Body Revolution or P90X?

I am wanting to purchase one of these and would love to hear some feedback on those that have used Body Revolution and/or P90X.

I love the 30DS and Ripped in 30, but was wondering if a lot of the exercises may be a repeat of those on Body Revolution. P90X looks awesome and I have read some great reviews.

I like that the Body Revolution workouts are 30 minutes. How long are the P90X workouts? Do they vary in time? My plan would be to combine the DVD workouts with 30 to 45 minutes of run/walk on the treadmill or outside.

I am 5'8" and currently in maintenance...with a goal of continuing to tone.

Thank you for any advice! :smile:


  • FoxWilkinson
    FoxWilkinson Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there,

    I've done BodyRev and a bit of P90X, so more opinions are clearly welcome to get the other side of the argument. :)

    Do you have 45-60 a day to workout? That's not including shower at the end. P90X is much more intense and the workouts are 45 -60 minutes long (not including the 90 minute Yoga X video). But you can build amazingly lean muscles and if you can keep up to Tony you'll build great endurance. I just thought the workouts were a little long since I like to work out in the morning before my day.

    JM's Body Rev does repeats some moves that are in the 30Day shred, but only the first two weeks worth. Where P90X repeats the standard workout videos by schedule, Body Rev slowly progresses into harder and harder workouts. I also really loved the shorter times and more intensity. Coming back to fitness after an injury and a 3 month break, I started with BodyRev, and now I'm back to my Insanity :) (Insanity and ChaLEAN Extreme are my favorites).

    I've you've completed 30DS and Ripped, I would say jump right into P90X! I think Body Rev is more geared to those you have more to loose since the moves start out pretty easy and progress over 12 weeks. To loose that last layer (looking at your profile pick I would say you don't look like you need to loose much else :drinker: ) just up the intensity and go P90X or ChaLEAN.

    Hope this helps a little :)
  • Fuax75
    Fuax75 Posts: 70 Member
    Both are great work outs but i prefer Tap Out XT and XT2 for me it was a better mix of strength and cardio. Check them out as well. Remember anything that can get you off the couch and moving is usually pretty good.

    What ever you choose good luck!
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    I'm currently on Body Revolution and love the results , I have tried P90X before and didn't like the time I had to put into it ( 30 mns is perfect for me) ... but .... once I'm done with this program I will start P90X3 which is being done also in 30 mns p/day ... there is a way to download the videos for both so you can be a better judge before making a commitment
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    Thank you for all of your suggestions! I am going to have to check them out!

    For my daily routine I like the DVD workouts that are around 30 minutes. Then I like to switch to cardio on the treadmill or take the kids outside and walk/run while they ride bikes and play. Looking forward to doing the later more as it gets warmer! :smile:

    I am looking forward to getting something new, so all of your suggestions are appreciated!! Thanks again everyone!
  • spyecats
    spyecats Posts: 4 Member
    since you like 30 minute workouts have you looked into P90X3, I think I'm going to try that one after I finish P90X
  • kathollins89
    I was thinking about doing P90X myself but I'm a bit worried about the long workout times combined with the intensity. On it suggested P90X but I don't think I can manage 45 minute workouts that are really intense... I could only just manage the month 2 workouts on INSANITY.