No weight loss, cutting and lifting

So I just need some reassurance here. I've been cutting for two months. In the first month I lost 4 pounds and then I started a lifting routine in the second along with an increase in protein but still cutting. My weight will just not go past 131 and the only measurement change that I've tracked is my upper arms which was a loss of almost a 1/2 inch. Other than that however, pictures show a clear difference in the area right below the smallest part of my waist which I had not been tracking. I know it's a slow process but is the scale not moving just because I'm lifting? I also know I shouldn't worry about the number on the scale, it's just been a goal for a long time to get into the 120's and it sucks being only a few pounds away!


  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    If you are seeing positive visible changes and your measuremetns are moving in the right direction then I think you said it shouldn't worry about the number on the scale :smile:
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    I'm very much the same; goal of 120, hovering at 140-144. ifting and cutting calories. It's taken such a lot to not weigh daily and obsess over the number. But no body will see it but us.. they do however see us getting smaller and looking healthier. I frequently moan about the number, but in the long run it's only a number- focus on those photos and inches! 1/2 inch is great on your arms!
  • Building_Bulk
    Building_Bulk Posts: 20,596 Member
    I wouldn't get hung up on the scale, especially if you are lifting because you could be replacing some of the fat you are losing with muscle. So like others have said don't focus on the scale.
  • kishstl
    kishstl Posts: 40 Member
    The scale is a great tool for determining the effect of the earth's gravity on an object. Focus on your body composition, your measurements and your exercise and calories. As you increase your lean body mass and decrease your bodyfat, your metabolism will increase and an easier to maintain healthier body type will emerge.
  • taylormoooon
    taylormoooon Posts: 130 Member
    thanks everyone, that's all I needed to hear. Despite scale frustrations, getting stronger feels awesome!