REALLY dizzy ages after exercise

Hi guys,

I ate plenty of food yesterday - sandwiches for lunch, apple, banana, big dinner with turkey, brown rice and veg and probably quite a bit of sugar from the satay sauce at about seven - half seven. I also drank a litre of water while at work but then none after I left at five. I've not taken any medication at all.

And then I did level one of 30 Day Shred at like half eight. I've done 30DS like a year ago and recently started again with a friend who wanted to try it. I haven't been finding it hard - I can do JMs 50 a minute DVDs now without too much trouble.

BUT as soon as we finished I came over horribly dizzy. I also felt a bit unwell in my stomach. The unwell feeling has gone away, perhaps because it led me not to eat anything (I'm emetophobic - haven't thrown up in years and thought of it terrifies me beyond belief). I've just had a few sips of water and some undiluted squash, for the sugar. However I have been having stomach trouble at the other end since the dizziness started, though that often happens as a result of fear when I feel unwell so may be unrelated.

It's now more than six hours since it started, and I'm still dizzy, even though I've been sleeping for the last three.

HELP. Has anyone else experienced this?

Would be so grateful for any assistance.


  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You might have exercised too soon after eating.
  • MadTownD
    MadTownD Posts: 149 Member
    Dehydration can make you dizzy, but since it's been six hours, and you're still dizzy, I would call a 24-hour nurse line or go to an ER.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Dehydration can make you dizzy, but since it's been six hours, and you're still dizzy, I would call a 24-hour nurse line or go to an ER.

    OP: It could definitely be dehydration too. You said you didn't drink any water after 5. That probably wasn't the best idea. I know you are petrified to eat/drink much because you are emetophobic (I am as well so I get it) but not drinking, will only make things worse.

    It could also be low blood sugar or low blood pressure… if you have any applesauce in your house, take little sips of it. A banana is great too. If you really want to avoid foods, drink 4-8 oz. of juice.

    I doubt you have a blood pressure monitor in your house but to naturally rise BP, tense up your entire body and hold for a few minutes.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    might help if we had more info about what/how much you're eating on a regular basis.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    The most common causes are dehydration, low blood sugar levels, overexertion, and heat exhaustion. I have experienced similar when working in Darwin in 31 deg C - where I get kind of heat stroke really and the only thing that fixed it for me was paracetamol and bed rest. If you are running hot and you are not allergic to paracetamol then you could give that a try. if you are really concerned see your local medical centre or try a "help lines".
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    You say you ate lots that day but LOTS is not skipping breakfast.
    I'd try the applesauce suggestion above.
    and your overall calories may be too low.
  • cpcoursec
    cpcoursec Posts: 82 Member
    A lack of sodium can cause dizziness. I would try drinking some broth if you have it.
  • dizzow
    dizzow Posts: 65
    I would definitely check the things the others have said first... but I'm wondering if maybe you threw off your inner ear balance. The little crystals in our inner ear can get out of whack and lead to dizziness. The best remedy I have found is to sit at the edge of the bed and then fling yourself backward onto the mattress. Sit up and see if there is any change, if not, do it again. I have had to do this 4-5 times in a row before. Definitely check the blood sugar / bp stuff first though.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    You could just be sick with a virus. You said your stomach is queasy and upset. Wait it out.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You say you ate lots that day but LOTS is not skipping breakfast.
    I'd try the applesauce suggestion above.
    and your overall calories may be too low.

    OP: Can you please open your food diary?

    Like the above user mentioned as well, you said you ate plenty of food, but what you listed probably doesn't even add up to 1,000 calories (depending on serving size, etc.) I think maybe you aren't eating as much as you think you are.
  • asprettyasme
    I experienced that the other day actually.

    I believe it was two reasons why I experienced it.

    1) I drink a lot of tea that day and the caffeine from the tea made me dizzy. I've been drinking 3-4liters of water a day since December and so now, I guess, caffeine has a negative effect on my body and makes me dizzy.

    2) I got up too fast or moved too fast doing certain moves that cost my body to feel dizzy and my head to feel light.

    If you have been inactive for a while, you should probably take it slow. Don't try and go crazy when you first start working out again because its going to make you dizzy. Just slowly work back up to being as fit as you use to be.

    You said you drink a liter of water a day? That is not enough water, aim for 3-4 liters or at least aim for 8 cups.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    fill up on water before JM & possibly up it 100-200 calories.....
  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    I get a little light headed/headaches sometimes right after I finish but they're gone within 10-15min. I'd see a doc pronto so you don't do damage.
  • PollyPhoenix
    I haven't been logging/dieting, just trying to cut down on sugary snacks and work in my fitness. I did eat some other bits and pieces yesterday -glass of milk for breakfast, toast at elevenish, some salty peanut snacks throughout the afternoon and was also nibbling on cheese. And I ate a lot at dinner - saved some for tomorrows lunch then ate it anyway. It's more likely to be exercising too soon after a heavy meal than not eating enough :p

    But you may well be right about dehydration, was very silly of me to forget to drink anything after work esp given that it's a five mile bike ride to get home! (Not a strenuous one though). I'll try drinking some more water in small sips - thanks Frolic btw for being so understanding about how annoying emetophobia is btw. I actually lost a stone in two months (5'8 from 10st to just under 9) a couple of summers ago just because I was acidy from stress and refused to eat in case I was sick. It leads to awful eating habits sometimes.

    NHS Direct told me to go to emergency services within an hour but I'm gonna drink some water and see how it goes I think. And I'll def. get the bus to work rather than cycling!

    Thanks for being so helpful and supportive everyone :) It's been a bit scary actually.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I haven't been logging/dieting, just trying to cut down on sugary snacks and work in my fitness. I did eat some other bits and pieces yesterday -glass of milk for breakfast, toast at elevenish, some salty peanut snacks throughout the afternoon and was also nibbling on cheese. And I ate a lot at dinner - saved some for tomorrows lunch then ate it anyway. It's more likely to be exercising too soon after a heavy meal than not eating enough :p

    But you may well be right about dehydration, was very silly of me to forget to drink anything after work esp given that it's a five mile bike ride to get home! (Not a strenuous one though). I'll try drinking some more water in small sips - thanks Frolic btw for being so understanding about how annoying emetophobia is btw. I actually lost a stone in two months (5'8 from 10st to just under 9) a couple of summers ago just because I was acidy from stress and refused to eat in case I was sick. It leads to awful eating habits sometimes.

    NHS Direct told me to go to emergency services within an hour but I'm gonna drink some water and see how it goes I think. And I'll def. get the bus to work rather than cycling!

    Thanks for being so helpful and supportive everyone :) It's been a bit scary actually.

    My best bet is it's a mix of eating a heavy meal before exercising, dehydration, and anxiety over becoming physically ill. Trust me, our minds play tricks on us. Being anxious about vomiting can actually make you feel nauseous. Happens to me all the time! So just try to relax and think about something else. I know it's very hard but if I distract myself, my nausea usually subsides. If I start thinking about it again, I'm back to feeling nauseous all over again. It's a vicious cycle. Hope you are feeling a little better!