How long before the sweet craving goes away?



  • LuvlyNwicked
    LuvlyNwicked Posts: 6 Member
    Hmmmmm......for me, it takes weeks of not eating any sweets until the cravings go away. But if I start up eating them again, it's back to square one. And I notice I'm constantly hungry and crave sweets when I drink things with artificial sweeteners in it. I used to drink ice tea all day long sweetened with triggered my appetite. I had to just start drinking water only and save the sweetener for just my one cup of coffee in the morning, and my cup of hot tea at nite (which I use in place of a nite time snack)
  • It never did for me. :sad:
    My doctor actually had do prescribe me something that helps curb the cravings, and the rest is up to me. It took about 2 weeks to stop tearing the kitchen apart searching for sweets. I just started taking it again, I'd forgotten how well it worked.

    Chromium supplement?
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I eat a chocolate fiber one brownie everynight. 90 Calories. I would love to eat apound of Reese's peanut butter cups. But the Brownie works just fine.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Basically, after a week or so, if you are eating no other simple carbs, they go away. The more sugar or simple carbs you eat the more you overstimulate insulin and the more cravings you'll get. Now the whole chocolate thing is another animal altogether!

    You might be craving sugar or you might just be craving some chocolate! Some dark chocolate (over 70%. I use 85% myself) is very good for you. Very high in antioxidants! A lttlle (emphasis on little) each day can be good for you. All chocolate is not equal. Buy the highest quality you can get.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Are you trying to cut out sweets/chocolate completely? As in, for the rest of your life?

    I figured there was no way I'd be able to (heck, no way I'd WANT to) go without chocolate for the rest of my life... so I worked it into my calorie goals and I have about 2-4 squares of some variety of dark chocolate per day. Sometimes cookies, too. Or a few spoonfuls of Haagen Dazs. Just one or two, then I put it away. Craving satisfied, and within calories!
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    Honestly as a woman, i feel like the craving will never go completely away (especially around the time of the month). Some good tricks I've found that help curb my cravings are to eat a serving of fruit particularly grapes or bananas (cause they are both super sweet) and wait 20 mins. Usually my craving will go away, or you can eat a tbsp of all -natural peanut butter. Peanut butter is calorie dense but it is very worth it considering it will take your cravings away, and will make you feel full longer. I eat a tbsp after lunch and dinner and I'll feel satisfied for hours :)
  • aircantu1
    aircantu1 Posts: 55 Member
    It took about a week for me. Once I started seeing the scale move down and saw that it was really working I was motivated by the results.

    That's not to say I never eat any...but I'm certainly eating a lot less than I used to!
  • jb852013
    jb852013 Posts: 116
    I have chocolate everyday. I either eat a little bit of Nutella in the morning with my thin sliced bagel, eat some pepermint patties which are really low in fat and calories, or eat a chocolate yogurt. Yum! I can't live without chocolate. :)
  • jwenick
    jwenick Posts: 14 Member
    I indulge in my chocolate cravings...just on a lesser scale. Hershey's Dark Chocolate kisses are d i v i n e! And, only 20 calories each. I suck on them to make it last longer....and after 2 or 3, my craving is satisfied. Those 40-60 calories are worth my sanity!!!
  • I had a major chocolate craving today. My fix ... frozen cool whip with a little Hersheys powder mixed in. AMAZING!
  • I take 100% cacoa dark chocolate bars and add almond mild and melt in a double boiler. Afte it starts melting I add Stevia sweetner or truvia.which ever you prefer.
    Chocolate cravings solved with almost zero carbs.
    I eat a small square of this whenever I feel like it.
    it will not take you out of ketosis.
  • MizMiami305
    MizMiami305 Posts: 188 Member
    Never! Its all in your mind not body

    Mmmmm chocolate!!! :drinker:
  • kdanyko
    kdanyko Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 17 days in without any fructose/ fruit/ added sugars. I still get the occasional headache. I also feel like something is missing. Hoping things change by day 21.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    like a month. for me anyway. except for me it wasn't chocolate it was dr pepper.
  • iwtfytj
    iwtfytj Posts: 41 Member
  • GummyBears7779
    GummyBears7779 Posts: 35 Member
    Stock up on dark chocolate, or go for some peanut butter.
    Fruits tends to do the trick for me
  • Honestly I still eat chocolate. I feel that by me not denying myself it keeps me from wanting to binge on sweets. Some people prefer to cut out sweets altogether, but for me that won't work. I just have chocolate maybe once a week or have fruit which satisfies my sweet tooth. Also sometimes I'll have chocolate in very small quantities, like a spoonful of nutella in my oats or something like that. For me moderate is best :)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Never, I hope. My mantra is "NO DAY WITHOUT CHOCOLATE". There is such a thing as quality of life.
  • csontos
    csontos Posts: 76 Member
    I've been logging for 16 days so far and it hasn't gone away at all. I can't trust myself though to keep anything sweet in my apartment or I will eat the WHOLE thing in one sitting. I have zero self control. I would literally sell my soul for a cupcake right now... and I spent my whole life hating cupcakes. Go figure.

    I do snack on fruits though which helps a little bit. I'm a lot less likely to eat a whole bag of grapes than a whole bag of chocolate.
  • adase63
    adase63 Posts: 2 Member
    Will power is tough, but keep your eyes on the prize. If you allow yourself a sweet, let it be a reward to enjoy and savor.

    I love my chocolate and this works for me. No added sugar, just the natural stuff.

    Blend together:
    8 oz unsweetened chocolate almond milk
    1 banana and/or a handful of strawberries
    1 tablespoon dark chocolate cocoa

    At first I added 1 tablespoon of agave syrup, but I found it was not necessary with the fruit. Sometimes I add PB2, altho it does have some sodium and some sugar, it is not much and it gives a nice chunk of protein with very few calories.