Low Thyroid and weight loss

Looking for weight loss pals who also have low thyroid problems. My numbers are good according to the doctor, but still having trouble loosing weight. Also need to get my cholesterol under better control.


  • nurssassy
    nurssassy Posts: 71 Member
    I feel your frustration. I have next to no thyroid function and have been on replacement for 10+ years. About three years ago my body was telling me my levothyroxine dose needed to be adjusted but my "numbers" were spot on so I decided to go to an endocrinologist. She checks TSH, T3 and T4 and my dose did need to be adjusted, I actually needed to lower my dose. Once on the correct dose I felt better (not as tired, less hair loss, and my eyes weren't dry).
    Keeping your weight in check with hypothyroidism is a challenge. You have to be careful not to eat too much and you have to make sure you do eat. Eating too much or eating too little can cause weight gain. I've had good results with grazing as opposed to set meals. Instead of three set meals a day I opt for 5-6 small meals (be mindful of caloric demands/excess).
    As far as cholesterol I don't know what to tell you. I know that it can be problematic with hypothyroidism but I have an HDL to be jealous of. Admittedly I am a vegetarian and I remain quite active (running, kayaking, hiking...) and I believe these habits have been a saving grace in that area.
    Don't let this frustrate you to the point of giving up. Keep trying, investigating, reading. educating yourself until you find what works for you. If your body is telling you your not on the right dose of thyroid replacement then insist on further investigation.
    Good luck to you. :o)
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member

    I also have low thyroid (specifically Hashimoto's) and have just started seeing an endocrinologist to help treat it. My numbers are good, but I'm having some difficulty losing weight. It's so frustrating, especially when my boyfriend is losing weight quickly and easily without exercise, while I'm struggling to maintain the 5lbs lost while working my butt off.
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I have an under active thyroid but haven't really seen an impact on my weight. Been diagnosed for a few years though so it's under control. Feel free to add me :)
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    There's a forum just for you (and me, and others with thyroid issues) on MFP:

    And, if you see my ticker, that's what I've lost in ~70 days. I'm hypo and in my mid 40s.

    The most important thing (imnsho) anyone with thyroid issues can do is have your resting metabolism rate (RMR) *MEASURED*. There is no point in using an online calculator or guessing. One painless non-invasive test, and you have the facts you need to figure out what YOUR correct daily caloric intake is.

    Good luck!
  • shelbyyy1216
    shelbyyy1216 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I have hypothyroidism also! I started my weightloss journey on jan 8th and i have had a hard time losing weight.I got my bloodwork done and they said my numbers were SLIGHTLY eluvated but they were "normal" with leothyroxin.
    But in the last couple weeks, i have lost 13lb! :)
    idk if it was a slow start or what.
    I also started taking metformin for TTC issues, i dont know if that has helped me lose weight also!
  • Bethgramme
    Hi Denise, My name is Beth I too have Low Thyroid problems. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's a year ago and it has really taken it's toll on my weight. I have already gain 10 pounds and that makes me 167lbs now and I am only 5ft. It is very frustrating. I have no energy, very depressed and all the doctor ever says is I really need to lose weight. I really want to lose weight and came to MFP for encouragement and helpful hints from whom ever will. I would love to be one of your friends on this weight loss journey if you will have me? It will be good to talk with people having thyroid problems. It is a very lonely world when your family and friends don't understand what you are going through (They want to but if you don't have a thyroid problem I think it's just hard to understand). I know I can and will beat this weight gain and hopefully pick up some new friends along the way! I am just starting at my fitness pal today. Please keep in touch with me on this message board and lets share any helpful hints we may get along the way!
  • Bethgramme
    Hi Jennifer, I too have Hashimoto's. I know how frustrating it can be trying to lose weight. My husband has lost a lot of weight and I can't seem to do nothing but gain weight these days. Maybe we can all help each other figure out how to lose weight and keep it off. I know it's possible! I just have figured out what I am doing wrong with my diet. Hope to be your friend during this weight loss journey! :smile:
  • Andrea20001
    Andrea20001 Posts: 4 Member
    I have found this to be true my thyroid was removed 30 years ago and since then have gained over 5 stone, lost three and put two back on .I can gain seven pounds in a week but it will take 5 to get rid of it . It will go th if you eat healthily and exercise. Mind over matter is key Hopefully we can force our bodies to behave

    good luck
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Have you ever heard of something called "Nascent Iodine"?

    If not, Google it, it's sold on Amazon, I bought some and it really is good when it comes to helping out with underactive thyroid problems - read the reviews.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Don't use low thyroid as an excuse. I have it due to Hashimotos and I have lost weight.

    Get support yes, but use low thyroid as an excuse---don't. You will just sabotage yourself.
  • scrague
    scrague Posts: 11 Member
    I too have a thyroid problems. I have been on meds for about 12 yrs and have problem with my weight. I know in my heart that's not the only thing that has put me in this place. Today is my first day back on this journey. I am looking for support also. I have two kids and a busy life. Today was my wake up call and the first day to my new journey.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    There's a forum just for you (and me, and others with thyroid issues) on MFP:

    I have Hashi's and take 88mcg Synthroid. I lost way more slowly than most MFPers, but I lost. So be patient!