arm jiggle

Hi i have bn trying to lose weight and bn doing ok but i have sommaking me e horrible arm jiggle going on. I do have some weights and resistance tubes that i use twice a week when i do lift training but there is no improvements on the bat wings. What can i do to lose them it is making me feel like im not doing good enuf of a job. I lift weights like i said twice a week for two hours and no noticeable improvements. Am i doing something wrong or not enuf?


  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    It sounds more like a weight loss issue not a weight lifting issue. You can't spot remove fat as in just your arms.

    So tell us how are you doing with your nutrition and eating at a deficit? How long have you been following a good eating plan to lose weight? Provide us some details around that so we can help you.
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    I hear you, I have that too!!!!!! I think I inherited jiggly triceps from my mom! My kids tease me (brats)!

    When I flex, my triceps are tight. Maybe its gravity! Will it ever go away?

    I am 5'2" , 133 lbs......weight room 3x/wk and aerobics 3x/wk. I tried doing a ton of different triceps ex (push backs, over head (10# 3 sets of 15), triceps machine (40#), push ups (3 sets of 15), dips off a bench!!!!!!!

    What else?
  • BobbiC08
    BobbiC08 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok so I'm not sure what you want to know with eating at a defict? idk what that means but I eat pretty good only when i'm hungry but I make its a real hunger before i eat. uh lets see my foods are pretty much anything chicken or fish or turkey (imma sucker for turkey and chicken) and then mostly fruits and veggies I exercise 3xs a week for about 2hrs. Uh..... not sure what else you wanna know my exercises consist of push ups planks squats lunges and i work at a grocery store so im lifting heavy items most of the night. I do get in afew mins. of running or walking at a fast pace. going from the back of the store to the front im a night manager so i have to get from one spot to another pretty quick. what else you wanna know???
  • ayalowich
    ayalowich Posts: 242 Member
    I had biceps that jiggled as well, but daily pushups have helped, as do straight arm rotation circles (these sound easy, but if you do 20 or 30 at a time it will tighten those muscles up). Also, I do lots of curls that will work both the triceps and biceps.

    I now have relatively skinny runners arms, but at least they are tight.

    There are tons of 'how to''s on building up your biceps...