Running, a pain in the... hip?! Would like some advice!

Hey everyone, little bit of background information first. I've only been working out for about 2 weeks as I just got started going again to achieve my weight loss goal. I have been running a mile on the treadmill at 5.3 mph without stopping, and then slow down and walk a little bit and start jogging again. I do this on and off after the first mile for 30:00 minutes a day.

Today...I decided to go a little bit further. I began jogging at 5.5 mph, at a 1.0 incline, I finished my mile with no pain in about 10:30 or so. I still had quite a bit of time left so I began to walk for about 5 minutes and did my regular routine of walking and jogging as I did every other day, however instead of walking at no incline, I began walking at 6.0 incline as to burn more calories and keep my heart rate up. After switching between jogging a few minutes here and there at a 1.0 incline, and walking every few minutes at a 6.0 incline, I finally made it to my 30:00 goal for the day resulting in 505 calories burned at roughly 2.5 miles covered. When I jumped off the treadmill to continue my workout and go work on the weights, I noticed a strong cramp/pain in my left hip (Specifically in the area on my lower/mid love handles). I finished out my workout thinking it would go away, but since i'm home it still hasn't gone away and has actually became a tad bit more painful when i'm walking around the house now :explode: . What is this from? What even is it? Did I pull a muscle, hurt my hip, something else? Any advice would be great, especially on ways to continue my running, and ways to prevent this from happening again. Thanks - Ryan


  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Rest it a little for a couple fays or until it's feeling better and then try your workout again without the incline and see what happens. If it gets worse or doesn't start getting better soon, see your doctor.
  • Alright thanks for the advice, I guess i'll tone it down a bit. Hopefully it clears up!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am female, but when I lost weight my hip clicks and pain went away. I am not sure why, but I think my squats helped to build more muscle which helped me to move more with my muscle rather than my joints.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I pulled a muscle in my hip a few months ago and from your description sounds like it may be the same one. I actually pulled it from doing some declining leg presses on a Friday and doing a 4-mile outdoor run in a hilly neighborhood the next day.

    In my case, the initial pain lasted a couple of days, but running would aggravate it enough that I stopped running for about two months. I could walk on a treadmill at a 7.0 incline with no problem, but when I started running I could feel the muscle tighten up after about 5 minutes, and if I went longer, it would be sore again. I also noticed that when it was sore my sciatic nerve (?) would act up and I would feel a slight numbness in my knee. I talked to my trainer and we switched up my routine, avoiding the declining leg press and doing other cardio (which put an end to me training for a 5k I had been interested in). After a couple of months, it got so I could run again, and it hasn't bothered me since, however I am still careful with the leg presses as it does tighten up a bit if I push it too much with the weight. The silver lining is that I did a large variety of cardio exercises (turns out I love the rowing machine) and, when I am not training for a race, mixed up my routine.

    I personally didn't go to my doctor because the pain did go away if I didn't push it, but, as others have said, if the pain stays intense, you should consult your doctor. If it gets better after a couple of days, would say just be cautious on the treadmill and if it starts to feel like it is tightening up, back off a bit.

    Edited for a little clarity
  • I see what you mean. Yea this has never happened before, but then again I am pretty overweight. (242 pounds atm). Maybe i'm just not use to it, i'm not to sure. I'll probably walk and do some different cardio for a few days and then head back to the treadmill until it gets to spring, in which case I can run outside. The reason i'm so worried about this is because I plan on joining the Marines in 2 years, and if I can't handle the running...well i'm pretty much screwed!
  • kateteson
    kateteson Posts: 1 Member
    Based on the location and activity, it sounds like you might have a hip flexor strain. I found that I could continue running and exercise as long as I stretched a few times during the day to prevent stiffness, especially after sitting for work. Certainly see a doctor if it doesn't go away, but low impact and stretches helped me.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    Slow down.