NUTRIBULLET Giving it a shot.

Well, I broke down and bought a Nutribullet and started using it this morning. Had 1 cup of Kale / 1 cup of spinach / half a banana / mixed berries / some almonds and a little honey. Pretty damn good. I will be supplementing 1 to 2 meals per day until I reach my goal. I'm kind of a big athletic guy, 269lbs!!! Whew...looks so much worse when I type it. My goal is to make 210 lbs. I have weighed less than that in the past but when I've been under 210 I start to look a little emaciated. If anyone has any nutribullet recipes or meal recipes let me know. I love to cook. Which is obvious given the pounds I have packed on.

Looking for a little support and a friend or two. Wish me luck.


  • Sweetpea6896
    Sweetpea6896 Posts: 66 Member
    Good luck, you can do it!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I basically make smoothies with whatever I have on hand (mostly greens like spinach and kale and berries) I also add hemp seeds, flax oil, coconut water.

    If you are using as a meal replacement I would add protein powder - it ups the calories but will keep you sated between meals.

    This one is pretty good:

    1/2 an avocado
    70 g pineapple
    1/2 banana
    1/2 cup spinach (or other leafy green)
    1/2 cup coconut water
    juice from 1/2 lime
    1/4 cup fresh parsley (optional)

    If it's too thick just add a little water
  • Redgal56
    Redgal56 Posts: 73 Member
    I bought one in January and I LOVE IT! You can google all kinds of recipes. My favorite is 1 cup water, 1 T Flaxseed, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 banana, handful of baby spinach, 1 T Almond Butter, 2 teas lemon juice, cup of ice. It is so yummy and has Omegas, potassium, iron, protein, and flavor! Today I substituted coconut water for the plain water and left the banana out. The coconut water has 6 times the potassium of one banana! Have fun! I know I am!
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I second the comment about including protein powder. Also try to add fat, maybe in the form of peanut butter, avocado, or even just some coconut oil. You'll stay full longer, and it's good for you!
  • catherinewebb102
    I love my NUTRIBULLET it has helped me so much. Enjoy
  • christa279
    christa279 Posts: 222 Member
    I love my Nutribullet and have had it since just before Christmas! I agree with adding protein powder or peanut butter, if you are using as a meal replacement, to help you feel full a little longer. I started using mine to get me used to eating breakfast, since I hadn't been for so long.

    There has only been one recipe that I haven't liked (that I've made so far) and it's the "Inflammation Elimination" one that is in the book that comes with it. I was not a big fan of the bitterness of the rinds and the grapefruit. Everything else I have loved!