Interested in everyones adventure

I am still fairly new to myfitnesspal. 35 days in and down I'm actually down 6lbs. The first weight logged it was off by 40lbs so I ended up deleting it because it would not let me change it. I am motivated to here everyones adventure on here. It gets me thinking If they can do it the right way so can I. I have a past struggle with anorexia and I don't want to go back to it now that I have 2 beautiful girls that look up to me.

1. How long have you used myfitnesspal?
2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months?
3. What worked for you?
4. How much weight have you lost total so far?
5. add anything else you would like to share.... I'd love to hear from you and add me if you would like to.

1. I'm 35 days in
2. My start so far has been rough with trying to figure what I can eat and can't eat and trying to stay within my daily nutrition goals. Its still a work in progress. I've been getting wonderful advice from other MFP users.
3. Still learning what works for me.
4. I have lost a total of 6lbs since Jan.
5. starting weight: 228.8
heaviest weight 301
lightest weight: 152
goal weight: 150-160
current weight: 223.2
delivered my oldest daughter 8-12-11 at 227
delivered my youngest daughter 4-3-13 at 237
I'm 5'6"
I thought hanging up my smaller clothes around my house would motivate me to lose weight but it does not work because I'm hardly home as it is, but.... Seeing ya'll be so successful has motivated me beyond belief and I can take you all anywhere with me via my phone App.


  • miramaye
    miramaye Posts: 37 Member
    1. I've used MFP off and on for a couple of years. But right now I'm on my 30th day.
    2. Every other time, the first week or two was easy, and after that it was hard. This time it's been a breeze since Day 1.
    3. Being more open to new foods has helped. Having more money for healthy food. Everyone around me being supportive and joining in. I watch my sodium, sugars and carbs. Try to get in more proteins and good fats. Not too much meat.
    4. I've lost 14.4 pounds.

    When I was 17 or so, I was 200 pounds. I wasn't happy at the time with it, but I look back now and I realize I actually looked really good. When I had my son, I was 242 or so. 30 Days ago, I was 274 or something like that, and now I'm 260. I didn't like seeing that I weighed so much and I didn't even have another human inside of me to make me that big. I don't really have any inspiration to lose weight. I just want to. I love to cook and make healthy, beautiful meals. I love working out when I have time. It gets rid of all my stress from the day.

    Add me on Instagram if you want to see some meal ideas :)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    Awesome great job. I'll add you when I get home from work on instagram :) You don't even look like you are even that big in your picture.. You look great. When I graduated high school that was when i was 300 pounds and I have my 10 year reunion coming up and I am excited to see everyone's response to my change.. I don't even look like my teenager self anymore.

    Keep up the good work. I'm glad to see you like to cook.
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    I don't really use MFP but I love to read the message boards. In a country where we are bombarded with food ads, fad diets, drugs, etc this is just a great place to help stay motivated and in the zone.

    I was a fat kid and an obese teen. My pediatrician recommended I lose weight when I was 5. In my early 20s strangers would ask me when the baby was due. One day a six year old pointed at me and called me fat. I realized I could live my entire life like that or change everything. So I asked myself, what if tomorrow I woke up with the perfect body? How would I care for it? And then I committed to treat myself with the same respect that I would treat the perfect me.

    I started walking a lot.. I cut all the crap from my diet and resolved only to eat food with nutritional benefits (i.e. protein, fiber, vitamins). I got really into health food and changing my palate completely. And I stuck to about 1500 calories a day, sometimes a bit more. In the beginning I lost weight very,very fast, even though I cheated all the time. The weight loss slowed down as I continued to lose.Then I stopped cheating. went to the gym and jogged for 30 whole seconds and was so proud. Within a week I could do a minute at a time. Within 2 months-10 miles.! I picked up weights, started taking classes,the whole 9 yards. The body is an amazing machine! Over the course of a year and a half I lost 70 pounds. No one who knows me now would ever imagine I was ever the fat girl. I drag my friends to the gym and healthy restaurants and try to take the best care of my body that I can. It is so much work, but I have more energy than I had when I was 16. I've maintained for a decade now, despite being married to a man who loves to take me out for Chinese and pizza whenever he can. If you need help or have questions feel free to friend me. Cheers
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    Great job with the loss so far! That is an excellent start!

    1. I have been a member for some time. But I got serious about it March of 2013. And then life (and the Holidays!) happened around Octoberish until now.
    2. I cannot say that is was easy OR difficult. It definitely requires (for me) a new way of thinking. Some habits were easy to kick while others were not. And some new healthier habits were easy to pick up, while others were not. The main thing for me was not beating myself up and thinking "FAILURE" when something did not go right.
    3. What worked for me? Positive thinking. That may sound very cliche but it worked. Whenever I would eat something junky I would say "that is OK. You did not eat THE WHOLE CAKE, you had a piece." Logged it and moved on. Or If my workout was getting too tough for me, I would say "Hey, do what you can. Push yourself, but don't hurt yourself. Keep good form, but modify if you have to until you can do it 100%." I did not think of it as a "diet". It was a lifestyle change. And for the first time in my life, I was able to lose more than 3 pounds. I was able to stick with it.
    4. I have lost a total of 43 pounds.

    Add me if you would like. I am very upbeat and positive. Good luck and keep up the great work!!! :flowerforyou:
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    1. I discovered MFP last May and have logged on ever since! Today is my 286th day! :bigsmile:
    2. I started off just making sure to log all my food and staying around my daily calorie intake. It was hard to get into the habit of logging at first but after a while, I got used to it. For exercise, I started later in my journey with walking a bit and now I'm going to the gym 4-5 times a week! It gets easier with time and just became a routine for me to log my food and exercise.
    3. Eating less and moving more. It truly is working for me! And I love to EAT! My diary says so. :love:
    4. 56 1/2 pounds. I've been averaging about 1 pound a week since I've started. Some weeks I lose 1/2 a pound or none -- but I usually know why. (Nom nom nom... :embarassed:)
    5. I'm taking a different approach this time with this whole weight loss thing... and it's working. I eat what I want. I'm more active. I have so much energy that somedays I feel like I could explode! :explode: LOL! I am just a more happier person now! And I've accepted that this will be a lifetime journey for me. :wink:
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    I don't really use MFP but I love to read the message boards. In a country where we are bombarded with food ads, fad diets, drugs, etc this is just a great place to help stay motivated and in the zone.

    I was a fat kid and an obese teen. My pediatrician recommended I lose weight when I was 5. In my early 20s strangers would ask me when the baby was due. One day a six year old pointed at me and called me fat. I realized I could live my entire life like that or change everything. So I asked myself, what if tomorrow I woke up with the perfect body? How would I care for it? And then I committed to treat myself with the same respect that I would treat the perfect me.

    I started walking a lot.. I cut all the crap from my diet and resolved only to eat food with nutritional benefits (i.e. protein, fiber, vitamins). I got really into health food and changing my palate completely. And I stuck to about 1500 calories a day, sometimes a bit more. In the beginning I lost weight very,very fast, even though I cheated all the time. The weight loss slowed down as I continued to lose.Then I stopped cheating. went to the gym and jogged for 30 whole seconds and was so proud. Within a week I could do a minute at a time. Within 2 months-10 miles.! I picked up weights, started taking classes,the whole 9 yards. The body is an amazing machine! Over the course of a year and a half I lost 70 pounds. No one who knows me now would ever imagine I was ever the fat girl. I drag my friends to the gym and healthy restaurants and try to take the best care of my body that I can. It is so much work, but I have more energy than I had when I was 16. I've maintained for a decade now, despite being married to a man who loves to take me out for Chinese and pizza whenever he can. If you need help or have questions feel free to friend me. Cheers

    What an amazing story. Im happy for you and the life changes. I have shocked reactions when I tell people I used to be 300 pounds just 10 years ago. lol. It makes me feel good at times with the reactions but it just never seemed enough for me to make the change. I'm happy to have joined MFP and read stories thinking if they can do it SO CAN I :)...
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    1. I've been with MFP for a year and a month.

    2. I have found this to be the easiest thing I've ever tried. I try to eat healthy most of the time, but I'm not get crazy about it. I pretty much eat what I want and try to balance out the calories. I pay attention to the macros, but I'm okay if some are over and some are under as long as it isn't crazy. I'm most concerned about the calories. I subscribe to the mantra of calories in and calories out.

    3. Logging has been what works for me. Always being aware of what I'm eating, what I'm burning and what I'm feeling. I use the Food diary, the Exercise diary, and I blog. The 3 together keeps me pretty level.

    4. I am currently down 62 pounds, 38 pounds to go to hit my 100 pound goal.

    5. Exercise is the key. It is possible to lose the weight without exercising, but the feelings of deprivation and the depression many of us experience is difficult … the exercise will level all of that off.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member

    Wow that is an amazing story you have. Keep it up. You have so much motivation. :)
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    1. I have been a member for 3 years, but never used it for more than a day or two until this time. I am on day 43!
    2. LIke someone else said, this time has been a breeze for me, but I think I finally decided that "no holds bar' this time was my only way and that I had to do this for me.
    3. So far...not "giving up" anything. I have young kids with busy schedules and sometime we eat out. I enjoy that for the most part and I have found things that fit my calories. I also found ways to get in pieces of chocolate and things. My main thing was using some flavor packets to get down the water since I was a huge pop drinker before I started!
    4. 13.6 pounds in 43 days! It just seems to be falling off!
    5. I don't have much else to life is very stressful right now and I feel like this is one place that I can be in control. I can control what I put in my mouth and I can do this for me instead of giving and giving to other people in the rest of my life. I love new friends and I try to be as positive as I can so please feel free to add me too!

    Good luck!
  • mshippiequeen
    mshippiequeen Posts: 46 Member
    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal? 20ish days
    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months? the first two weeks were weird cause i had no idea what i was doing with the healthy cooking. but i learned if you can make it two weeks with honest, no cheating, you're golden.
    3. What worked for you? healthy eating
    4. How much weight have you lost total so far? i lost 183 pounds (318.5-135.5) from august 2011-june 2013. then i quit smoking and gained 40 back. i'm here to get the last pesky ones off again. i am down 5.5 pounds since i started tracking here and started receiving support from pals.

    a few tips:
    - there's a saying that goes "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." you'll go to bed a little hungry, but wake up feeling great.
    - if you ever get "hungry," one thing i do is have just a finger tip of yellow mustard. it's so salty, i guarantee it'll kick your "craving"
    - you have to weigh/measure/track everything. don't eyeball it. you're going to get it wrong.
    - spinach can be disguised in pretty much anything and it is a potential gut bomber.
    - eating healthy feels SO amazing. and waking up after a day of being good will make you feel like a million bucks. i dare you to not smile and mentally pat yourself on the back for being awesome!
    - the best reward for a day of eating well is doing it again. and again. and again!
    - the benefits of healthy eating aren't all on the scale. your hair, skin and nails get awesome. then your head gets awesome. then you start saying "awesome" all the time and it really annoys other people, but you mean it every. dang. time. :)
    - find a physical activity that you can love as just that - an activity. if you see it as something you enjoy rather than a "work out" then you are more likely to keep it up. when i was heavy, i chose gardening and then added hula hooping and now that i actually's those and running. i also enjoy watching billy blanks' junk bounce around in the occasional tae-bo video session.
    - NEVER be mean to yourself. don't talk down to yourself for cheating or because of your size or the number on the scale. first of all, it's just plain mean. secondly, we've been taught to ignore bullying so it's not gonna do any good.
    - track your food the night before or the morning of. that way you'll be less likely to improvise!
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    Great job with the loss so far! That is an excellent start!

    1. I have been a member for some time. But I got serious about it March of 2013. And then life (and the Holidays!) happened around Octoberish until now.
    2. I cannot say that is was easy OR difficult. It definitely requires (for me) a new way of thinking. Some habits were easy to kick while others were not. And some new healthier habits were easy to pick up, while others were not. The main thing for me was not beating myself up and thinking "FAILURE" when something did not go right.
    3. What worked for me? Positive thinking. That may sound very cliche but it worked. Whenever I would eat something junky I would say "that is OK. You did not eat THE WHOLE CAKE, you had a piece." Logged it and moved on. Or If my workout was getting too tough for me, I would say "Hey, do what you can. Push yourself, but don't hurt yourself. Keep good form, but modify if you have to until you can do it 100%." I did not think of it as a "diet". It was a lifestyle change. And for the first time in my life, I was able to lose more than 3 pounds. I was able to stick with it.
    4. I have lost a total of 43 pounds.

    Add me if you would like. I am very upbeat and positive. Good luck and keep up the great work!!! :flowerforyou:

    Awesome. I had quit soda/coke/pop about 9 years ago and that was a choice I am so happy I made. I was ordered to drink 160+ fluid oz while I was pregnant with my oldest daughter because of fuid complications. From that I can't stand water anymore lol and I am trying to get back into drinking it. I actually got into drinking fruit juices V8 splashes. That change is very hard for me. Keep up the good work. 43 pounds is a lot of weight.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    1. I discovered MFP last May and have logged on ever since! Today is my 286th day! :bigsmile:
    2. I started off just making sure to log all my food and staying around my daily calorie intake. It was hard to get into the habit of logging at first but after a while, I got used to it. For exercise, I started later in my journey with walking a bit and now I'm going to the gym 4-5 times a week! It gets easier with time and just became a routine for me to log my food and exercise.
    3. Eating less and moving more. It truly is working for me! And I love to EAT! My diary says so. :love:
    4. 56 1/2 pounds. I've been averaging about 1 pound a week since I've started. Some weeks I lose 1/2 a pound or none -- but I usually know why. (Nom nom nom... :embarassed:)
    5. I'm taking a different approach this time with this whole weight loss thing... and it's working. I eat what I want. I'm more active. I have so much energy that somedays I feel like I could explode! :explode: LOL! I am just a more happier person now! And I've accepted that this will be a lifetime journey for me. :wink:

    Your so close to your goal weight I see. that is wonderful. I'm excited for you. The way you started off by just changing the amount of what you ate first and exercise later is the same thing I am doing. More so because right now in my life I have so much going on and I have no time work out. I barely have time to get 6-7 hrs sleep a night. I got the dark circles to go with it. LOL. But when that part winds down a bit and I can squeeze 15 min in to work out then I will jump on it :) But yet I don't sit at a desk where I work at. I am standing at a desk and sometimes I am housekeeping, maintenance, security, and front desk girl all rolled into one. My condo is 7 stories high and for my workout I climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator when I need to go to a different floor than the one my desk is at. :)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    1. I've been with MFP for a year and a month.

    2. I have found this to be the easiest thing I've ever tried. I try to eat healthy most of the time, but I'm not get crazy about it. I pretty much eat what I want and try to balance out the calories. I pay attention to the macros, but I'm okay if some are over and some are under as long as it isn't crazy. I'm most concerned about the calories. I subscribe to the mantra of calories in and calories out.

    3. Logging has been what works for me. Always being aware of what I'm eating, what I'm burning and what I'm feeling. I use the Food diary, the Exercise diary, and I blog. The 3 together keeps me pretty level.

    4. I am currently down 62 pounds, 38 pounds to go to hit my 100 pound goal.

    5. Exercise is the key. It is possible to lose the weight without exercising, but the feelings of deprivation and the depression many of us experience is difficult … the exercise will level all of that off.

    Awesome. Happy late one year. :)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    1. I have been a member for 3 years, but never used it for more than a day or two until this time. I am on day 43!
    2. LIke someone else said, this time has been a breeze for me, but I think I finally decided that "no holds bar' this time was my only way and that I had to do this for me.
    3. So far...not "giving up" anything. I have young kids with busy schedules and sometime we eat out. I enjoy that for the most part and I have found things that fit my calories. I also found ways to get in pieces of chocolate and things. My main thing was using some flavor packets to get down the water since I was a huge pop drinker before I started!
    4. 13.6 pounds in 43 days! It just seems to be falling off!
    5. I don't have much else to life is very stressful right now and I feel like this is one place that I can be in control. I can control what I put in my mouth and I can do this for me instead of giving and giving to other people in the rest of my life. I love new friends and I try to be as positive as I can so please feel free to add me too!

    Good luck!

    I'm in the same boat with the busy life and stress at the current moment. This site is actually helping me stay away from facebook at the moment where some of my issues are popping up and helping me get motivated to become healthier and be able to keep up with my 2 little girls... Almost 14 pounds in 43 days is amazing. Keep it up.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal? 20ish days
    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months? the first two weeks were weird cause i had no idea what i was doing with the healthy cooking. but i learned if you can make it two weeks with honest, no cheating, you're golden.
    3. What worked for you? healthy eating
    4. How much weight have you lost total so far? i lost 183 pounds (318.5-135.5) from august 2011-june 2013. then i quit smoking and gained 40 back. i'm here to get the last pesky ones off again. i am down 5.5 pounds since i started tracking here and started receiving support from pals.

    a few tips:
    - there's a saying that goes "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." you'll go to bed a little hungry, but wake up feeling great.
    - if you ever get "hungry," one thing i do is have just a finger tip of yellow mustard. it's so salty, i guarantee it'll kick your "craving"
    - you have to weigh/measure/track everything. don't eyeball it. you're going to get it wrong.
    - spinach can be disguised in pretty much anything and it is a potential gut bomber.
    - eating healthy feels SO amazing. and waking up after a day of being good will make you feel like a million bucks. i dare you to not smile and mentally pat yourself on the back for being awesome!
    - the best reward for a day of eating well is doing it again. and again. and again!
    - the benefits of healthy eating aren't all on the scale. your hair, skin and nails get awesome. then your head gets awesome. then you start saying "awesome" all the time and it really annoys other people, but you mean it every. dang. time. :)
    - find a physical activity that you can love as just that - an activity. if you see it as something you enjoy rather than a "work out" then you are more likely to keep it up. when i was heavy, i chose gardening and then added hula hooping and now that i actually's those and running. i also enjoy watching billy blanks' junk bounce around in the occasional tae-bo video session.
    - NEVER be mean to yourself. don't talk down to yourself for cheating or because of your size or the number on the scale. first of all, it's just plain mean. secondly, we've been taught to ignore bullying so it's not gonna do any good.
    - track your food the night before or the morning of. that way you'll be less likely to improvise!

    That is amazing, you look amazing, and those are amazing tips lol. I am going to copy, paste, and print them out. Then I'm going to hang them up around the house for reminders. :) Thanks :)
  • HealthySideofLife
    HealthySideofLife Posts: 80 Member
    1. I've used mfp for about three years on and off but recently came back a week ago.
    2. It wasn't that hard with the eating part. I ate healthy for a few months prior to starting a workout routine. This time around, I'm finding the problem to be the same.
    3. Healthy eating and then walking on my treadmill a little while later during my nightly tv shows.
    4. I lost around 80, then stopped doing everything altogether and gained about 45 of it back. I haven't weighed myself recently to see if I lost anything since I started using mfp again.
    5. Everything is in my profile on the side if you want to learn a little more about me. Anyone can add me as a friend! I love the supportive people on here!
  • aencinas18
    aencinas18 Posts: 21 Member
    1. I started mfp in late January after a wake up call from my doctor.
    2. The eating part hasn't been too hard as I've mostly cut back on my portion size. I was eating too much junk like sodas and fast food and not taking the time to see what's in it and what I really should be eating.
    3. Smaller portions, drink lots of water, healthy snacks and just random exercise like parking father away from my office, walking to the grocery store and just little cardio work at the gym. Going to start some weight lifting soon.
    4. I've lost 16 pounds so far and I'm not done yet. I started at 245, weighed as much as 260 a couple years ago and was my best at 185. I'm trying to get under 200 for the first time in almost ten years and I feel great!
    5. Don't beat yourself up. Allow yourself to have your moments of weakness and just start again the new day. Stay positive and you will achieve your goal! Feel free to add me if you'd like, or if anyone wants to.
  • mshippiequeen
    mshippiequeen Posts: 46 Member
    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal? 20ish days
    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months? the first two weeks were weird cause i had no idea what i was doing with the healthy cooking. but i learned if you can make it two weeks with honest, no cheating, you're golden.
    3. What worked for you? healthy eating
    4. How much weight have you lost total so far? i lost 183 pounds (318.5-135.5) from august 2011-june 2013. then i quit smoking and gained 40 back. i'm here to get the last pesky ones off again. i am down 5.5 pounds since i started tracking here and started receiving support from pals.

    a few tips:
    - there's a saying that goes "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." you'll go to bed a little hungry, but wake up feeling great.
    - if you ever get "hungry," one thing i do is have just a finger tip of yellow mustard. it's so salty, i guarantee it'll kick your "craving"
    - you have to weigh/measure/track everything. don't eyeball it. you're going to get it wrong.
    - spinach can be disguised in pretty much anything and it is a potential gut bomber.
    - eating healthy feels SO amazing. and waking up after a day of being good will make you feel like a million bucks. i dare you to not smile and mentally pat yourself on the back for being awesome!
    - the best reward for a day of eating well is doing it again. and again. and again!
    - the benefits of healthy eating aren't all on the scale. your hair, skin and nails get awesome. then your head gets awesome. then you start saying "awesome" all the time and it really annoys other people, but you mean it every. dang. time. :)
    - find a physical activity that you can love as just that - an activity. if you see it as something you enjoy rather than a "work out" then you are more likely to keep it up. when i was heavy, i chose gardening and then added hula hooping and now that i actually's those and running. i also enjoy watching billy blanks' junk bounce around in the occasional tae-bo video session.
    - NEVER be mean to yourself. don't talk down to yourself for cheating or because of your size or the number on the scale. first of all, it's just plain mean. secondly, we've been taught to ignore bullying so it's not gonna do any good.
    - track your food the night before or the morning of. that way you'll be less likely to improvise!

    That is amazing, you look amazing, and those are amazing tips lol. I am going to copy, paste, and print them out. Then I'm going to hang them up around the house for reminders. :) Thanks :)

    weeee! that's awesome :)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal? 20ish days
    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months? the first two weeks were weird cause i had no idea what i was doing with the healthy cooking. but i learned if you can make it two weeks with honest, no cheating, you're golden.
    3. What worked for you? healthy eating
    4. How much weight have you lost total so far? i lost 183 pounds (318.5-135.5) from august 2011-june 2013. then i quit smoking and gained 40 back. i'm here to get the last pesky ones off again. i am down 5.5 pounds since i started tracking here and started receiving support from pals.

    a few tips:
    - there's a saying that goes "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." you'll go to bed a little hungry, but wake up feeling great.
    - if you ever get "hungry," one thing i do is have just a finger tip of yellow mustard. it's so salty, i guarantee it'll kick your "craving"
    - you have to weigh/measure/track everything. don't eyeball it. you're going to get it wrong.
    - spinach can be disguised in pretty much anything and it is a potential gut bomber.
    - eating healthy feels SO amazing. and waking up after a day of being good will make you feel like a million bucks. i dare you to not smile and mentally pat yourself on the back for being awesome!
    - the best reward for a day of eating well is doing it again. and again. and again!
    - the benefits of healthy eating aren't all on the scale. your hair, skin and nails get awesome. then your head gets awesome. then you start saying "awesome" all the time and it really annoys other people, but you mean it every. dang. time. :)
    - find a physical activity that you can love as just that - an activity. if you see it as something you enjoy rather than a "work out" then you are more likely to keep it up. when i was heavy, i chose gardening and then added hula hooping and now that i actually's those and running. i also enjoy watching billy blanks' junk bounce around in the occasional tae-bo video session.
    - NEVER be mean to yourself. don't talk down to yourself for cheating or because of your size or the number on the scale. first of all, it's just plain mean. secondly, we've been taught to ignore bullying so it's not gonna do any good.
    - track your food the night before or the morning of. that way you'll be less likely to improvise!

    That is amazing, you look amazing, and those are amazing tips lol. I am going to copy, paste, and print them out. Then I'm going to hang them up around the house for reminders. :) Thanks :)

    weeee! that's awesome :)

    Did you research your tips while you were losing weight?
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal? 20ish days
    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months? the first two weeks were weird cause i had no idea what i was doing with the healthy cooking. but i learned if you can make it two weeks with honest, no cheating, you're golden.
    3. What worked for you? healthy eating
    4. How much weight have you lost total so far? i lost 183 pounds (318.5-135.5) from august 2011-june 2013. then i quit smoking and gained 40 back. i'm here to get the last pesky ones off again. i am down 5.5 pounds since i started tracking here and started receiving support from pals.

    a few tips:
    - there's a saying that goes "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper." you'll go to bed a little hungry, but wake up feeling great.
    - if you ever get "hungry," one thing i do is have just a finger tip of yellow mustard. it's so salty, i guarantee it'll kick your "craving"
    - you have to weigh/measure/track everything. don't eyeball it. you're going to get it wrong.
    - spinach can be disguised in pretty much anything and it is a potential gut bomber.
    - eating healthy feels SO amazing. and waking up after a day of being good will make you feel like a million bucks. i dare you to not smile and mentally pat yourself on the back for being awesome!
    - the best reward for a day of eating well is doing it again. and again. and again!
    - the benefits of healthy eating aren't all on the scale. your hair, skin and nails get awesome. then your head gets awesome. then you start saying "awesome" all the time and it really annoys other people, but you mean it every. dang. time. :)
    - find a physical activity that you can love as just that - an activity. if you see it as something you enjoy rather than a "work out" then you are more likely to keep it up. when i was heavy, i chose gardening and then added hula hooping and now that i actually's those and running. i also enjoy watching billy blanks' junk bounce around in the occasional tae-bo video session.
    - NEVER be mean to yourself. don't talk down to yourself for cheating or because of your size or the number on the scale. first of all, it's just plain mean. secondly, we've been taught to ignore bullying so it's not gonna do any good.
    - track your food the night before or the morning of. that way you'll be less likely to improvise!
    YOU are AWESOME!!!! and I mean that,,and yes,I actually do use that word A LOT!! My TKD Master told me the other day I was looking at him like something was wrong with him,I said "there is nothing wrong with you sir,you are all kinds of AWESOME!!" ..he laughs at me a lot!
  • katkat28
    katkat28 Posts: 28 Member
    Great post and great job so far in your journey!
    I'm 5'0, currently 164 lbs. Starting Weight was 172 on January 20th...

    1. I have used MFP in the past (first try was 2011) but fell off the wagon in within 5 weeks. Currently I'm on DAY 42 whoop whoop!!

    2. So far my MFP experience has been pretty pleasant. There were a few days in there that I can remember struggling with motivation to exercise but pulled through it or just started fresh the next day with no guilt

    3. For me, its all about balance. I have a calorie goal and I try to stick to it. If I go over a bit I don't punish myself, I just make up for it later in the week and try not to let it get out of control. Portion control is key to me. I don't like to restrict myself from any foods, I just try to make better food choices so I can have more of it. I still go to happy hours and do all of the things that 30 year olds do, but I try to stay mindful of what I put in my mouth. Basically that's it. The food diary is critical for me, and food planning is what works best in my case because if I'm not prepared I will find myself at Popeyes ordering fried chicken and biscuits LOL.

    4. In total I've lost 7.8 lost total so far

    5. Another thing that was important for me is avoiding burn out. I set REALISTIC mini goals. For example in March my goal is 7 lb weight loss and to run a total of 40 miles. Then I set weekly goals to will help me meet that end 4 days exercise this week and I don't do more than that (which makes it easy to hit my 40 mile run goal so I'm not cramming it in at the end of the month). Its sticking to a routine. My motto is "Motivation got me started..Habit keeps me going"
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    1. I've been using MFP for about 1 month now. I started to eat better and exercise in October, though.

    2. For me, it actually wasn't too difficult to start. One day I just decided to break out my Jillian Michaels dvds and do them. I also ate less than what I normally did before. Continuing to exercise after the first week was hard because it's so tempting to be lazy.

    3. Being more conscious of what I was putting into my body and how much of it I ate. Also, being aware of my cravings and how to satisfy them in a better way ("healthier" junk food alternatives). Self motivation is what keeps me going, because you can't always expect it from outside sources. Being realistic and logical about weight/fat loss is so important! Don't set yourself up to fail.

    4. As of today, I've lost 12lbs. I started at 127lbs at 5'0 feet (I'm also 25yrs old).

    5. Even though I feel like I've been losing weight so slowly, I keep on going. I've learned from the forum that since I don't really have that much fat to lose, it will take longer. I'm ok with this, especially since I love food. I tried eating only 1200 cals in the first week here and it was terrible. I've found a good range for me and I'm happy with it. Don't be afraid to experiment to see what works best for you! :)

    Feel free to friend me!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I am still fairly new to myfitnesspal. 35 days in and down I'm actually down 6lbs. The first weight logged it was off by 40lbs so I ended up deleting it because it would not let me change it. I am motivated to here everyones adventure on here. It gets me thinking If they can do it the right way so can I. I have a past struggle with anorexia and I don't want to go back to it now that I have 2 beautiful girls that look up to me.

    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal?
    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months?
    3. What worked for you?
    4. How much weight have you lost total so far?
    5. add anything else you would like to share.... I'd love to hear from you and add me if you would like to.

    1. I'm 35 days in
    2. My start so far has been rough with trying to figure what I can eat and can't eat and trying to stay within my daily nutrition goals. Its still a work in progress. I've been getting wonderful advice from other MFP users.
    3. Still learning what works for me.
    4. I have lost a total of 6lbs since Jan.
    5. starting weight: 228.8
    heaviest weight 301
    lightest weight: 152
    goal weight: 150-160
    current weight: 223.2
    delivered my oldest daughter 8-12-11 at 227
    delivered my youngest daughter 4-3-13 at 237
    I'm 5'6"
    I thought hanging up my smaller clothes around my house would motivate me to lose weight but it does not work because I'm hardly home as it is, but.... Seeing ya'll be so successful has motivated me beyond belief and I can take you all anywhere with me via my phone App.

    I've been on MFP for 612 days I think. I joined not long after my 2nd child was 1, but I'd been losing weight since she was 7 weeks old, only I didn't know about MFP then.

    I've been exercising for years, but got a bit lazy when I was pregnant with my second. I've never found healthy eating difficult, but I do have a sweet tooth, which gets worse in pregnancy! So I didn't really find it that hard. I think the toughest thing was going to the gym after a bad night with my kids, but I do really enjoy the 'me' time.

    I've never been a naturally thin person, and I lost a lot of weight when I started university. I gained weight again in my late 20s when I trained to be a teacher, but lost it all for my wedding. Then I put some on in my first pregnancy, despite exercising, lost it all, got pregnant again, and like I said I was lazy in my 2nd pregnancy and I ended up at 220lbs when I first weighed myself when my daughter was 8 weeks old. I had problems breastfeeding and took a drug called domperidone which is supposed to increase lactation, but it made me gain a lot of weight very fast. If I hadn't taken that, I doubt I'd have been as high as 220 as I was actually starting to lose some weight before I took the drug. I'm 5'6.

    I find doing lots of varied exercise works for me - gym, zumba, aerobics, step, spinning, LBT, core stability, boxercise etc. I don't like getting bored! I also found that upping calories from 1200 to 1500 really helped.
    I like having the support from people on my friends list too, I find it really motivating. I don't know that many people in real life who enjoy exercising and eating healthily.
    I also found a cheat meal helpful. Just once a week I'd allow myself a treat, like a nice dessert. It helped me avoid those biscuits and other treats all week!

    I lost about 66lbs in total.

    I'm currently 32+6 weeks pregnant with my third child and have logged onto MFP every day of my pregnancy so far! I've also continued to exercise throughout. I'm still eating pretty healthily, although I do have more treats than I did before! I'm still within my calories though. I'm hoping not to be in a position where I have to lose 66lbs again!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    1. I'm a rookie here, just joined about a month ago. But I changed my lifestyle about six months ago. I found MFP by Googling calories in recipes I was cooking. My Recipe Box is what got me to join. Every day it is getting fuller.

    2. It was very easy for me to start with.

    3. I had been cutting back on portion size starting about last July or August, and had lost a few pounds. About that time I had started a thread on another forum to post pictures of my supper every night. {I know, I'm crazy. But I like taking pictures, I like food and I like talking about food} [] if anyone wants to look. One of the guys who posted a lot was always talking about his low calorie days. When I ask him about it, he told me about the 5-2 fasting diet. Two days a week you limit yourself to 600-700 calories, and the other five days you eat like you normally would. I started in September and the weight just fell off. These days as I get closer to my goal weight, I have modified that to 800-1000 calories. I always look forward to my low calorie days. The simplicity of it is appealing to me. I know I have to eat lots of veggies to get enough food and not be hungry. And eating veggies is habit forming. Most days my plate is more green than any other color.

    4. I have gone from 240 to 191. Most of it since September.

    5. I started counting calories just the two days a week. Because of my work schedule Tuesday and Thursday are my low calorie days. As I lost more weight, I started to watch what I ate all the time, not just on my low calorie days. Then I started walking. My job is a whole lot of waiting around, so I do my walking at work. Then I picked up an exercise bike at a thrift store for a few bucks. We also have some other equipment that had been used to hang clothes on more than exercise. Now I use all of them while I'm watching TV {which I don't do a lot of} or listening to music {which I do a whole lot of}. And a couple of weeks ago I started weight training. I'm using very light weights and am in no hurry to get heavy. I am 53, so I'm not trying to out lift anyone.

    Since I joined MFP I love looking at other's food and exercise diaries, and like it when people comment on mine. Having them public is a good way to make you think about what you eat. Before you reach for that 2nd cookie, you think, if I eat this, everyone is going to know. And like others have said, weigh and measure everything. I drive my wife crazy when she is cooking. I'll ask her, "how many cups of that did you put in?" Then I enter it in the recipe section to get the calories per serving. I don't know if you can look at my Recipe Box, but if you can, you will see some of the low calorie recipes we are using.

    Sorry I've been so long winded. But I did say I like talking about food. Good luck with your lifestyle change.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal?

    <> Almost 1 year. I joined on March 25, 2013.

    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months?

    <> Super easy...honestly, easier than now because I was still at around 1600 cal/day and it seemed like the pounds were just melting off...not quickly or drastically, but very steadily.

    3. What worked for you?

    <> logging every single bite of food that has gone into my mouth since I joined. Staying at or under cal goal 97% of the time. Weighing every morning but not putting too much thought into it, and logging a loss after 3-4 days on the scale. Treats almost every day (worked into my macros). Paying attention to how much water I drink and the amount of sodium I consume, and letting sugar and fat slide a bit more. Walking a lot, and hiking or biking when convenient.

    4. How much weight have you lost total so far?

    <> Total 113 lb since I started losing weight from my all-time heaviest (307) in 2008. I lost 67 lb of that on MFP.

    5. add anything else you would like to share...

    <> One of my biggest surprises/challenges has been the constant purchase of new clothes. It has messed with my mind and budget a bit, but overall it's a good problem to have!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member

    5. add anything else you would like to share...

    <> One of my biggest surprises/challenges has been the constant purchase of new clothes. It has messed with my mind and budget a bit, but overall it's a good problem to have!

    I quickly learned to buy at thrift stores. At least until I reach a weight that I'm going to stay at a while. I spent about a hundred dollars on new belts, and two month later I was buying a leather punch. Now I look for a style that will be useful no matter how much I lose.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    Great post and great job so far in your journey!
    I'm 5'0, currently 164 lbs. Starting Weight was 172 on January 20th...

    1. I have used MFP in the past (first try was 2011) but fell off the wagon in within 5 weeks. Currently I'm on DAY 42 whoop whoop!!

    2. So far my MFP experience has been pretty pleasant. There were a few days in there that I can remember struggling with motivation to exercise but pulled through it or just started fresh the next day with no guilt

    3. For me, its all about balance. I have a calorie goal and I try to stick to it. If I go over a bit I don't punish myself, I just make up for it later in the week and try not to let it get out of control. Portion control is key to me. I don't like to restrict myself from any foods, I just try to make better food choices so I can have more of it. I still go to happy hours and do all of the things that 30 year olds do, but I try to stay mindful of what I put in my mouth. Basically that's it. The food diary is critical for me, and food planning is what works best in my case because if I'm not prepared I will find myself at Popeyes ordering fried chicken and biscuits LOL.

    4. In total I've lost 7.8 lost total so far

    5. Another thing that was important for me is avoiding burn out. I set REALISTIC mini goals. For example in March my goal is 7 lb weight loss and to run a total of 40 miles. Then I set weekly goals to will help me meet that end 4 days exercise this week and I don't do more than that (which makes it easy to hit my 40 mile run goal so I'm not cramming it in at the end of the month). Its sticking to a routine. My motto is "Motivation got me started..Habit keeps me going"

    Amazing. Love your post. Ever since I started this forum I have lost another 2.5 pounds. So its coming off faster now that I see the motivation Yall are giving me. :)
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    I am still fairly new to myfitnesspal. 35 days in and down I'm actually down 6lbs. The first weight logged it was off by 40lbs so I ended up deleting it because it would not let me change it. I am motivated to here everyones adventure on here. It gets me thinking If they can do it the right way so can I. I have a past struggle with anorexia and I don't want to go back to it now that I have 2 beautiful girls that look up to me.

    1. How long have you used myfitnesspal?
    2. How easy or hard was your first few weeks/months?
    3. What worked for you?
    4. How much weight have you lost total so far?
    5. add anything else you would like to share.... I'd love to hear from you and add me if you would like to.

    1. I'm 35 days in
    2. My start so far has been rough with trying to figure what I can eat and can't eat and trying to stay within my daily nutrition goals. Its still a work in progress. I've been getting wonderful advice from other MFP users.
    3. Still learning what works for me.
    4. I have lost a total of 6lbs since Jan.
    5. starting weight: 228.8
    heaviest weight 301
    lightest weight: 152
    goal weight: 150-160
    current weight: 223.2
    delivered my oldest daughter 8-12-11 at 227
    delivered my youngest daughter 4-3-13 at 237
    I'm 5'6"
    I thought hanging up my smaller clothes around my house would motivate me to lose weight but it does not work because I'm hardly home as it is, but.... Seeing ya'll be so successful has motivated me beyond belief and I can take you all anywhere with me via my phone App.

    I've been on MFP for 612 days I think. I joined not long after my 2nd child was 1, but I'd been losing weight since she was 7 weeks old, only I didn't know about MFP then.

    I've been exercising for years, but got a bit lazy when I was pregnant with my second. I've never found healthy eating difficult, but I do have a sweet tooth, which gets worse in pregnancy! So I didn't really find it that hard. I think the toughest thing was going to the gym after a bad night with my kids, but I do really enjoy the 'me' time.

    I've never been a naturally thin person, and I lost a lot of weight when I started university. I gained weight again in my late 20s when I trained to be a teacher, but lost it all for my wedding. Then I put some on in my first pregnancy, despite exercising, lost it all, got pregnant again, and like I said I was lazy in my 2nd pregnancy and I ended up at 220lbs when I first weighed myself when my daughter was 8 weeks old. I had problems breastfeeding and took a drug called domperidone which is supposed to increase lactation, but it made me gain a lot of weight very fast. If I hadn't taken that, I doubt I'd have been as high as 220 as I was actually starting to lose some weight before I took the drug. I'm 5'6.

    I find doing lots of varied exercise works for me - gym, zumba, aerobics, step, spinning, LBT, core stability, boxercise etc. I don't like getting bored! I also found that upping calories from 1200 to 1500 really helped.
    I like having the support from people on my friends list too, I find it really motivating. I don't know that many people in real life who enjoy exercising and eating healthily.
    I also found a cheat meal helpful. Just once a week I'd allow myself a treat, like a nice dessert. It helped me avoid those biscuits and other treats all week!

    I lost about 66lbs in total.

    I'm currently 32+6 weeks pregnant with my third child and have logged onto MFP every day of my pregnancy so far! I've also continued to exercise throughout. I'm still eating pretty healthily, although I do have more treats than I did before! I'm still within my calories though. I'm hoping not to be in a position where I have to lose 66lbs again!

    Congrats on the new addition... Everytime I got to a happy place with my weight I got pregnant lol. Hopefully that does not happen this time and I can enjoy a smaller me for a while lol. I gained 60lbs with my oldest because I was on bedrest for my 3rd trimester. I gained 30lbs with my second because I forced myself to stay as active as I could. I gained 10lbs by week 36. I was put on bed rest in my 9th month due to rare complications and I gained the last 20 in the final 5 weeks. Yes I said 5 weeks lol. She was 1 whole week overdue. Which is what we wanted to happen. My body stole a lot of nutrients from her and instead of burning my calories when I was active, I was burning hers. So at 36 weeks she was barely 2.5 lbs and underweight. I had her at 5lbs and 7oz at 41 weeks. She is now almost 11 months and is a happy healthy 16 lb baby. :)

    I'll be happy to see you meet your goal someday and ya hopefully you don't have to lose that much this time. I don't think you will considering your eating healthy and staying active.