Is insanity to strong to go into for beginners?

My over all health isn't the best. I've been on this journey to get
In shape for years. I'm determined to put all effort in so I can
Get the body I desire. I've heard a lot about insanity . How its
An intense workout program, you sweat like crazy , and that it is
Very difficult at times. I want to try the 60 day program , but I
Don't know if I should begin doing small exercises for a month to
Get me warmed up for the 60 day challenge.
Any advice? (:
Does insanity real work ?
Is it to challenging for beginners ?
Should I start with another less intense program first?


  • linzbarker
    linzbarker Posts: 19 Member
    I'm just starting Insanity; In the last 3 years I've had a love/hate with fitness. 6 months ago I could run 5k no problem, and then I went on vacation, put on 10lbs and hadn't been to the gym in months. So overall, my cardio is good, not great.

    Insanity, for me, who I consider above beginner level, is, no pun intended, insane. It's hard. It pushes you a lot. And if you aren't willing to go 100% and you take breaks, or press pause, it's just not going to work.

    I suggest starting with Jillian Michael 30 Day Shred (which I did back in the beginning of my fitness journey when I was 185lbs) and it got me started. After Jillian I think you'll be able to keep up with Shaun T on Insanity.

    Insanity is basically: run on spot for 1min, jumping jacks for 1 min, high knees for 1 min, jump squats for 1 min, back to run on spot, etc for 45min straight. It's a killer. So basically, if you can't run 1k on the treadmill without stopping, this cardio intense workout isn't good for you, yet.

    Hope that helps and good luck!
  • toolzz
    toolzz Posts: 163 Member
    I would do it. There is nothing that says you have to be perfect right out of the gate. I did it years ago and it is a killer program but you can really measure your success (you do a fitness test througout the program) and I think you have to remember that every time you do the workout you are getting stronger and fitter.

    DO IT!!
  • michelle_belle07
    Insanity was the first workout I ever did. It's a killer program, and it will give you results if you push yourself. I'm not going to lie, it's going to be tough. I was laying on the floor for half of it, but I got better! I would definitely try it.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Like toolzz said, there is nothing that says you have to be perfect.
    There isn't necessarily the expectation that you have to be at the same level of Shaun T or the rest of his crowd.

    If you go in with the expectation that you should be as fast as those on the DVD's, then you will possibly fail.
    On the other hand, if you make sure your form is good, go at your own pace, and take breaks as needed, you will feel great and eventually the speed will improve.
  • God_Makeup_Fitness
    Thank you everybody for your advice and comments (:
    You all answered all my questions. Thank you for taking
    The time to do so. I will do insanity and give it all I got, thank you
    So much (: