Lose 1 stone

My weight has really fluctuated over the past few months (especially with Christmas) and I am now 4lbs over my previous goal weight of 10stone.
I'm looking to shift a stone in a few months. I have a holiday looming in June and would love to have my weight maintained and controlled by then. Who doesn't want to look good on holiday.

I'm a short 5'3" so weight seems to be slow and I do carry my weight around the middle. Any advice or suggestions for food and gym workouts would be great.

If anyone else would like to join me in a weekly weigh in and a stone loss challenge then just add me. It'd be great to hear from you!!

Good luck with your losses


  • athertonsl
    athertonsl Posts: 9 Member
    Me and two of my colleagues started counting calories 7 weeks ago, we are all aiming to lose a stone as a starter before one of them gets married in May. We are all doing really well and have lost about 7lbs each!!

    In respect to weight around the middle, there isn't really anything you can do to target that area. As the weight comes off, it will eventually come off from there and then you could maybe look at toning up. My tummy has got smaller just from eating less and running. Unfortunately you can't choose where it comes off!
  • I have a real bad relationship with calorie counting as it seems that when I do that my weight doesn't budge. This either means there's some weird coincidence, I'm doing something wrong or it doesn't work for me. Do you always eat the calories you've worked off? I.e if you go to the gym and burn 300 calories, do you then treat yourself or make up for it with dinner?

    I'm trying the whole Mediterranean cave man eating clean and working out method, in the hope that it works this time.

    Good luck to you and your friends!!