New from East Texas

Hello everyone, I found this great site on a blog I was reading and now I have joined. Its so cool to keep track of my weight loss journey this way. I have only just begun but hope to be here for awhile. I have a long way to go!
This is actually my first week, I met with a nutritionist on Monday and have my second visit this Monday. I only tracked a food diary this week and next week is when the work will begin. Wish me luck. Say a prayer!!!


  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    hello from the DFW area!
  • lefrance12
    Good Luck to you Danar and welcome.. This site will serve you well. Bunch of good people here for support, information and motivation.
  • sgssmile
    Hello from Dallas, I give you a lot of credit for starting this time of year! Lot's of support on this site! You may add me as a friend if you would like.
  • CGade
    CGade Posts: 46 Member
    Congratulations! No better time to start than now :) All the info on this site and the support and tracking visually really helps me! Add me as a friend if you's always nice to have those to hold you accountable and give you a lift or a giggle every now and then:happy: