Extremely frustrated

I've gone on here before about being frustrated and not losing. Well it's happening again for the amount of time I've been on. Which is really over 100days . I stopped when I was on vacation and restarted when I returned home. Anyway, I should be closer to my goal, well I'm not and I really do not understand I went and talked to my doctor and she told me I needed to lower my caloric intake to 1000! So I thought it may be too low so I went to 1100. I try and stay between 1000 & 1100. I don't know what I'm doing wrong I log my food and activity everyday religiously and I'm up 3 pounds this week. Actually I'm a pound more than when I started back in December. I don't have much to lose. My friend is also doing this and is down almost 20 pounds. So why is this not working for me?!i exercise anywhere from 30-60 minutes a day 5 days a week also. I think I've givin it enough time. At least that was the suggestion I got from others on here last time. Please help! I really need to get this weight off. For my own sake! I want to feel great again and look great in my clothes and not have indentations from my pants and underclothes and socks. Fed up!


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Open your diary so we can see what's going on and give you advice:)
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    1,000-1,100 is really too low for anyone. Though I don't know your circumstances or health problems. It seems too low, it's never recommended to eat less than 1200 calories a day!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Height, current weight, open diary and it would be much easier to offer advice. :smile:
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    I once asked 2 different doctors why it felt like I was gaining weight even though I was working out and eating less. They, took some blood, said it was normal no imbalances and they just assumed that I was lying about my diet. I was eating what i thought was diet food. The foods I was eating was kinda high in sodium. It never ocurred to me that diet food was not doing me good.
    I went to see a nutritionist. She gave me better advice, she advised me to cut way down on the sodium and drink a heck of a lot more water.... I feel better in different ways..
    Therefore I recommend that you talk to a nutritionist
  • micdar9401
    micdar9401 Posts: 2 Member
    You made a statement about indentations from your clothing. Are you sure you are not retaining fluid? Did you mention that to the doctor? You might want to monitor your salt intake.
  • Fibra73
    I have to agree, a nutritionist is really huge! Go in as honest as you can and their suggestions can work. I was having major issues with binge eating. I was seeing a therapist for it. I still struggle, but my nutritionist noted that my carbohydrate intake was way too low. I started adding higher fiber carbs like quinoa, black beans, and corn tortillas; I felt better almost over night. I also started weighing myself only twice a month, and I am thinking I may go a whole month after my next weigh in. One week weigh-ins are tough and add stress which lower your ability to be healthy. My one weekers usually turned into everyday weigh ins too which is not helpful at all.

    Also, I do agree that 1000-1100 seems awfully low, your body needs calories to burn them. Lastly, try 12 minute athlete app or something like it to shake up your workouts. You might be able to shock your body a bit to help things. Good luck!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Open your diary so we can see what's going on and give you advice:)

    This. As was suggested in your other thread.

    If you want advice, you're going to have to let us see what you are doing.
  • Dznyfan
    Dznyfan Posts: 17 Member
    I have talked to a nutritionist and I've worked it's 2 different endocrinologists which one of them suggested I lower my caloric intake to 1000 calories a day. Ivehad my blood work always comes out just fine and I do read my labels and watch my sodium because I know how my body reacts to it. Jut really frustrated.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Well, if you're being very honest with your journal, you're averaging 985 calories/day, for the last few weeks, which is lower than your target. Do you physically feel ok, on this budget?

    1. How tall are you?
    2. How much do you weigh?
    3. How old are you?
    4. What is your exercise routine?
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Well, if you're being very honest with your journal, you're averaging 985 calories/day, for the last few weeks, which is lower than your target. Do you physically feel ok, on this budget?

    1. How tall are you?
    2. How much do you weigh?
    3. How old are you?
    4. What is your exercise routine?

    Based on what I've seen on your profile and previous posts: You're 5'3," 43 y/o, and want to lose about 15 lbs.? So, that leaves:

    2. How much do you weigh?

    4. What is your exercise routine?
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    how do you track your food?

    looking at your diary there are some entries that seem accurate but also a lot of entries that could be questionable. Tablespoons, teaspoons are inaccurate and servings are no indication since you are working with entries of god knows what that someone else put in the database.

    I would suggest weighing all your food on a digital scale. It has been proven in studies that people get their numbers wrong by as much as 400 calories daily, and even nutritionists who should know this by heart go off by about 250 calories on average. If you haven't had success I would suggest this be the first place you look at for cause.

    Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • Dznyfan
    Dznyfan Posts: 17 Member
    I did mention it to my doctor and they didn't help. I can't tell when it fluid retention and when it isn't. I refuse to buy a bigger size. God forbid you ask for a water pill you'd think I was asking for drugs. I don't know what the big secret is that when I asked for it I got the run around. I just wanted something low dose and not planning on taking everyday just when I feel really bloated
  • Dznyfan
    Dznyfan Posts: 17 Member
    I do use measuring spoons and a digital scale they sit on the counter to remind me that they are there to be used. I do my best to pick out the closest foods on the fitness pal website.
  • Dznyfan
    Dznyfan Posts: 17 Member
    I am physically fine. I work out 30-60 min a day 5 days a week. I'm 5'3" , 145-147lb , and 43 yrs old my goal weight is 135 and have been told that is doable.
  • chubbs43
    You need to see a specialist your calorie count is way off.they will see your life style and help you make smart choices for you.best of luck.this is a new journey????
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    And your protein is way too low. You need to change your macros and increase protein, in addition to the other good suggestions folks have made.
  • bny906
    bny906 Posts: 6 Member
    From looking at your diary, it looks like you may be underestimating the calories for some food items. For example, Sunday you reported 1 serving of sauce. That doesn't specify an amount, type, or anything, so it's quite possibly inaccurate. It also says you had one ounce of cake. That really isn't very much at all. On Saturday, you recorded 1/2 a tablespoon of peanut butter to go with 2 slices of bread at breakfast. Maybe I'm just a die hard peanut butter lover, but that's not nearly enough to cover 2 whole slices.

    Make sure your digital scale is on a flat, level surface to get a more accurate measurement. I would also recommend being VERY specific with your condiments (ketchup, mayo, spaghetti sauce, dressing, etc.) because those are sneaky foods that can add a lot of calories.

    If you're truly working out 30-60 minutes 5 days a week and only eating 1000-1100 calories per day (and your doctors are saying there's nothing wrong), there is no reason why you should be gaining weight. So it's probably an underestimation of what you're eating and maybe an overestimation of how many calories you're burning while exercising.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Going to look at a couple potential sources of inaccuracy over the last couple of days:

    For breakfast, when you scramble your egg whites, do you include anything when you scramble them? Any butter, spray-on cooking, etc?
    For lunch, you've got 1/3 of a tablespoon of miracle whip. This is something that you could weigh -- if it's going on your sandwich, put the bread on the scale, zero it out, spread on the miracle whip, then see how much you've used.
    For dinner, you've got quick added calories -- is that information from a package, or? You've also got 1/8 of a cup of beans -- that's a VERY small amount, and with amounts that small and slightly more dense foods it really adds up. I would weigh that as well.
  • Dznyfan
    Dznyfan Posts: 17 Member
    I use only egg whites no milk or spray if I use quick add calories it's because I have the info just not the time to add the recipe in or could not find the exact item on the site.and I measure out my condiments with measuring spoon and my use my scale for the amount I would put on the bread it will not register any difference. I only had that small amount of beans because for the full amount it would of been 170 calories and I wanted to be able to have a snack when I returned home from work in the evening and did not want to use all calories up at dinner.
  • Dznyfan
    Dznyfan Posts: 17 Member
    Thing is I use what map uses as what is burned when I put in the activity. I don't change it . As for the foods I think I'm being specific as much as possible I look over the site with a fine tooth comb I choose the closest or best possible suggestion as for the peanut butter if I don't watch it Icahn go way overboard I love it too. So that is why I only use such as all amount.