    ALl are good ideas. I just have ot do it!
  • SilverLuster
    My best modivational tactic is to mentally prepare myself. "I AM working out today." Getting my feet moving towards the gym is the hardest part, but if you frequently tell yourself 'its happening, no excuses' 'this will be fun' then it is less of a foot dragger to get you moving. Just remember, as soon as you are done with your work out, you can do whatever else you need to get done during the day. (For me, that means I get to to relax). Also consider that you might not be a morning person and schedule your work out in the evening? Keep trying new things, mix it up, make it FUN. If you have to join a work out class (I have fun in Zumba! The ladies there are all smiles.)

    As for food, I find that if I prepare a couple meals to use throughout my week it will help me stay on course. I did this with egg muffins, oat meal, salads. I've come to the conclusion, its the first four bites of a meal that taste the best. If I absolutlly have a craving for something, I can go ahead and let myself have a couple bites of it and not have to face the full on punishment of calorie overload. Samething goes for non diet salad dressings and mayo: go ahead and give yourself a tsp of it, not the full serving is needed; just enough for flavor. Other options, involve less processed food. Fruit, Veggies, Nuts, Eggs, Oatmeal. They're simple to cook or prepare to eat raw. I also know that it takes longer for protiens and fats to be broken down, so if I know my meal is dominantly protien or fat, then I should give myself a snack with carbs to help keep my blood sugar stable while I wait for my body to break down more calories to keep me going. I try to stay away from large carb based meals because I know I'll just be hungry within an hour.

    Also, hunger can be mistaken for thirst! So reach for a full glass of water (or sugar free flavored water) to drink down before reaching for that sugary treat. It might be what your body is really asking for: fluids! Another factor, alot of calories are hidden in drinks... Reach for unsweet tea or water when you can and avoid sodas, juices, fancy coffess when you can. Allow yourself a small taste to quell your craving, but remind yourself you're doing this for YOU, you're doing yourself a favor! :)

    These are small tricks, waht doesn't work for me may not work for you but I hope these help! Good luck! (I know I need luck too!)