Extremely frustrated



  • Dznyfan
    Dznyfan Posts: 17 Member
    I've tried talking to someone that's who recommended the 1000 calorie limit.
  • Dznyfan
    Dznyfan Posts: 17 Member
    According to mfp when I look at my protein it Alwys says I exceeded it??????
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    MFP is notorious for over-estimating calories burned. Frustrating as that is, you really can't rely on that data.
  • raparker63
    raparker63 Posts: 2 Member
    I tend to think you are not eating enough calories. Maybe your body has slowed down your metabolism to compensate too low calories especially along with yiur exercise! You are starving your body so it has slowed down to conserve .
  • raparker63
    raparker63 Posts: 2 Member
    Also e erything ive read says females should not eat less than 1200 calories a day less than that can cause metabolic slow dow
  • Pia_rita123
    Pia_rita123 Posts: 6 Member
    I have also faced the same issue before and facing the same issue now as well. I am almost the same height and weight and age as you. The things that make a difference is monitoring the sodium intake , whenever I eat food with high sodium I gain weight (1-2 lbs) because of water retention. As soon as I cut down on the sodium the weights starts to drop.

    But in the end it comes down to the golden rule calorie deficit = weight loss.

    So if you are not losing you have to believe that your calorie intake is more than calories burned.

    Keep on trying don't give up, you will eventually start to see the scale move.
  • myplacetohide
    myplacetohide Posts: 25 Member
    From what I can tell from your diary...you sodium is off the charts. There seems to be coming from a great deal of prepackaged/fastfood. This is probably contributing to you retaining a great deal of water.

    Also, I do notice that you are doing a fair amount of "quick add" calories. In fact, every single day has them. What are those calories exactly? NEVER do quick add calories. State each and every thing until you start dropping pounds.

    The other thing...why ain't your us gars being tracked? Sugars will stall ANY diet. Especially if they end up being a large percentage of your diet.

    Frankly, I think you sodium and your sugars are to blame.
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    Thing is I use what map uses as what is burned when I put in the activity. I don't change it . As for the foods I think I'm being specific as much as possible I look over the site with a fine tooth comb I choose the closest or best possible suggestion as for the peanut butter if I don't watch it Icahn go way overboard I love it too. So that is why I only use such as all amount.

    folks have pointed out that despite your best efforts there are still loopholes in your diary. "1 serving" of something being a fine example as you have no clue probably what a serving should be. Measuring cups and spoons are very inaccurate, use your digital scale as much as you can, even for things you would normally measure out.

    MFP limits for protein are very low. You need a lot more than they say, especially with such little calorie limit. Also do you eat back your exercise calories?

    So far you have given answers as to why what you are doing is right, when clearly something is off and the good people here have taken their time to go through your diary and point out some things to you where inaccuracy can come from. Please don't shrug them off with "I do that perfectly". if I take one example 1/2 a teaspoon of peanut butter weighs 2.5 grams. pretty sure that would barely spread over 1 toast. Try to take every suggestion into consideration and be open to the option that there might be some things that you're doing that are not 100% accurate. In the end it is your success that is at stake.

    And I haven't even gone to the fact that 1000 calories is way too low and you should be losing on 1400-1500 with your height and weight, so the underestimation that is likely going on in what you consume must be like 50% for you not to shift any weight.