Calorie Recovery Question

Question for fitness gurus please...

When is the ideal time to recover calories after exercise?

If I have burned 800+ calories in an early morning run, is it best to try and get those back as quickly as possible, or is it something that can / should be spaced over the course of the day?



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Meal timing doesn't matter.

    People have found great success using a variety of methods. I'm bumping this now, but will try to dig up articles when I get home tonight. The evidence against meal timing mattering is pretty clear.
  • johnrcallaway
    johnrcallaway Posts: 8 Member
    Any information is appreciated.


  • meankeen
    meankeen Posts: 49 Member
    Meal timing doesn't matter regarding fat loss, however, for energy it is very depended. You can eat nothing all day, and then chuck down 2000 calories right before bed without having to worry.

    But like I said, energy wise it isn't very smart, so for the sake of energy, I'd distribute small meals throughout the whole day (these meals should consist out of 200-350 calories). If I take myself as an example, I eat small meals, every 2 to 3 hours (sometimes more time in between). And right before bed I take a bigger meal consisting maybe around 500 calories. I do that because I can't sleep on an empty stomach, and it lets me sleep like a baby all night long without having the urge to eat in the middle of a night when taking a piss ;)