Help please! Newbie struggling to balance macros

Hi there, I'm three weeks into MFP and wish I'd found you years ago. I'm 57, overweight, and although the novelty hasn't worn off yet, I think this time I'm going to stick with my targets.

I've a lot to learn about balancing macros but looking through the 'Nutrition' pie chart on the MFP app, there is a clear tendency to overdo carbs. Today it's 59% carbs, 22% fat, 19% protein - since starting this on 1 February the protein has occasionally been as low as 12%. I wish the pie chart was accessible on the website too!

Today I have 492 calories remaining and I'd be delighted with any suggestions of something to boost the protein without upping the carbs too! I don't have protein drinks or bars, but will get some at the weekend if they're worth considering.

I'm not vegetarian and have no known allergies, but dislike most shellfish.

Thanks in anticipation :)


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    There is way too much mythology around protein You're getting plenty of protein I really wouldn't worry about it. Despite what the Protein shake salesmen say unless your an athlete or training hard (and even then you need less than you think) as long as you roughly hit the World health organisations daily recommended 55 - 60 grams a day that's plently. If you start doing heavy exercise or hard strength training (I mean more than 3 sessions a week) you may need to up it. The majority of people can gain plenty of protein in a normal balanced diet.
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    I've been trying to get my little pie chart closer to 40/30/30, too. I'm not a fan of bars or shakes, since most of them taste like chalk to me.

    One thing I like that's high protein is Greek yogurt. I usually buy the cheap, store brand, and have a 1/2 cup of it for dessert or snack. Or there's also peanut butter.
  • palomino698
    palomino698 Posts: 36 Member
    Hmm, I wondered about peanut butter but looking at the jar, the fat is double the protein! I don't have any Greek yogurt but the 0% fat bio natural yogurt is 8.5g carb (sugar) to 5.9g protein per 100g. Going through the cupboards and fridge, tuna looks the best option, and maybe another hard boiled egg though I had one with lunch.

    Usually at this time I'd just have fruit - banana or plums - or toast with either honey, PB, chocolate hazelnut spread or cheese. Not craving these, losing weight is a novelty and I will lapse, but not today.
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    I'm 57, been here about 5 months and have lost 32 lbs so far.. Although I didn't lose anything the first few weeks because it took me that long to figure it out and get on track, I've lost well over a pound a week....I have never paid attention to the macros and figured I would look into it at some point.. I guess the reason is because I finally found something that is pretty simple and I am losing weight and developing a Very Healthy life style. I didn't want to complicate it one bit so what I did was stay under my calorie goal and exercise and I am losing weight. I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and I eat plenty of protein.. If you would ask me I would say I have a pretty balanced diet and I'm usually pretty full or if not, still have calories available.. I'm rambling now but bottom line is, I did not want to make this any harder than it had too be and I know Now that I have it figured out I can deal with the macros if I want to. Please don't let this stop you from doing this thing and losing weight.. Eat at a deficit and let the macros take care of themselves, at least for awhile.. Last but not least, welcome and good luck and if and when you are looking for a new friend, feel free to look me up.
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    Focusing on macros is a good way of optimising health, though not necessary for weight loss as such.

    However, I add Greek yoghurt (much higher protein than natural), dried edamame as a snack (amazingly high in protein for the calories), cottage cheese, nuts and eggs to my diet to try and find a good balance now that I'm thinking more about my macros.