Friends! Friendly firends! Female, 5'6", 214lbs

Once upon a time I weighed 317lbs. Now, 103lbs down and just a little longer to go. Whoa, it took YEARS for me to get comfortable with admitting my weight anywhere, even on the faceless internet! I need some supporting friends on here to keep me busting butt and staying on track! Anyone is appreciated.


  • Hi Gab, I know what you mean... i couldn't except my weight for so long i made every excuse in the world after me being sick for about 9 years and then having my gallbladder out a year and a half ago made me really look at myself in a different light. I travel a lot for business and I saw how hard it was getting for me being on flights being 65 lbs over weight was hard for me i was so out of breath im only 5'2 soooo...something had to change. I'm down 28 lbs its been hard because when you run to food for comfort or just anything and you don't have that any more you really don't know what to do. I have 30 more lbs to my Goal and I'm so excited! Im actually seeing results! Id love to be your fitness Pal!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    omg girl! i love your traveling spirit! i would love to hike the pacific trail! what an amazing trek that would be.
  • Carolynfw
    Carolynfw Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Ladies, I too am looking for DEDICATED FITNESS PALS :smile: . I have friends that don't log on for MONTHS at a time. I love to encourage others and WANT to be encouraged as well.
  • Hi! I am Becky. A group of 3 others were on Rachael Ray on 1/6/14 and 2/6/14. We are called the Flab 4. We have a group on FB now of over 2000 people! We encourage each other daily. Please feel free to search Flab 4 Shredder Revolution on FB. You don't have to follow the Shred diet (From Dr. Ian Smith). A lot of us do but there are some that just get on there for motivation and to motivate. You are doing a GREAT job!! Keep it up. I am 232 and started at 266 in November. 5' 8" and 44 years old.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I'm 5'7" and started around the same weight as you and got down to 204. I'm back up to 240ish now, but working on it everyday! :) Feel free to add me.
  • gothisavi
    gothisavi Posts: 26 Member
    i have started off pretty similar stats as you down to under 200lbs and still going for it! sent a friends request so lets do this!!!