Starting over

I lost more than 40 lbs in 2012 using MFP and loved it. It was a hard journey but I got healthy and looked better than ever. However, after hitting my lowest weight ever as an adult, I got pregnant. During my pregnancy I kept a good eye on what I was eating and only gained about 40 lbs, BUT in the 7 months since my sweet baby arrived I have CONTINUED TO GAIN 15 MORE!!!
I am very upset with this fact and hate to see all of my hard work in 2012 gone to waste, so I am back and starting over, I have a good 55 lbs to lose but I know I can do! Everyone here can, we just need to stick with it, keep our chins held high and support each other!!


  • CharzieGirl
    Yes! I know we can do it! Good luck, I'm here for support if you need it :)