

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Bottom line: you need to eat more. You have 80 pounds to lose, which means you can eat more ans still lose weight.

    I'll bet if you eat 1500 or 1600 calories you will modernist fine.

    Where did you come up with a diet of 1000 calories?
  • daniellerigsby9
    I gained A LOT of weight with all of my pregnancies. I was 15 with my first son and gained 85 pounds, 16 with my second son and gained about 60, 18 with my third pregnancy and gained 60 pounds with it. I technically didn't loose all of my weight with my third, I lost most of it. I weighed about 130ish when I got pregnant with my last baby and then after I had him I gained about 20 pounds after he was born on top of the pregnancy. I am not sure what was different this time around. (he by the way is 4 now) I had a lot of swelling with it and also just had a really rough time with low bp and dizziness. I also have a lot of stress and am struggling with depression.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I feel like I'm talking to my 2009 self. These were the foods I used to eat constantly. Diet foods. Packaged foods. Sodium filled foods. Non-food foods. Full of CARBS foods.

    First of all, you can eat more than that! 1600-1800 calories easily. But ditch the cereals and the lean cuisines...you can eat a massive salad filled with veggies and lean protein for such a lower cal hit than a lean cuisine. And less sodium...healthier....the cereals are just processed carbs that will spike your blood sugar and make you more hungry. And check your greek yogurt. They aren't equal. Many are very, very high in sugar and carbs...and not the good kind. Check the sugar content!

    Clean it up. Real food. Protein. fresh veggies. Cut way back on the packaged stuff...it will equal MORE food...yay! And less starving. yay!

    This changed my world...and I was the special K, Vanilla Chobani, Lean Cuisine QUEEN!
  • MamaGraff
    MamaGraff Posts: 39 Member
    You should eat more protein for sure. Have eggs for breakfast or a smoothie with protein powder. Lunch you can have chicken and veggies or a salad. I pack a bag with at least two cups of cut up veggies every afternoon. Things like Cauliflower and peppers can keep you satisfied.
    The other thing I would do is cut down on sugary foods. They give you continued cravings. I havent had sugar for three weeks other than Splenda(which I use very little) and I notice a huge difference.
    At night, enjoy an 8 ounce steak and veggies. Hope that helps! Its not for everybody but it is working for me and I have lost almost 9 pounds in a few weeks. I only drink water and coffee( with a bit of cream) I cut out sugar and white flour, products.
    Low carb isnt for everyone but I love it!
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    This may sound odd, but for me: If I eat oats for breakfast I am hungry ALL day. It doesnt matter how much I eat for the rest of the day, if I start on oats I feel hollow all day and just want to eat, eat, eat. I just thought Id mention it in case Im not alone on this, it took me a few times to work it out. I dont know why, thats just the way it is for me :smile:

    Yes! Same with me. I thought I was abnormal coz the packets all say you will be full until lunch time but I am always starving by 2nd breakfast at 7.00 unless I have a protein based breakfast.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    This may sound odd, but for me: If I eat oats for breakfast I am hungry ALL day. It doesnt matter how much I eat for the rest of the day, if I start on oats I feel hollow all day and just want to eat, eat, eat. I just thought Id mention it in case Im not alone on this, it took me a few times to work it out. I dont know why, thats just the way it is for me :smile:
    Yes! Same with me. I thought I was abnormal coz the packets all say you will be full until lunch time but I am always starving by 2nd breakfast at 7.00 unless I have a protein based breakfast.

  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Agree..eat more. At the very least add some protein and fat to your breakfast...you'll be satisfied much longer. You're low on everything but sodium with the menu you're on...eat more, eat real food.
  • KatissimusDorsi
    Eat more please!!!!!

    MFP has me at 1,200 for my calorie goals and something ridiculous like 64g protein per day.

    In reality I eat 2,200 at least and get ~130-160g protein per day.