Need a few more friends -

I'm not new - in fact, I'm at 230 consecutive days. Yes, I've logged on every day - but that's not to say I entered my food and stayed under my calorie limit. As I struggled through November it became evident that I need to add a few more die-hards to my friends list. It is so easy to fall into the "go it alone" mentality, and it has made the past two months difficult for me.

I'm at 65 lbs lost (we won't talk about the 4 or so I gained last month) with about 60 to go. I'm ready to kick this up a notch!


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    LOL I am Hard core and a forever die hard :-)
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    Let's be friends :happy:
  • goalsaregood
    goalsaregood Posts: 13 Member
    I'm looking to collect a few more friends myself!
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    it says i have logged in 10days when i have been here for a week.
  • racharla
    racharla Posts: 92 Member
    "The more friends we have.... more chances of staying determined and motivated ".... learnt it recently from MFP....

    friend request sent :happy: