How do you know what your final weight goal should be?



  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far!

    What is your height? I know you don't want to know about BMI calculations but they are a good way of finding a weight range that is healthy. Extensive research has been done and found that (at the population level, anyway) people who have a BMI of 20-25 (roughly) have fewer lifestyle related diseases and lower mortality.

    Yes, I did forget to list my height. I am 5' 4" which is short.

    At 5' 4" your BMI is 29.7 (in the overweight category) at your current weight of 173 pounds. Your original goal of 145 pounds puts you at a BMI of 24.9, on the higher side of a normal weight. I think the best thing to do is discuss it with your doctor and decide between yourselves which is the best thing for you :)

  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    For me, my ideal weight for forever, is what I weighed when I was 19.
    But the answer to your question is, you're ideal weight should be whatever you feel comfortable with! I think it would be wonderful to go into maintenance mode now if that's what you want. I actually lost more weight at the beginning when I transitioned to maintenance.
  • NoTry_JustDo
    Sue, I agree with you about how maybe the charts shouldn't apply to all ages across the board. I also agree with whoever said that some of your weight will likely the weight of the excess skin.

    I am the same height as you, and don't know yet what my goal weight will be. I do know a couple of things, though... when I was in my 20s, 145 looked and felt heavy. When I got down to that weight again in my 40s, I looked and felt much slimmer. Not sure why... just body composition changes, I guess. Now, I am in my 60s, and my main goal is to just look "normal"... and not any more wrinkly than I have to. I have a feeling that I'd look more gaunt than I wanted, if I attempted to get to 145 now. I'm thinking of 160-170 myself... but will know better when I get there. It partly depends on how much I'm able to tone up my muscles.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I agree, Sue. It is a real struggle to decide where to come to a stop. I have been so focused on losing weight for the last 4.5 years that I have a hard time saying.. "Enough is enough." I, as well, can see my ribs, hip bones and collarbones, however, I am still at 185#. It feels like failure to stop losing when the BMI calculator says you're still overweight. However, I would need to weigh 159 in order to crack into that Healthy BMI range. Knowing I have a minimum 10-15 pounds of excess skin after losing 200+ pounds, I cannot imagine getting down to 159 on the scale. THe number wouldn't be accurate for me with the excess skin factored in. I am looking to 175 as a stopping point right now. I guess I will see how I feel at that point. Oh, and I am 5'7" :smile:
  • MammaC66
    MammaC66 Posts: 132 Member
    I have had the same dilemma as you. I have been maintaining now for almost 3 months, but still struggle with whether I should lose another 5 pounds or so, because I didn't get down to my original goal weight. I have been maintaining at 163 give or take a couple pounds. I am 65 years old and 5'6" tall. I am wearing size 6 or 8 in skirts and dresses and a small in most tops. I have the same loose skin issues as you have, and it doesn't seem to bother my hubby at all. lol I am large framed and since I have been doing strength training for over a year now, I have some pretty good muscles inside all that extra skin. I am wearing the same size cloths as my 28 year old daughter who is a couple inches taller than me and about weighs 5 or 10 pounds less than I do. Everyone I tell that I am thinking about losing 5 or so more pounds tells me I don't need to lose any more. My blood pressure is now normal and my cholesterol numbers are really good now also. I feel so much better, and have recently started jogging some, which I never thought I would be able to do at my age. So, all that considered I am thinking that maybe I should just be happy where I am and stop feeling frustrated that I didn't reach my "goal". Maybe I just didn't have a realistic goal in mind to begin with. Another consideration is choosing a weight that we will be able to maintain reasonably.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far!

    What is your height? I know you don't want to know about BMI calculations but they are a good way of finding a weight range that is healthy. Extensive research has been done and found that (at the population level, anyway) people who have a BMI of 20-25 (roughly) have fewer lifestyle related diseases and lower mortality.

    Yes, I did forget to list my height. I am 5' 4" which is short.

    At 5'4" I'd say a good goal is 140-150
  • tsimblist
    tsimblist Posts: 206 Member
    I have wrestled with the same question. At one point I had a goal of 165 which would have just put me under the overweight category on BMI. Now I am trying to maintain around 175.

    My focus has switched from weight loss to body recomposition. I am battling sarcopenia by lifting weights and eating enough to help me improve my strength without gaining weight. It is an interesing balancing act.

    I agree with others that you should try to maintain weight for a while. But what do I know about it? I'm a guy.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    When you look in the mirror and you're like 'DAMN SHE FINE!'
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I initially chose 140,which is where I was in my low 20's. When I got there, I still saw lots of areas to improve, because under the fat wasn't muscle. I dropped my goal to 130. Same. Dropped it to 125. Stayed there for a while ( I am also 5'4"). I still don't see myself as thin. I am dead center of the BMI normal numbers. I still see the saggy skin and the muffin top that I never had before I had kids. My back fat roll is gone though! I can still feel lots of fat under my skin. I dropped my goal again, this time to 120 although I would still like to get to 115. I would like to build up muscle but it is really hard unless I want to do the gain weight/bulk then lose weight/cut thing. While I still have a lower weight number in mind, I am more paranoid of gaining fat than anything else, and have running goals now. I am signed up for a 5 mile trail run in April (I recently discovered trail runs are much harder on the knees down than road running), and a 10 mile race in October. So while I would LOVE to get rid of this fat and sag and mushiness, I want to do well on the running.

    I guess my "goal" has changed from a weight goal to a fitness goal.
  • myhoneyrose
    I have been told that meeting the bmi will make me look like a drug addict and I think that maybe true for older people. Our skin is thinning and like you said, it makes it tough on the butt bones. I would go with a weight that makes you feel comfortable. No one knows your body like you do. If you feel it is time to maintain then do so. Go with your gut. My doctor told me to go with what my body tell me. He said BMI and government weight charts are for a general guide line. But we are not general, we are all specific only to ourselves, and we know when we feel good and that is not necessarily when the charts say we should. I am so happy for you and I wish you nothing but the best.
  • smkean
    smkean Posts: 132
    Personally, i have a goal weight, but will stop before or after this point as soon as i can look in the mirror and feel happy!
    (and can where a bikini on the beach again without fear that tghe RSPCA may be called all because i look like a beached whale...)
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    First of all congratulations! It sounds like you're enjoying your senior years in a whole new way. :)

    You're already under a doctors care so I'm not going into that area. I would suggest changing your weight loss goal to lose .5 pounds per week, so that you don't suddenly have to find a way to eat 300 or so extra healthy calories a day. Also I've been told by many who have done weight loss surgery that there excess skin weighs somewhere on average of 25lbs. Your doctor can probably tell you more and since you have lost over 100 pounds I'd say you're probably in the same boat with many of them.

    Keep exercising and fuel your body with good healthy foods and most importantly don't forget to keep working on strengthening your muscles.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Congratulations on your loss so far!

    What is your height? I know you don't want to know about BMI calculations but they are a good way of finding a weight range that is healthy. Extensive research has been done and found that (at the population level, anyway) people who have a BMI of 20-25 (roughly) have fewer lifestyle related diseases and lower mortality.

    Yes, I did forget to list my height. I am 5' 4" which is short.

    At 5'4" I'd say a good goal is 140-150

    Usually I'd agree with this, but depending on how much excess skin there is, it could still be too low. I'd go by % body fat. If it's possible to find a BodPod or have a Dexascan done, that's what I'd pick - can't imagine a caliper test could possibly be accurate with loose skin.

    About your surprise that you're lighter than so many younger than you - I wouldn't be. Most people these days are overweight/obese. It has honestly gotten to the point where the average person in the US doesn't seem to know what a healthy, fit person looks like. I've heard plenty of comments these last couple of weeks about some of the Olympic athletes (ice skaters in particular) looking 'emaciated'. That's nuts.
  • frantim528
    frantim528 Posts: 48 Member
    I agree with the others. If you feel good go to maintenance. You may have 20 lbs of excess skin on you. If that's the case then you've met your goal. I would focus on how you feel and a reasonable percent body fat.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I think you've received a lot of good advice so far. I'd add that once you go on a maintenance plan, you are able to change your mind again. If you're comfortable with a specific weight and feel healthy and good about yourself, it will be easier to maintain. If you feel you want to set a different goal later it will be a decision that you feel comfortable with also.
  • FMUP
    FMUP Posts: 34 Member
    First & MOST IMPORTANT - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    What a great accomplishment!

    Now, to your question... when you think about your ideal weight, I think you should take into consideration your health - for instance do you have diabetes or pre-diabetes? I'm told that weight and this disease are close cousins. Do you have high blood pressure or any type of heart disease? If so, weighing less than you do today is probably in your health's best interest. Now, let's say you have none of these.... then I'd say, you should count your goal weight as the size that makes you most happy. That may be the size you are today or smaller. Have a photo taken of yourself - take a look. Do you like the way you look (REALLY?). If yes, than go on maintenance. If no, then exercise and/or diet to get to the size you want & don't worry about the scale.

    The only thing I will say that may influence your decision more than a photo, is how do you feel - particularly your joints? If you feel pain in your joints, the weigh might be making it worse. I used to have severe back pain from sciatica. I still have sciatica, however, after I lost about 60 pounds the incidents of flare ups have gotten much less - and weight loose and exercise is the only thing that has changed.

    Finally - you shouldn't have to starve yourself to be the size you want to be. You should be able to eat a normal diet - with good food and reasonable exercise and stay your 'goal weight'. If you have to always feel like you are on a diet, then that might not be the ideal goal weight for you.

    Whatever you decide, BE HAPPY & BE PROUD because you have accomplished something absolutely wonderful!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member

    At 5' 4" your BMI is 29.7 (in the overweight category) at your current weight of 173 pounds. Your original goal of 145 pounds puts you at a BMI of 24.9, on the higher side of a normal weight. I think the best thing to do is discuss it with your doctor and decide between yourselves which is the best thing for you :)

    That is just what I did today. My doctor said that I should be fine at a weight of somewhere between 145 and 150 pounds. She was actually concerned at how much weight I have lost in such a short time; and we agreed that I should increase my calorie intake per day to about 1,250...even 1,300 calories with a focus on getting more protein into my diet. That's what I did. I upped my calories today to 1,300.

    My hemoglobin has been low, since my double knee replacement surgery in December. I will be having more blood work and some other screening in the next few weeks. My family has a history of bowel, breast and skin cancer; so, my doctor is really wanting to run some serious lab work and get me checked out by the skin and bowel folks.

    For now, I am content to up my calories a little and lose weight at a bit slower rate. After a month long plateau in January, I have lost 7 pounds in February...4 of those pounds THIS WEEK. So, a slow down won't really hurt.

    I guess that my ticker goal was closer than I thought. I will leave my final goal set at 145 pounds and just take my time getting to that number, while I increase my activity level with my new knees. I won't be weight lifting, because I am currently being treated for lumber stenosis (a protruding disk) that is being treated with cortisone at this time. I will just have to do some walking, until my knees let me do more...or I can chase my old hubbie around the house and demand some cuddling. :wink:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I think that you should stop where you are comfortable, as long as you are healthy. If your doctor thinks your health will improve by losing more, then yes keep losing. I would recommend a slow down to 1 pound a week loss.
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I am also 5'4" and currently weigh 145. I started at 234 (40 bmi) and my original goal was 144 (for a 90 lb loss and normal bmi). I've been thinking on this for a while myself. My 2nd goal was 134 so I could have a little wiggle room to stay within a range with 144 being the top. But I've been maintaining for about a month and feel very comfortable where I am. I may wait a while to take the last 10-11 lbs and enjoy the new me!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Oh my goodness! I increased my daily calorie intake, and I am losing even MORE WEIGHT. This is crazy. I lost another 2.2 pounds yesterday and 6.5 pounds this week.

    My hubbie Ed says that this is my body paying me back for that long plateau in early February. He reminded me that I looked like I was holding fluids. My ankles were a bit swollen. All I know is that I am not doing anything different, except that I added a few more calories in the past 3 days.

    It looks like my body is going to chose a lower, maintenance weight for me.