Shape change post partum.

A quote from my dear Aunty, referring to me discussing being able to wear my slimmer, pre- pregnancy clothes.

'You'll be a different shape, you won't be able to fit those clothes.'

Really? I've heard all sorts of stories about women's bodies changing for the worse after having babies, but hearing it from someone who has battled with their weight their whole life, and hasn't had a child, seems a bit rich. She is also the unhealthiest person I know, which is scary for a person who has credentials in health (Natural Therapy, Reiki, Acupuncturist)

I've heard the boob increase/deflate stories, ribcages stretching, saggy tummy that never leaves, feet getting bigger, ab muscle separation... but rarely the good stories. I'm nearly 15 months post partum (full term twins, ugh, so much baby!) and am starting to feel a bit normal again albeit a whole bunch heavier.

Did you make it back to where you were? Or did your body change so dramatically that you never will?


  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I haven't had a baby but I'm a father of three. My wife's body has some of the changes you mention, plus her feet got bigger. I think the biggest driver is the change in lifestyle that comes with parenthood. You work for the kid now, not vice versa. I think accepting some of that is a mature attitude and reflects your new identity as a mother. However, it's not life sentence to flab either. Carving out time for strength training will help tone up the flabby parts and help with mothering duties as well. If you can devote 30-60mins a day to some sort of exercise you will be looking great in no time. Lots of gyms have child care.
  • Raw_Bean
    Raw_Bean Posts: 293 Member
    I should start off, I've never been slim but yes my tummy area looked very different after I had my child. Still chubby...just distributed very differently. :noway: :bigsmile:
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    I'm almost 6 months post partum, and to be honest, my body doesn't feel too much different than before I fell pregnant. That's not really a good thing though, as I was terribly out of shape then, and I'm pretty much the same plus an extra 6kg. When I was 36 weeks pregnant, I told a regular client I was about to go on maternity leave, and she looked me up and down and said ''re kidding?' Yup, I was/am so big that even at that stage, people who saw me often couldn't tell I was pregnant. Part of that is the fact that baby boy had IUGR and was born weighing just under 5lbs, but still.. ouch.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    I have got 3 children, aged 4, 2 and 8 weeks; all delivered by emergency c-section. I believe its absolutely possible to regain shape anfd weighr it just takes a lot of work! I got back to pre-pregnancy shape and size after first 2 by working out a lot, doing things like jillian Michaels DVDs and lots or walking. This time round I'm back in my pre-pregnancy clothes but I'm not quite where I want to be yet but I'm determined I will get there. I work out 60-90 mins a day 6 times a week when children are asleep : )
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    On the whole I actually prefer my post-pregnancy body. I've always been a pear. I had a very tight ribcage to the point of the ribs at the bottom of my sternum feeling like they overlap which felt uncomfortable at times. My ribs did expand and have balanced the pear a little. Most everything else has gone back to normal. I always had a tummy pooch and I guess that's a bit squishier now but its not really that noticeably different. Oh and I didn't really exercise routinely, I'm sure that the results would be even better if I did.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    After my first baby, I did not change that much. After 3 kids, there are some changes. For one, there are stretchmarks, and even when I got back to the lowest weight I have ever been in my life, I would not feel comfortable e.g. going out with my belly exposed. Pre kids, I would e.g. go jogging with a top showing my belly, because of strethmarks alone I would not feel comfortable doing it again. Also I had c-sections, and after the last, the lower tummy does not look that great and cannot be fixed without surgery, which I refuse to have. Not a big deal, but I could not e.g. wear a low cut bikini. Also my breasts have got a big bigger, not dramatically so, just my tighter fitting shirts were looking riidiculous, so I replaced them with one size bigger. Also hips got a bit wider, but I cannot be sure if this last change is from pregnanies or just age. This is not weight gain, after the last baby I got at the same weight or actually a bit lower than I did before kids and the hips still wear a bit wider, as if the bones have changes. Other than this, I do not look much different in general, nothing dramatic, I am even still wearing some clothes I have from a long time ago anf they look fine. But I never gained too much weight with any preganncy, as I was on a gestational diabetes diet, so regarding weight, it never took more than a few months to lose it all.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    My shape has changed after my children, but that is not to say that with a lot of effort I couldn't work against it. Part of it is also getting older and actually accepting myself. Killing myself in the gym to get to a body that represents what mainstream media tells me is beautiful is simply not worth my time. I eat healthy, do moderate exercise and generally treat my body well (i.e. keeping it within my normal weight range) in the hope that it will serve me well for the time to come.
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    Hummm, interesting responses so far. I appreciate you taking the time to comment honestly.

    I was not super fit or super thin pre babies, and the most arduous workout I was doing was the C25K, and some cycling. I actually have more tools and info at my disposal now than a few years back when I lost 60lb doing Weight Watchers. I am just aiming to be at a healthy weight for me, and a bit fitter - so I will slowly work toward the C25K again. I can't afford a gym, but if that changes I do know the local one offers child minding!

    I had a C section and have had some minor abdominal muscle separation, but it is improving to the point that I doubt it will ever need surgery. I walk the dog 3 x a week at a brisk pace, and the other days I put the girls in the pram and have a good 45 min march around town. I think my arms are pretty good, as i lift 2 x 12 kg babies regularly, and can easily carry them both at once while walking up my front stairs LOL

    So far, it just feels like it did when I was this weight last time (pre WW), except my tummy is a bit different (more of an overhang..charming)

    aggelikik - I had GD also, diet really helped me out immensely and a few weeks after I had the girls I was about 6kg over my slightly overweight pre pregnancy weight. It was the madness in the 12 months that followed that made the weight pile on! :-D

    Many thanks to the gent who gave feedback on what he saw of his wife's journey, too!