2 weeks no lbs lost

Hi, Everyone. Hope all is well with those reading this post. Just needing a little encouragement to get me through this small issue I am feeling/having.

I have been clocking 20+days on MFP and have followed the caloric deficit it has designed for me to the "T". In my first week (+- 8 days), I lost 5 lbs right out the gates. I was stoked. So much so, that I bumped up the work out at the gym with a little more resistance on the elliptical or higher incline on the treadmill (walking) week 2. Then, at the end of week 2, I only lost .5oz. I felt like it was a HUGE waste of time but I kept it going, and week 3 came around with ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE--UP OR DOWN.

I weigh myself only on Fridays--1st thing in the morning after my morning dues, and as naked as the day I was born. This is how I weigh myself every week, no changes.

What gives? I couldn't have hit a plateau so soon? So, to compensate, I did NO EXERCISE this past Fri, Sat, or Sun. Today I am back on the ban wagoon to see if there will be any change.



  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • Too soon. Your initial 5lb wasn't fat. Have some patience and re evaluate in a couple of months.
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, your body is adjusting to harder exercise. So keep it up and the weight loss will continue. Water is important as well.
  • shawnamay590
    shawnamay590 Posts: 12 Member
    Don't get discouraged! Keep up the exercise for sure and make sure you are drinking enough water. What does a typical day of calories look like? What is the breakdown of types of foods? I know I struggle to lose if my carbohydrate intake is too high--borderline diabetic.
  • You are doing great! I've been on the healthier life style wagon for a month now and I've only lost 6 pounds total, but I have lost 4 inches off my waist and I keep pushing and moving. Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat and every single one of us loses weight and carries our weight differently. Sometimes you hit a wall and then suddenly you start losing again so keep going and be proud of yourself.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Do you weigh ALL your food? Open your diary so we can have a look.

  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Patience, my child. It will be rewarded.
  • I've had that problem, and I know how frustrating it is. I worked up to walking 10 miles on my treadmill every Saturday and I weighed before and after my walk. Who wouldn't lose weight after walking 10 miles, right? Even if it's just water weight from sweat. Welllllll, there were times that I weighed more when I got off the treadmill. But I kept plugging because the exercise made me feel so good and eventually I could see results. Don't get frustrated. They say "slow and steady wins the race".
  • greshka
    greshka Posts: 33 Member
    I have opened up my diary for those interested to look. I believe i am doing well but it always helps for others to see.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I have opened up my diary for those interested to look. I believe i am doing well but it always helps for others to see.

    In the past 2 weeks, you have had 4 days that were incomplete and 1 day with no logging at all. You were over by 800 calories on one day.

    That's why you're not seeing any loss. Almost half of the time when you say you weren't losing weight wasn't logged correctly.

    Track everything. Weigh and measure all of your food. Track everything. Be patient. You'll get there, but you have to give it 100%.
  • teenyjem
    teenyjem Posts: 46 Member
    I was similar, then a pt friend of mine made a plan for me - dropped the carbs as much as possible, lotsa veg, dropped sweet fruit (initially) and only had fruits with the word 'berry' in it. protein for breakfast, protein for lunch, protein for dinner.

    leafy salad, lots of green veg.

    lots of water

    it helped kickstart me, and actually has made me think about getting back on it, cos i have noticed my loss slow down...

    good luck! x

    PLUS - your body might be changing even tho your weight isnt... have u done any measurements?
  • shawnamay590
    shawnamay590 Posts: 12 Member
    Checked out your diary and noticed a few things. I think I would switch out those nutrigrain bars, toaster strudels, and flavored yogurts. You are getting a ton of sugar from those foods and not a lot of staying power, I bet. I like eating plain nonfat greek yogurt with a little sugar free preserves to get some sweetness. Try switching those out for whole fruits and veggies. Also, make sure you are logging every day and are being really honest about your portions. I tended to underestimate really early on myself. Turns out the only one I was fooling was me--not the scale. Good luck!!! 6 pounds is awesome!!!
  • greshka
    greshka Posts: 33 Member
    thank you all for your input. gonna put things into practice. I did want to point out,however, that i only had incomplete days for 4 days and those days were crazy days for me.

    thanks to all.

    I do have another question. Some of you have asked about weighing my food? Who has time for that? You walk around with a scale all day? This reminds me of a prison line. Philosophically , I gues it is like a prison.
  • I don't lose weight in a linear fashion. I tend to have no weight loss for three weeks, then I'll lose 3 lbs. It's been like this for 6+ months. Give it another week or so as you could be like me. I just don't lose weight every week. It all evens out in the end and it can be frustrating but be patient!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Some of you have asked about weighing my food? Who has time for that?

    Yes. I weight all my food. Unless...

    -it's at a restaurant. Then I look at the calorie count for things on their website, and guesstimate how much of the whole plate I ate
    -it's prepackaged food that lists the calorie contents for the amount of the package I'm eating
    -it's food someone else made me, but then I ask politely "mmm, yumm! What did you use when you made this?" so I can guess the total calories
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    It took me almost two MONTHS to actually start losing weight when I started on mfp. Stick to it, give it time (lots of time- it isn't a race) and you will start to see results. Just be patient.
  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    I do have another question. Some of you have asked about weighing my food? Who has time for that? You walk around with a scale all day? This reminds me of a prison line. Philosophically , I gues it is like a prison.

    it's important to weigh your food. you have a lot of measurements in your diary of a cup or 1/2 a cup. what is a cup of beef? is it lightly placed into the cup or is it jam packing into the cup so you can get as much as possible? if you weigh it, you'll see what a huge difference a lightly packed cup vs a crammed cup can be!

    bottom line, invest in a food scale and use it!

    good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    It's only been 2 weeks, give it some time.
  • First off, congrats on the 6 pounds! Second, my sister and I are doing the same thing. Our first week she lost 9 pounds and I lost 7. Then nothing and even a little weight gain! We too were so frustrated that we ate til our hearts content an entire weekend. We didnt feel very good about it. Now we are back! And in full force. I cant offer you an explanation cause Im no expert but I can offer you some encouragement. We remember the goal and most importantly………. Nothing Tastes As Good As Skinny Feels! Stay strong sister! We can do this!
  • First, weight loss is a gradual process with lots of ups and downs. Don't worry too much right now. Bumping up the intensity in your workouts is a great accomplishment so feel good about that!!

    I took a look at your diary, a few comments:
    - try not to eat back ALL of your exercise calories. they are often over-estimates which leads to inadvertent overeating
    - reduce sodium intake - this can lead to a lot of water retention and silly weight gains
    - reduce carbs, add more protein - protein will help you stay fuller longer and a low carb/high protein diet has been working great for my weight loss.