People will lie to you about your weight

I hate how people will say you're not fat when you are. Then when you start losing weight and make good progress they tell you that you're too skinny while they're still skinnier than you. This has stopped me from reaching my ideal weight. Anyone else experienced the same crap? I just realized this today, that during my previous weight loss attempts I always stopped because of the lies people told me.


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Maybe you shouldn't use what other people say as an excuse to stop. That's your choice, has nothing to do with them.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I hate how people will say you're not fat when you are. Then when you start losing weight and make good progress they tell you that you're too skinny while they're still skinnier than you. This has stopped me from reaching my ideal weight. Anyone else experienced the same crap? I just realized this today, that during my previous weight loss attempts I always stopped because of the lies people told me.

    No. While i've had people say "you aren't fat" or "you don't need to lose weight", I've never had anyone tell me I was "too skinny" when I did start losing weight. What is your height and at what weight to people start telling you this? It's possible that they are right and your body image is skewed.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    Stop listening to what other people think about your weight. YOU are the one who has to live with whatever physical limitations your weight imposes on you. I know, it's hard not to listen but if you are going to succeed you need to use yourself as a barometer. Be better than you were yesterday. :)

    I cannot even tell you how many people have said "stop losing weight" when I am clearly still very overweight. Those people have their own agenda, and NONE of it has anything to do with you.
  • starvinkevin
    I am 5'4" and was 150ish when people said I was too skinny. I started bulking because of that - I know I shouldn't rely on what people say but peer pressure is strong no matter how much we try to ignore it. I think those people who told me that were threatened that I was looking good.
    I hate how people will say you're not fat when you are. Then when you start losing weight and make good progress they tell you that you're too skinny while they're still skinnier than you. This has stopped me from reaching my ideal weight. Anyone else experienced the same crap? I just realized this today, that during my previous weight loss attempts I always stopped because of the lies people told me.

    No. While i've had people say "you aren't fat" or "you don't need to lose weight", I've never had anyone tell me I was "too skinny" when I did start losing weight. What is your height and at what weight to people start telling you this? It's possible that they are right and your body image is skewed.
  • starvinkevin
    Stop listening to what other people think about your weight. YOU are the one who has to live with whatever physical limitations your weight imposes on you. I know, it's hard not to listen but if you are going to succeed you need to use yourself as a barometer. Be better than you were yesterday. :)

    I cannot even tell you how many people have said "stop losing weight" when I am clearly still very overweight. Those people have their own agenda, and NONE of it has anything to do with you.

    Yeah I really need to do this and think I am better now after realizing how much what people think has negatively impacted my self-image. Screw everyone else!
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    I hate how people will say you're not fat when you are. Then when you start losing weight and make good progress they tell you that you're too skinny while they're still skinnier than you. This has stopped me from reaching my ideal weight. Anyone else experienced the same crap? I just realized this today, that during my previous weight loss attempts I always stopped because of the lies people told me.

    People mean well. It's like anything else. People don't know what motivates them to say stuff. They may be trying to be nice. They may feel threatened by someone who is more fit than them and in some weird Freudian way want to see you fail. Who knows. Strong people just do their thing without worrying about it.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    I hate being told I'm too thin, especially by large people, makes me feel they have an ulterior motive, I can't help it
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I had plenty of people tell me I was too skinny. I know it was just because they were used to seeing me bigger. That has all stopped now, finally.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    this same exact crap happens to me. when I was 180 I was picked on daily. when I was 155, still chubby, the same ones who picked on me told me I was too thin. I love it when they see me now at 133 pounds. Victory!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    At 5'4, you aren't underweight at 150, so I'd say ignore them and keep working to get to where YOU are comfortable. How old are you? I have found that peer pressure becomes less of an issue for me as I'm older, but I cannot imagine a time when I would have ever actively worked to put on more weight when I already thought I was fat just because someone called me "too skinny".
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I mentioned my fat at work and that I was working on losing weight. My coworker said "oh no! You're not fat." She wasnt being sarcastic and it was a terrible lie. LoL. I'm 5'4" and was 320 pounds. :laugh:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Do what works for you
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I hate how people will say you're not fat when you are. Then when you start losing weight and make good progress they tell you that you're too skinny while they're still skinnier than you. This has stopped me from reaching my ideal weight. Anyone else experienced the same crap? I just realized this today, that during my previous weight loss attempts I always stopped because of the lies people told me.

    Yes, but it has never stopped me from reaching my goal weight. And they weren't necessarily lies. Plus I don't really care whether or not other people think I'm fat or skinny. What matters most is what I think and how I feel.

    You are the only one who has control over whether or not you reach your goal weight. Once you stop blaming other people and realize this, then you'll reach it.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    If the scale says you are overweight then you are... period! We use what other people say or do as an excuse, often and all or at least MOST of us have at some point.

    Thank them, but step on that scale if it doesn't have you in the upper (top range) ideal weight for your height, then you are overweight. You said it, they tell you, you aren't fat when you know you are, why would you believe them when you are losing and not at goal?

    YOU and only YOU have control over that body. BTW it's good that you have come to realize this is going on now use that knowledge.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Yep! I have had people tell me I look hungry, or that my cheeks look sunken in. I was still 60+ pounds over weight and considered obese. People don't want to feel guilty about their choices, so they try to convince you that you are in the wrong. No one "deserves" a treat food and eating a cupcake or midnight nachos is not going to help me "live a little". If I am "denying myself" anything, it is a heart attack later on.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    "Lions dont concern themselves with the opinions of Lambs"
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    This has stopped me from reaching my ideal weight.

    Uh, no.

    That's not what's stopping you from reaching your "ideal weight".

    Own your choices.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    People started telling me I was getting too skinny when I was around 200lbs. I don't know why, I figured they were either delusional, on crack or they thought it was a compliment. Now whenever someone calls me skinny I wince because now I know people tend to throw that word around without much real meaning behind it. If I was skinny at 200lbs, I must be anorexic at 155lb.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I have had a lot of comments, like "lay off the crack pipe" and "you need to eat a cheeseburger". I thought those were rather rude and insuting comments coming from haters that were not willing to do the work I was to get where I was..


    My Dr had a fit and told me that I needed to stop losing weight THEN
    My sister in-law pulled me aside to tell me I had crossed over from being healthy to looking bad (she runs marathons, so she gets it) THEN
    My massage therapist was concerned that I was sick because of my weightloss.

    There is such a thing as being to thin and at an unhealthy BMI. I did not see it, all I saw was the teeny tiny bit of fat around my saddlebags.

    When it gets to the point that a bunch of people, people that you trust and love you start coming down on you for being to thin, its time to listen.

    (I am not necessarily talking to the OP, I am talking to the people that are in the same situation that will come into this thread to complain about being told they are to thin when indeed, they are actually to thin)
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I've recently had 2 people tell me I shouldn't lose anymore weight because then I'll be "too skinny". Which is total BS, I could easily lose another 20/25 pounds and still be at a healthy weight. Don't let people bring you down. Just keep doing what you are doing. It's your body not theirs.