HELP: eat all my allowed calories before 2pm



  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member

    ETA: I'm about 120-121 pounds, 5'3 and my goal is 119 right now.
    Your body can vary up to 5 pounds in a day. So what time of day will you decide you actually weigh 119 pounds? Put your calorie allowance up to a maintenance level do some exercise and eat some proper food. A bag of cheetos and a granola bar is not a breakfast. Stop with this obsession over a number if your after a look find some exercises that will give you the look you want but overall eat some real food. Not high calorie snacks that don't fill anyone up

    My scale at home says I'm 118.5 (I got in 2 months ago) when I weigh myself first thing in the morning but I don't believe it because whenever I go to the drs. and get weighed, I'm a pound heavier. Yes, technically that would make me 119.5, my goal, but for some reason I just believe it. I go up to 121 in the afternoons, so how do I know what's real? Maybe it's my fear of maintaining? It's like I just want more, my goal was 120 but I always change it when I get closer to it.

    You know what that pound is? Breakfast. Poop. Clothes. That pound could literally be anything. You need to stop stressing about such a small variance in your weight because, as the poster said, your weight can vary by as much as 5 pounds in a day depending on the amount of water you drink, how much food is still in your stomach, etc. Go to maintenance. If you want to tone your body to get more muscle definition, do so. But do that at maintenance because you're not going to build muscle on a deficit.

    Also, since you seem to exercise regularly, have you considered doing the TDEE method? This method splits up calories burned during exercise, so that they're on every day automatically rather than added in later. Then you don't add in exercise calories. It might help you to be able to eat more food.
  • crissygm
    crissygm Posts: 42 Member
    Well, speaking from experience, the more carbs I eat, the hungrier I get. I've recently started eating more protein and less carbs and I am not nearly as hungry any more. Also, veggies. Filling and low calorie.
  • It's sounds more like a comfort or anxiety than real hunger. I think a good solution would be just to pause for a few minutes and ask yourself what's most important to you. If you just pause for a few minutes between eating extra and relax your mind and focus on your goal and the benefits you will get from it, it might help a lot. I've personally had the same kind of problem. I have extreme fibromyalgia and have gained a lot of weight from it because of the same thing. It causes bad anxiety so I eat or I eat to forget the pain. I think the biggest thing is just asking yourself why you 'really' want to eat it. If it's just programmed in you to do then take small steps towards not eating more, say eat something like an apple if you want more or only eat a little bit extra. It takes a while to break a habit. That's what your food log is for though so you can see your weak spots and work towards them. Just don't overwhelm yourself. Best of luck!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Eat more protein and fiber. Will keep you full longer.


    However, after reading your later comments, it seems like the problem is in your self control. That's a hard lesson to learn, but is vital to losing weight. It's up to you. Only you can put the food in your mouth. Only you can stop yourself.

    It's taken me 20 months to unlearn years of eating for the wrong reasons. Good luck. It's not easy - but you can do it.
  • SimplyMicheleR
    SimplyMicheleR Posts: 89 Member
    You know diet sodas ARE addictive, and so bad for you in too many ways to count! Just stop them!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    My friend you have a sugar addiction. Yes all of those processed carbs turn into sugar in your blood stream. Plus they are filled with chemicals that keep you hungry and make you want to eat more and more. The solution is to cut out the junk and eat REAL food. Not something that was made in a factory. Food is grown in the ground or raised on a farm. Vegetables are very low in calories so you can eat them all day and not use up your allotment so quickly. Have a couple of eggs for breakfast with a side of fruit and it will sustain you longer than your cheetos. Have a salad or a wrap for lunch with some chicken and veggies. Have fish or a small piece of steak for dinner with vegetables on the side. Do that for a couple of days and see if you are still hungry all of the time.

    So does any carb, processed or not. Our bodies run on sugar (glucose to be exact) so if we didn't break things down into sugars to run on, we would be dead pretty quick. There are no 'chemical' additives to foods that I am aware of that cause you to crave more. All that happens is she is eating a carb heavy breakfast with no protein or fats to satiate her. Thus she feels hungry within a short time of eating.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You know diet sodas ARE addictive, and so bad for you in too many ways to count! Just stop them!

    Not true, sorry. Why would you think this?
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member

    ETA: I'm about 120-121 pounds, 5'3 and my goal is 119 right now.
    Your body can vary up to 5 pounds in a day. So what time of day will you decide you actually weigh 119 pounds? Put your calorie allowance up to a maintenance level do some exercise and eat some proper food. A bag of cheetos and a granola bar is not a breakfast. Stop with this obsession over a number if your after a look find some exercises that will give you the look you want but overall eat some real food. Not high calorie snacks that don't fill anyone up

    My scale at home says I'm 118.5 (I got in 2 months ago) when I weigh myself first thing in the morning but I don't believe it because whenever I go to the drs. and get weighed, I'm a pound heavier. Yes, technically that would make me 119.5, my goal, but for some reason I just believe it. I go up to 121 in the afternoons, so how do I know what's real? Maybe it's my fear of maintaining? It's like I just want more, my goal was 120 but I always change it when I get closer to it.

    Your weight constantly fluctuates due to a number of uncontrollable factors, such as water. You need to weigh yourself at the same time each week and use the same scales. If you weigh yourself one morning before you eat, then in the afternoon of course the number on the scale will change. You are 5'3 and weigh 118-121lbs based on what you've said. Even if you do weigh 121lbs that is by no means overweight so stop stressing
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Right stay away from granola bars and the like. Why don't you try oatmeal and eggs? If you still get too high on the calories do egg whites.

    Such as:
    oatmeal + 1 egg + 3 egg whites
  • 1) Eat more protein.
    2) Eat foods with more volume when you have the munchies. This is generally going to include more fiber and water content.
    3) Drink water first when you have the urge to eat something and it's not 'time'.

    I'd say eat more protein, but the foods that are going to give you the most bang for your buck are vegetables and the occasional fruits. If you're not into fruits/veggies, have you tried smoothies or juicing? That can help ease you into eating your veggies. Many of the foods you've listed are junk food. If you're wanting to eat well and lose weight, you will need to change your diet completely. It's going to be awful for about a month, but then you will find that the foods you were eating before just make you tired (and more hungry). Also, I drink about 100 oz of water per day. I try to drink at least 8 oz of water 30 mins before every meal.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Clean eating isn't necessary, but it certainly helps! I eat junk, I eat real food and it works. I am not perfect, some days I am over and some days I don't eat enough.

    Thing is, I'm real. I'm not gotta tell you "OMG YOU'RE ONLY EATING CHEMICALS" because water and oxygen are chemicals. So don't get hung up on something like that.

    The EASIEST thing you can do first is buy less junk. Just stop. Don't. I know when I have it around it is calling me in the house and eventually I WILL eat it even if only because I don't want to waste food (also bad).

    Cheetos for breakfast (I know you put it in quotes) is no good. If you want cheetos you can have a few for lunch with a healthier sandwich. A small amount, on the side as they are intended. That's cool.

    Thing is you also have really low calories, so it makes it harder too. Do you really need to lose that ONE stupid pound in one week? As someone else pointed out, what is a pound? It's nothing, it's anything, it's everything... but most of all it is A NUMBER ON A SCALE.

    Screw the scale, throw it out or get one that can tell you body fat percentage etc. Useful numbers. Take measurements, pics, look in the mirror. We aren't determined by the number on the scale. A ball of fat can weigh 120lbs, and a sexy lean body can weigh 160 lbs.

    You need a sustainable plan if you're ever going to reach your goal and maintain it. Maybe you just need to eat at maintenance as someone else said and let it work itself out (it will).

    I'm not knocking clean eating, the plus side of that is being able to eat MORE and stay within your limits, I'm just saying it isn't necessary. However you can't eat ONLY junk and lose weight (well you can, a guy only ate twinkies and did it, but it's not nutritionally ideal). You gotta add some other things in there.

    I know carbs are cheaper inexpensive food (I'm currently having problems myself).. and that whole wheat isn't always better sadly (they often have more calories in my experience), but try to start with making small changes. Add a salad to your meals. Find things you LIKE in the salad to make them enjoyable when you eat it. Some people add things like nuts or apples or even mandarin oranges! Lots of ideas. Little steps and don't sweat that last stupid pound.

    I'm rambling and all over the place but I hope that somewhere you get the point I'm trying to make XD
  • Now I'm craving Cheetos, thanks!

    THis LOL I totally agree!

    But really, Eating more protein is great advice. I will try this as well. I am usually good all day then so hungry at dinner.

    For breafast at 8am, I usually eat Steel cut Oatmeal and one boiled egg. about 250 calories total and keeps me from 8am until 11:30am FULL. When I eat a bagel and egg 290 calories I am already starving by 10:00am
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    ETA: I'm about 120-121 pounds, 5'3 and my goal is 119 right now.
    Your body can vary up to 5 pounds in a day. So what time of day will you decide you actually weigh 119 pounds? Put your calorie allowance up to a maintenance level do some exercise and eat some proper food. A bag of cheetos and a granola bar is not a breakfast. Stop with this obsession over a number if your after a look find some exercises that will give you the look you want but overall eat some real food. Not high calorie snacks that don't fill anyone up
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    There are two quick fixes: raise your calorie allowance to 2000 for that day or just stop logging after 2pm to keep yourself in the green.
  • Azchange
    Azchange Posts: 110 Member
    You know diet sodas ARE addictive, and so bad for you in too many ways to count! Just stop them!

    Not true, sorry. Why would you think this?

    Agreed. I drink a can of diet soda every day after work. Gotta have my bubbles. Of course artificial sweeteners aren't the best, but a lot better than 150 calories in a can of coke.
  • kellyr730
    kellyr730 Posts: 44 Member
    I do the exact same thing. It is so frustrating. I don't snack and binge because I'm hungry at all - I have a good bowl of oatmeal just about every morning that is very satisfying and fills me up but I still just WANT to eat! Then I either have to go to the gym and burn 300-500 calories just to be able to have anything else to eat before I go to bed (usually at midnight) because I know my willpower won't last between noon and midnight to not eat anything. It's to the point where I can never even have dinner with my kids at night because I don't have any calories left and that's what I hate. I have tried eating protein for breakfast too - it doesn't matter what I eat I still just want to eat. I don't know how to avoid the cravings. I figure when it warms up outside maybe I can go for a walk when the urge hits or something but right now I'm stuck inside because it's 10 degrees out. I'm managing to keep my weight off but I hate fighting this every day too.

    It's frustrating. I too can never have dinner with my family normally. I always skip it and tell them im full already. It can be 4pm and I have to either go over my calories or skip meals. My family is starting to worry because I "never eat" but the thing is, I eat too much too quickly.

    That's exactly what my family says!!! It's irritating because I'm embarrassed and they think that I'm overreacting to how much I've eaten the rest of the day but they just don't understand!
  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    1. Don't weigh yourself so often. Even when I was on the strictest calorie deficit, I weighed myself once every other week.
    2. Eat less crap. You can eat MORE if you eat LESS calorie dense items. I love me some carbs -- breads, crackers, chips, yada, yada, yada -- and I eat them everyday, but they can't be the majority of what I eat or I can't stay within my calorie limits AND be full. More protein. More fruit and vegetables. Also, when you do need some bread or a cracker or whatever, pick something less calorie dense like whole grain toast rather than a biscuit or bagel.
    3. Deal with your food issues. You're not eating because you're hungry, you're eating for other reasons. Work on fixing that. Take a short walk, drink water, do SOMETHING other than pick up a granola bar and put it in your mouth. Maybe find a good counselor to talk about this behavior and constructive coping mechanisms. Ultimately, there's nothing we can tell you to EAT that's going to fix this, you have to find it in yourself to change the behavior.
  • brianalynnx
    brianalynnx Posts: 25 Member
    Mac & Cheese is 400 calories per cup - eeek!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Mac & Cheese is 400 calories per cup - eeek!

    LOL - weigh it and you'll really scream.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member

    ETA: I'm about 120-121 pounds, 5'3 and my goal is 119 right now.
    Your body can vary up to 5 pounds in a day. So what time of day will you decide you actually weigh 119 pounds? Put your calorie allowance up to a maintenance level do some exercise and eat some proper food. A bag of cheetos and a granola bar is not a breakfast. Stop with this obsession over a number if your after a look find some exercises that will give you the look you want but overall eat some real food. Not high calorie snacks that don't fill anyone up

    My scale at home says I'm 118.5 (I got in 2 months ago) when I weigh myself first thing in the morning but I don't believe it because whenever I go to the drs. and get weighed, I'm a pound heavier. Yes, technically that would make me 119.5, my goal, but for some reason I just believe it. I go up to 121 in the afternoons, so how do I know what's real? Maybe it's my fear of maintaining? It's like I just want more, my goal was 120 but I always change it when I get closer to it.

    You know what that pound is? Breakfast. Poop. Clothes. That pound could literally be anything. You need to stop stressing about such a small variance in your weight because, as the poster said, your weight can vary by as much as 5 pounds in a day depending on the amount of water you drink, how much food is still in your stomach, etc. Go to maintenance. If you want to tone your body to get more muscle definition, do so. But do that at maintenance because you're not going to build muscle on a deficit.

    Also, since you seem to exercise regularly, have you considered doing the TDEE method? This method splits up calories burned during exercise, so that they're on every day automatically rather than added in later. Then you don't add in exercise calories. It might help you to be able to eat more food.
    This. A pound is nothing to be stressing over. Make this about your overall health rather than precisely hitting that mark on the scale on a particular day.