Hi everyone!

My name is Rosi, and I just started on here this week. Umm... let's see well I've been overweight all my life and it's gotten to the point where I am no longer happy with myself. I have an account on tumblr and I saw someone create an account om here and she's tracking her process, which I think is awesome and it gave me the extra push I needed to do this. So anyone want to chat it up sometime, you're more than welcome :) I am 22 and in my senior year of college, I study Psychology and I live in the Bay Area !


  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
  • jasmines_mum
    Welcome!!!! I'm always up for a good chat....can I add you as a friend?

    This site is amazing!!!
  • racharla
    racharla Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome aboard ...
  • lyona
    lyona Posts: 2
    I Just signed up today Im very please with the way the site is created. very simple but fun. it reminds me of a facebook for those who want to be fit. I dont have alot of friends that care much about there health so i would be glad to make new friends on here.

    I used to be about 55 pounds over wieght but I lot 50 aabout 2 years ago. but recently I have gained about 15 to 20..due to just life and my schedule and basically not taking the time to care anymore. 15lbs isnt alot in comparison but....... I have become very aware these days and want to stay at my healthy happy wieght. I usually write down what I eat everyday anyways so I thought it would be great to track my overall progress.

    best of luck to all! lets be healthy!
  • vitaenamor
    Thanks guys! This is awesome, I love the site as well. I'm happy to have come across it and find so much support on here :)
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    Welcome...I guarantee you will find many people who are supportive and offer very meaningful health information!
