Motivation Team?

Just discovered myfitnesspal from my new personal trainer. She's having me track everything I eat and send it to her everyday. So here I am signed up and friendless. lol but I really like this so far! I am 24, full time worker and full time student. Looking for motivation from people who have already set sail on their journey to healthy. I am down for any tips, advice, and would like to follow along on your journeys! I'd also like to make friends with people who are just getting started like myself. We can do this together =]. Lets motivate one another. All aboard for the motivation train please add me :smile:


  • sarahable83
    To stay motivated and to motivate people is very nice yet a difficult task to do it takes so much of efforts and determination. Motivation is required in all the areas like in the workplace, regarding health issues, weight loss and much more. In this case some positive speeches and videos helps us a lot. We should be with the person who are self motivated and provide positive energy, this will help us to boost our morale and internal strength.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    Just curious, did your personal trainer help you with setting up your MFP account? Including goal setting etc.?
  • CharlieSmurfetteFarley
    Hiya and welcome! My tips and advice would be follow the tips and advice of your PT as that's what they trained and are qualified for. There is so much misinformation out there, no matter how well meaning and too many cooks can spoil the broth! I'm kind of biased though ;)
    Welcome aboard and feel free to add :)