Dinner/ Night Time Ruitine: Help??

I can't be the only one who struggles with late night snack cravings. However, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to avoid overeating at dinner, which is my biggest problem lately. I'll do great throughout the day, but since I'm not the one who prepares my dinner, I always find that I eat way too much. (Calorie wise) :(


  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I can't see your diary but it's possible you are not eating enough during the day, which leads you to overeating at dinner. I've found I must make sure I have enough protein at lunchtime or I'm ravenously hungry by dinner.

    I do not prepare my dinner either but I do control the portion sizes and whether to select something else. Example, if my husband fixes spaghetti I'll have my portion and add a salad instead of just having a full plate of pasta.

    I also make a point to "save" some calories back to be able to have a late night snack. I really try to stick to something healthy, like greek yogurt, cheese with a few crackers, 3-4 frozen banana slices with a teaspoon of peanut butter etc, but sometimes those Cheetos or chips call my name too loudly. As long as I have those cals available, I can have those chips and not feel too guilty about it.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Eat more during the day.
    Eat a snack before you dine
    Portion out your dinner so you only eat that portion--make ahead
    Drink lots of H2O
    Eat slowing savoring each bite
    Use a smaller size plate

    Hope these tips help:)
  • DreamFighter95
    Thank you! I'll be sure to use these tips-I'm having too much trouble not to. ><
  • joshlawrence737
    I have the same problem. What I try to do is have a high salt meal, and drink a ton of water. It bloats you up and this way you don't eat more. Works for me! I don't have high BP or any cardiovascular problems so the salt isn't really an issue for me. While this sounds unhealthy, it doesn't need to be unless you are avoiding salt. I had steamed collards with hot sauce last night (hot sauce is essentially just chili peppers and salt), with a giant salad last night.
  • roniredd
    I actually work out in the evenings, so the thought of having a big dinner actually makes me sick! I usually eat something before I exercise (my main dinner, but not big). Then, afterwards, when I am making my lunch for the next day (usually a salad), I nibble on the veggies. After I shower or bath, I eat a couple of fudgsicles. Yes, I know not the healthiest, but for 40 calories a piece, they are a good choice for me.

    I think it's about finding a routine and what works for you. If I didn't work out at night, I would definitely want to eat!!!!