Need friends... I m on verge of giving up :((

Heyy... I have been on mfp for a while now but haven't been commited because I keep losing interest every once on a while :(( I start losing and then 1 event n I put on all I lost back. I lose patience and get off the site and then back in a few days... I need friends who can motivate me and I m accountable to them also for not logging.... Please send me a friend request if u would b interested in being friends with me....I love to see people losing oodles of weight and staying focused... Need some inspiration and a kick on the butt too... Lol


  • MissDesiAmaris
    MissDesiAmaris Posts: 70 Member
    Lets be friends and put a change to that! :)
  • Add me :)
  • You and me both! It is a very hard struggle.. i was doing well, went from 267 down to 237 and now im back up to 240. Theres a lot going on in my life and Thursday will be a month that i havent been to the gym. We need to motivate eachother! We can do this!!!
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    In my opinion, the underlying problem is you haven't figured out why you want to lose the weight. A lot of people use reasons such as wearing nice clothes, or turning peoples heads, etc. For me personally, it was several life threatening issues. My family and Church depend on me a lot as well. So I had no choice but to lose the weight or end up dead and leaving my loved ones basically stranded.

    Find that one really good reason why you want to get this done, and you won't have to try, you'll simply WANT to do it. It will pull you towards your goal like a magnet. In the end, it IS all you.
  • Newdare
    Newdare Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all!! I m restarting my journey here with all you amazing people and I hope to stick to it for a long long time!! Lots of love
  • torichantel2005
    torichantel2005 Posts: 42 Member
    You can do it! I agree with the person that said you haven't found the real reason you want to lose weight. For me, I have a very active husband who works out a lot. We like to be active together, and I had reached a weight where I knew if I kept going down that hill, it was going to be very hard to go back up. I'm committed now, and I haven't been in the past (I have never even really TRIED in the past). You just need to find YOUR reason.
  • neewest33
    neewest33 Posts: 5 Member
    I am exactly the same, add me and we can kick each others butts, haha x
  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    Plz don't give up you will have a good support system from us on MFP
    Feel free to add me
    Remember you are not alone that's why most of us joined to get that help
  • Heditw
    Heditw Posts: 21
    add me please ^^
  • Stuartw31
    Stuartw31 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat as you, been here a few times but never really seen it through, never made friends before so hopefully by doing this with give me the kick-start I need. Have sent you a friend request
  • xenoa
    xenoa Posts: 106 Member
    Feel free to add me, you and anyone else. :smile: