It's all about the Dirty 30's!

Hi everyone! I am 31 years young, and am just plain miserable with my weight and eating habits are awful, My energy level is so low I think blinking some days takes too much energy! I have HAD IT!
So I signed myself up for a 5k in July, swapped my burgers at lunch for a salad.. and overhauled my kitchen cabinets.
Today is Day 1...
I know that I could really use motivating friends on here... as well as tips and suggestions. There is no time like your 30's and I would really love to make the best of mine!!
Any form of weight loss in the past has just not gone well for me so I would really LOVE to hear from encouraging people, Thanks in advance guys!


  • skinnywitt
    skinnywitt Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, I am in my 30's as well. I don't have a lot of advice on the subject of weight loss, as I am about 24 days into my personal fitness goals. The fact that you signed up for the 5K prior to your start is what caught my attention. Its sounds like you are on the right track and I wanted to wish you good luck with your goals.

    "The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we've already achieved them." - Denis Waitley
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have been at my adult heaviest and lightest weights in my 30's (307 lb at 32, currently 194 lb at 37) and I think you're right about our thirties being a great time for this! Even though you can do it later in life, some studies I've seen say that 20-30 somethings have distinct advantages for weight loss and that would make sense with regard to energy especially as we are still all in the "younger adult" years. Although yes I'm pushin' it at 37 ;-)

    Anyway. I have lost 113 lb total as mentioned....40+ before joining this site, BUT it took me over 4 years. Once I started RELIGIOUSLY logging every single bite on MFP, the rest really just fell into place for me and I have lost 67 lb in 11 months.

    I can only share my own opinion here and you will find lots of people have varying habits and rates of success.

    Log everything. Even if you "screw up", log it.

    Let yourself have "treats" and eat your favorite foods. Just fit it into your daily calories and macros. In my experience, logging will teach you SO MUCH about which foods are "worth it" and "not worth it" and while I don't believe there's a need to totally eliminate any 1 food, you will probably discover some foods that you just will no longer order, eat, or purchase. It's a natural progression for most of us.

    I don't do "cheat days". My usual habit is to exercise a bit through the week, log that activity sparingly, but do eat back those calories. Then on the weekend I have heavier meals, more treats, and WAY more exercise (and I eat back the calories).

    My BIGGEST tip to you is to put it in perspective...whether you're set to lose 0.5, 1, 1.5, or 2 lb per week...that's not going to look like a huge loss each week. If you're familiar with any of the popular TV shows about weight loss they show contestants losing huge amounts each week. MFP is not set up like that. You will lose slowly. That is a good thing and even 1.5 lb per week is around 6-7 pounds per month and that really adds up. Take me for example...67 lb in 11 months is a nice loss, but just a little over 6 lb/month doesn't sound like a whole lot. Don't expect to lose 5 lb a week. Stick with it.

    I wish you the best!!
  • bofus2
    I'm a little over 30, but still in good shape except for the extra weight. I never had a weight problem till I went over 50 yrs & quit smoking. now it's become an issue. I love the outdoors, camping, hunting, fishing etc. extra weignt acts like a ball and chain that I DON't I joined this group, and go online every day to record my previous days food and exercise activities. It is REALLY helpful to do this, plus make yourself a chart to include daily weight, BP, Bkfst/snack/exercise/snack/lunch/snack/dinner/snack. You can run it on Excell or just make a chart and print it as I did. Fill it out daily and transfer the contents to this website to watch your callories. EVERY food you can emagine is in this database and you can really keep an eye on how many callories,salt,fat,etc.etc. you are eating. (if you have a smart phone you can even scan the food package labels before purchase to keep you honest. I might be older that most deieters, but I'm not stupid and I DO intend to get much older with a good quality of life. Good Luck!!!!!!
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Download the app C25K (Couch to 5km) it helps ease in to the running 5km, and I have had great success with it!
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I'm in my 30s, and I am now stronger and faster than I was from age 28 on. I've lost 60 lbs since June, and put on nearly ten in muscle. Keep the faith, and truly embrace the fact that you are in control, and you will do this! Add in a little bit of moral support from like minded (serious) peers, and you've got this!
  • Ladytrajedi
    Ladytrajedi Posts: 16 Member
    I just turned 30 this past December, I totally agree...Dirty 30's!!!....I am 7months into this healthy lifestyle, and it's not easy, but so worth it....The easy days and the hard one, really make journey exciting....The best advice I can give is: Log everything you eat, invest in a HRM, find a workout regimen that works for you and something you enjoy doing, look for healthy alternatives for the foods you absolutely love and don't feel bad if you have a bad day....Everyday is a chance to start over and on track!!!....Feel free to add me!
  • PATCH1803
    Hi. I hit 40 this year, and it feels as if everything is breaking, or falling apart. I have been on MFP for over a year, and have tried to constantly log in. I found that the site works only if you are honest, and log in all of your exercises, and everything that you eat and drink. My problems is that I don't eat enough. I spoke with a dietician today, and she gave me some high calorie meals and snacks to eat during the day. I normally skip breakfast, eat lunch at my desk, and eat dinner when I get home. I officiate a lot of sports, so I burn a lot of calories during the day. I have put myself in starvation mode because I'm not hungry. I eat dinner anywhere from 9-10pm; which is really bad for you because it sits in your gut. I've started eating breakfast. Even if its a banana or an energy bar. I pack my lunch, so I can regulate what I eat. I run at least 3 days a week, and do CROSSFIT the other two. On Saturday's, I officiate basketball, softball, baseball, or run. I try to keep busy, and active.

    It seems that its easier to put the weight on than it is to take it off. Stay focused on your goals, and know that you control what you do and/or don't do. My name is Patch, and my user name is Patch1803 if you want to friend me on MFP.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I'm 31 and just started tracking and exercising December 30th.

    I agree with other posters, log everything you eat. You'll soon realize your habits and you'll learn to adjust what you eat. Also what's important for you to eat or what you can cut out.

    For me it was snacking. I didn't realize I was eating close to 900 calories a day in snacks! Once I saw what I was doing to myself it was easy to find ways to adjust.

    Also, stick with exercise. It can be done without it, but if you exercise, you'll get a bigger loss then just cutting calories. I love my workouts and look forward to going to the gym. It's no longer a chore, but just part of my daily routine now.

    Good luck! There's a lot of amazing inspiration and encouragement here :)
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    Hi, 31 here too. Could have wrote that myself a few months back.
    It's not easy making those changes, and although I don't have a lot of weight to lose it is slow going. I am feeling a lot better for the changes though, mainly eating better, swimming and just being more reponsible about snacks and treats than before.
    Anyway, you're in the right place for support and encouragement. Feel free to add me as a friend for both those things.
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I am 31 here and in the same have the right start! We did the same back on 1/6/14 with our cabinets and kitchen clean out to get ready for a big vacation in December of this year.

    So far I am down just over 20lbs and really the key has been portion (thanks to MFP keeping me on point) and exercise. I walk 2 miles on my lunch breaks 5 days a week and we are doing the T25 (same guy who does Instanity/P90X but its only 25 minutes a day 5 days a week and much better for starting out) along with walk/jogs on our days off which are anywhere from 4-8miles. It has taken a lot of work but the results come, i thought this would be harder in my 30s but really i think being a bit older I am smarter about taking care of myself and have more motivation.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I am 35 and am in the BEST shape of my life, although I still have a bit to go.

    For me, doing something FUN was what got me going...I started with Zumba and now I go 3-4 times a week, more if I can squeeze it in.

    Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    The 5K is a great idea. If you're like me (cheap!) then it serves as a motivator because once you've paid, you're obligated to actually do it. And if I'm gonna PAY to be there, then I want to do well.

    I'm hoping to be back in 5K shape in the coming months. Just joined a Run for God group at my church to supplement what I'm doing now...kicks off in March! :)

    Good luck...
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i'm 30 (with just a few months to go) and i'm in better shape now than my high school and college days combined! but i still have a loooooong ways to go, muscle-mass and nutritional principles-wise. but yeah, go 30s.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I am almost 43,,,, and feel the best I have ever felt in my life!
    I do 2 to 3 hours cardio 7 days a week!
    I have too much energy!
  • __Amazeballs__
    Your recovery from the "fog" or dragging feeling is generally nutrition related. Back in the 2nd week of January, I made some adjustments to what I was eating and started tracking again. Within a few days, I could feel the veil start to lift and feel much better. It's so hard to realize what you do to yourself with nutrition until you actually begin to eat right.

    Best advice to feeling better is stay away from restaurants for a week. Prepare your meals and avoid processed stuff (mostly). If you're like me, that veil falls off fairly quickly and that energy you seek abounds. Good luck!

    Feel free to add me for encouragement or tips.
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi there! I'm 36 - been on MFP (again - second time around) for just over a month. I'm down 13 pounds.

    I agree with adowe - download the C25K app! I just did myself today because I want to run and I've heard very good things about it!

    I'd love to be your friend! :)

    Us in the dirty 30's should stick together! :happy:
  • runs_in_heels
    runs_in_heels Posts: 97 Member
    i'm 29 - turning 30 soon and really hoping to get this whole "weight loss & fitness" routine up & running by then!
  • pinkvici
    pinkvici Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 32, been on MFP for a while but only joined the community and been really committed this year.

    I have a 17 month old, and lost about 50lbs after she was born. Lost 10lbs since 1st jan, and would like to drop another 7-14lbs.

    I really need to focus on fitness though.

    Add me!!!
  • mead2006
    i'm 31 and just joined the journey to weight loss at 389 i relized i needed to change but never had the support hopefully i can find it here
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 31 too. Feel free to add me (and anyone here).