DESSERT! Cherry/strawberry cheesecake



  • missblissspa
    missblissspa Posts: 26 Member
    Have to do this.. Thanks so much.

    You are awesome! Keep working hard <3
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Posters often complain about criticism of their fake food recipes, but there would be much less of it if there were fewer B.S. topic titles like this. Just say "Jello recipe" rather than cheesecake. This sounds gross to me but whatever floats your boat.

    If you don't like the recipe don't make, but to call it gross is rude. I consider donuts and fast food gross, but I would never insult anybody that decides to eat that stuff or post pictures.

    There are more BS topics in MFP, specially the ones with horny pictures and sexy implications which in my opinion don't belong in a fitness forum, so go ahead and if it floats your boat post in them.

    I love how sensitive the fake food crowd is. I simply told the OP that if she doesn't want criticism then don't post misleading thread titles. I'm terribly sorry that pictures of people with less clothing on a fitness website offends you. Perhaps, you should go back to church and beg forgiveness from your god or something for seeing them. I'm sure your eyes and soul burn from it all.

    Your lack of class and respect. and your narrow minded view of moral values are so evident, that I will not even bother responding to your comment any further. Have a good day.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Posters often complain about criticism of their fake food recipes, but there would be much less of it if there were fewer B.S. topic titles like this. Just say "Jello recipe" rather than cheesecake. This sounds gross to me but whatever floats your boat.

    If you don't like the recipe don't make, but to call it gross is rude. I consider donuts and fast food gross, but I would never insult anybody that decides to eat that stuff or post pictures.

    There are more BS topics in MFP, specially the ones with horny pictures and sexy implications which in my opinion don't belong in a fitness forum, so go ahead and if it floats your boat post in them.

    I love how sensitive the fake food crowd is. I simply told the OP that if she doesn't want criticism then don't post misleading thread titles. I'm terribly sorry that pictures of people with less clothing on a fitness website offends you. Perhaps, you should go back to church and beg forgiveness from your god or something for seeing them. I'm sure your eyes and soul burn from it all.

    Your lack of class and respect. and your narrow minded view of moral values are so evident, that I will not even bother responding to your comment any further. Have a good day.

    There there, have a flower. :flowerforyou:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Posters often complain about criticism of their fake food recipes, but there would be much less of it if there were fewer B.S. topic titles like this. Just say "Jello recipe" rather than cheesecake. This sounds gross to me but whatever floats your boat.

    If you don't like the recipe don't make, but to call it gross is rude. I consider donuts and fast food gross, but I would never insult anybody that decides to eat that stuff or post pictures.

    There are more BS topics in MFP, specially the ones with horny pictures and sexy implications which in my opinion don't belong in a fitness forum, so go ahead and if it floats your boat post in them.

    I love how sensitive the fake food crowd is. I simply told the OP that if she doesn't want criticism then don't post misleading thread titles. I'm terribly sorry that pictures of people with less clothing on a fitness website offends you. Perhaps, you should go back to church and beg forgiveness from your god or something for seeing them. I'm sure your eyes and soul burn from it all.

    Your lack of class and respect. and your narrow minded view of moral values are so evident, that I will not even bother responding to your comment any further. Have a good day.

    There there, have a flower. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you, I love flowers!!! :heart:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Posters often complain about criticism of their fake food recipes, but there would be much less of it if there were fewer B.S. topic titles like this. Just say "Jello recipe" rather than cheesecake. This sounds gross to me but whatever floats your boat.

    If you don't like the recipe don't make, but to call it gross is rude. I consider donuts and fast food gross, but I would never insult anybody that decides to eat that stuff or post pictures.

    There are more BS topics in MFP, specially the ones with horny pictures and sexy implications which in my opinion don't belong in a fitness forum, so go ahead and if it floats your boat post in them.

    I love how sensitive the fake food crowd is. I simply told the OP that if she doesn't want criticism then don't post misleading thread titles. I'm terribly sorry that pictures of people with less clothing on a fitness website offends you. Perhaps, you should go back to church and beg forgiveness from your god or something for seeing them. I'm sure your eyes and soul burn from it all.

    Your lack of class and respect. and your narrow minded view of moral values are so evident, that I will not even bother responding to your comment any further. Have a good day.

    There there, have a flower. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you, I love flowers!!! :heart:

    You're welcome. I'm a giver. :wink:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Do you use maraschino cherries?
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    I bet a lot of fruits would be great in this. Mango, peach! Its a nice treat for sure!
  • missblissspa
    missblissspa Posts: 26 Member
    Do you use maraschino cherries?

    Yes I do, but feel free to experiment if you do not like cherries! I like bebubble's comment to also try mango and peach!
  • fighterwithin
    fighterwithin Posts: 33 Member
    this sounds very yummy ^_^ as someone who very much enjoys "fake food" (whatever that is :P) i will def have to try <3 probably with blueberries as well <3
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    The real stuff is 1,000 calories and 80 carbs... I highly suggest not eating the real stuff abadvat. Eating the real stuff is why most of us here! I'm on an 800 calorie a day diet so if I ate the real stuff I couldn't eat for the rest of the day and have to work off 200 calories at the gym!
    Only 800 calories?!
    Are you here to get healthy or just lose weight? Because that's not nearly enough to support your organs, let alone satisfy hunger!
    Not that you need to eat the "real stuff" (the point is that you want something that tastes good, so this recipe, if you like it, is good for that!) but you should probably up your calorie goals, maybe go see a doctor or nutritionist to set something more reasonable.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    The real stuff is 1,000 calories and 80 carbs... I highly suggest not eating the real stuff abadvat. Eating the real stuff is why most of us here! I'm on an 800 calorie a day diet so if I ate the real stuff I couldn't eat for the rest of the day and have to work off 200 calories at the gym!

    Don't necessarily agree with the "Eating the real stuff is why most of us here" part.

    Some people are here because they have no or very limited knowledge of what they are eating and how much they are supposed to eat. It is a common trend to eventually blame it on food or brands because people have been double stuffing their mouths with too much food over too much time and eventually put themselves over extreme and most time unhealthy diets hopping to find solutions.

    It would be good to acknowledge and understand that people do not put on weight / fat over 1 slice of real cheese cake just like people do not get slim, lean, toned or trimmed over a salad and cold water.

    I do not know you, I do not know your stats, I do not know your fitness regime nor your medical conditions but under general circumstances and adult eating 800 calories in most cases is extremely unhealthy (both mentally and physically).
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Finally, a use for my vitamix! :bigsmile:
  • missblissspa
    missblissspa Posts: 26 Member
    The real stuff is 1,000 calories and 80 carbs... I highly suggest not eating the real stuff abadvat. Eating the real stuff is why most of us here! I'm on an 800 calorie a day diet so if I ate the real stuff I couldn't eat for the rest of the day and have to work off 200 calories at the gym!

    Don't necessarily agree with the "Eating the real stuff is why most of us here" part.

    Some people are here because they have no or very limited knowledge of what they are eating and how much they are supposed to eat. It is a common trend to eventually blame it on food or brands because people have been double stuffing their mouths with too much food over too much time and eventually put themselves over extreme and most time unhealthy diets hopping to find solutions.

    It would be good to acknowledge and understand that people do not put on weight / fat over 1 slice of real cheese cake just like people do not get slim, lean, toned or trimmed over a salad and cold water.

    I do not know you, I do not know your stats, I do not know your fitness regime nor your medical conditions but under general circumstances and adult eating 800 calories in most cases is extremely unhealthy (both mentally and physically).

    totally agree because I had no idea what most foods nutritional facts were until I joined this! So thankful for this website and the iPhone app! It isn't unhealthy actually, when your pretty much only eating protein (I usually eat a LOT of fish) and fruits and veg its easy to be well fed and not be hungry! I use my fitness pal to look up how many calories are in fruits and veg all the time and its pretty much nothing. So most calories come from protein (turkey sausage, fish, and ham or chicken for lunch)!
  • missblissspa
    missblissspa Posts: 26 Member
    The real stuff is 1,000 calories and 80 carbs... I highly suggest not eating the real stuff abadvat. Eating the real stuff is why most of us here! I'm on an 800 calorie a day diet so if I ate the real stuff I couldn't eat for the rest of the day and have to work off 200 calories at the gym!
    Only 800 calories?!
    Are you here to get healthy or just lose weight? Because that's not nearly enough to support your organs, let alone satisfy hunger!
    Not that you need to eat the "real stuff" (the point is that you want something that tastes good, so this recipe, if you like it, is good for that!) but you should probably up your calorie goals, maybe go see a doctor or nutritionist to set something more reasonable.

    I see a doctor every other week and I am healthy, have a great blood pressure! I would not suggest other people consume 800 calories ever without seeing a doctor or learning what to eat and what not to eat. I eat a ton of fish, fruits, and non-starchy veg. I use my fitness pal to find out calories and fruit and veg do not have many calories and you burn most of them eating it anyway so most of my calorie intake is all protein and nuts!
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    Sounds like you are eating very CLEAN. by your weight loss, I wish I were that successful..
  • missblissspa
    missblissspa Posts: 26 Member
    Sounds like you are eating very CLEAN. by your weight loss, I wish I were that successful..

    Thanks girl! I try but I am a woman so dessert is my pitfall, which is why I do stuff like this to satisfy that craving. I also keep fruit out where I can see it so I'm more likely to pick it up and eat it. You WILL be successful you just have to keep a diary of what you're eating on myfitnesspal or the app so you can be more aware. I try to never let 48 hours go by without excising, even a 30 min walk will do the trick! I'm here for support if you need it :)
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    The real stuff is 1,000 calories and 80 carbs... I highly suggest not eating the real stuff abadvat. Eating the real stuff is why most of us here! I'm on an 800 calorie a day diet so if I ate the real stuff I couldn't eat for the rest of the day and have to work off 200 calories at the gym!

    I don't want to get into it, but yeah, a lot of people would lose that much weight if they weren't eating enough. Even people in concentration camps got 900 calories. Of course, they were then forced to work it off, but my point is, you're starving yourself worse than Nazis starved my relatives. That's not healthy. EDIT - you say you've been to a doctor. If you've discussed this plan with a doctor and he/she hasn't said that this is generally considered unhealthy, especially long term, then I'm not so sure about his qualifications.

    I also wish you had mentioned that this was a substitution thing and not a real cheesecake with healthier ingredients. I don't much care if I click on a link and then go back - it doesn't take that much time - but I'm just saying that I don't think that other poster intended to be rude. I think he just didn't want to click on something only to find out it was something else.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    The real stuff is 1,000 calories and 80 carbs... I highly suggest not eating the real stuff abadvat. Eating the real stuff is why most of us here! I'm on an 800 calorie a day diet so if I ate the real stuff I couldn't eat for the rest of the day and have to work off 200 calories at the gym!

    I don't want to get into it, but yeah, a lot of people would lose that much weight if they weren't eating enough. Even people in concentration camps got 900 calories. Of course, they were then forced to work it off, but my point is, you're starving yourself worse than Nazis starved my relatives. That's not healthy. EDIT - you say you've been to a doctor. If you've discussed this plan with a doctor and he/she hasn't said that this is generally considered unhealthy, especially long term, then I'm not so sure about his qualifications.

    I also wish you had mentioned that this was a substitution thing and not a real cheesecake with healthier ingredients. I don't much care if I click on a link and then go back - it doesn't take that much time - but I'm just saying that I don't think that other poster intended to be rude. I think he just didn't want to click on something only to find out it was something else.

    Nope. I'm pure evil. I'm actually out to eradicate fake food recipes by any means necessary . . .

    Ok. No. Yes, I really just didn't like getting suckered in by yet another one of these. No biggie for me, though I think I stressed a couple if others out something fierce! :tongue:
  • missblissspa
    missblissspa Posts: 26 Member
    The real stuff is 1,000 calories and 80 carbs... I highly suggest not eating the real stuff abadvat. Eating the real stuff is why most of us here! I'm on an 800 calorie a day diet so if I ate the real stuff I couldn't eat for the rest of the day and have to work off 200 calories at the gym!

    I don't want to get into it, but yeah, a lot of people would lose that much weight if they weren't eating enough. Even people in concentration camps got 900 calories. Of course, they were then forced to work it off, but my point is, you're starving yourself worse than Nazis starved my relatives. That's not healthy. EDIT - you say you've been to a doctor. If you've discussed this plan with a doctor and he/she hasn't said that this is generally considered unhealthy, especially long term, then I'm not so sure about his qualifications.

    I also wish you had mentioned that this was a substitution thing and not a real cheesecake with healthier ingredients. I don't much care if I click on a link and then go back - it doesn't take that much time - but I'm just saying that I don't think that other poster intended to be rude. I think he just didn't want to click on something only to find out it was something else.

    I'm not deprived of food, I'm 172 pounds and I did not get this way depriving myself, if I was "starving" I have plenty of fat for my body to use as fuel.
    I eat well... No starving here

    I love desert so I made this recipe. I could go to cheesecake factory and have a 1,000 calorie and 80 carb slice of a real cheesecake but doing that would be detrimental to my goals. I only posted this to help some people, like me, find a dessert that would fix the craving for something sweet and continue to lose weight.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Sounds like you are eating very CLEAN. by your weight loss, I wish I were that successful..

    Just a note - eating clean is a choice people make which does not determine or impact weight loss any differently than if you eating "non clean".
    Quantity and selection of macronutrients based on timings are the main drivers of phisical changes depending on your objectives and phisical activity levels.