Jogging or Interval Running

I am quite heavy on my lower body and looking mainly to reduce fat from thighs and butt. For past couple of week I used to jog continuously for 20-25 mins at a low speed (7km/hr). Since my main goal for now is fat loss or weight loss, which is better - continuous jog or interval running. One of the trainers at gym told me that interval training is more beneficial for me. He asked me to slow jog for a minute(6.5 to 7 km/hr), then run fast (8.5km/hr to 9km/hr) or more like a sprint and finally relax for 1 min or very slow walk for a min. He told me to repeat this set of 3 mins 5-6 times.

Could you anyone please advice what is better? I do want to run long distances 5k, 10k etc but for now I want to reduce inches from my legs as soon as I can. Please advise.

P.S.: I run on treadmill and not outdoors.


  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    In theory intervals will burn more calories because your heart rate will stay elevated for longer. I don't think it's a huge difference though.

    Personally, I do both. I wouldn't necessarily say one is better than the other because they're both beneficial.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Do both. It's all about calories burned vs calories consumed anyway.
  • jlmuise25
    jlmuise25 Posts: 45 Member
    Also, incoporate some weight training. Such as squats, leg extensions, etc. Those will also help you lose in those areas.
  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    i prefer intervals only because i get a great workout in less time. but i usually do a slow jog about once per week.
    you really can't spot reduce the fat on your thighs and butt though.
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Also, incoporate some weight training. Such as squats, leg extensions, etc. Those will also help you lose in those areas.

    Yeah I do a lot of squats, lunges, deadlifts etc. In fact 2-3 times a week is my weight training.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Variety is all good - do both.
  • IronmanNYC
    IronmanNYC Posts: 14 Member
    It's not an either/or answer. Do both.

    Vary up your routine during the week. You can keep your 20-25minute run. The next run, do your faster-pace intervals. And that's not an all-out sprint...that would just lead to injury. Just enough so you're breathing a little harder. And be sure to include 5-10minutes easy as a warm up, and a cool down.

    Another day, you might also want to add a day of longer intervals. A little slower than that fast pace, but work up to 5 minutes slightly harder effort. 2 or 3x.

    And I agree, you can't spot reduce fat. Keep strength training...whole body, not just lower. But as your body becomes more fit, and more toned, the fat melts away and your body slims down.
  • Fit_Lean_Priya
    Fit_Lean_Priya Posts: 164 Member
    once a week - intervals
    another alternate day - Tempo run
    then alternate another day - long distance run

    rest 3 days weight training
  • garethbridges
    garethbridges Posts: 5 Member
    Do both. You need to mix it up a bit, otherwise your body will adapt to your workout and it essentially loses its efficacy. You also need time to allow time recover from your runs.

    Jogging in your comfort zone will cause you to burn calories only whilst you are jogging. Running intervals will stress your body a lot more, which means it's still busy burning calories to repair itself...even after you've finished your session.

    Once you're comfortable, you can start playing around with it to challenge yourself more. Think about increasing the intervals, reducing the recovery times, mixed intervals, etc.
  • Agree with the above. I lost 70 pounds running twice a week: speed interval midweek and distance on the weekend.
  • matt526
    When I run I usually start with a slow 1/2 mile jog to warm up then do 30 sec. interval at about 85% up hill (3-4 degree incline)
    for some reason I feel like I burn more cals., and burn them for a longer period of time after the work out then just jogging.

    But that's just me I hate jogging for long periods of time.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    I think you would benefit from both but I am a big advocate of doing workouts you enjoy and will continue doing.
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    I think both are great! Interval training, can be done twice a week , not on alternate days....Jogging can be done another 2 days to include some more cardio...I just do 30 mins jogging on treadmill anyways...Interval training lasts upto 20 mins......After Interval training (usually morning session) I dont do anything as it completely burns me out....
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions and advise :) I shall try to implement both and see how it goes..