Gamma T25, anyone started this week?


Looking to and for some support doing T25 Pure Gamma Phase, I know motivation will sustain much longer if there's a group to log progress and maintain accountability. Looking forward to hearing from you, so friend me. Some background: I started Alpha Phase of T25 December 9, 2013, completed Jan 10, 2014 lost 8.5 lbs during that time and went straight on to Beta phase Jan 13, 2014 till February 14, 2014. Lost 7.5 lbs. Everyday was a push for me and none of it came easy. I am determined for more results and won't stop till the goal is finally reached.

Here's my breakdown:

Speed 3.0: by the 5 minute mark I was ready to call it quits. The cardio to do all those moves really had me breathing hard. I'm glad there's no double session Friday.

Rip't Up: Using 10 and 5 lb weights. No chin up bar used. My muscles were definitely burning afterwards. Really looking forward to the next time this comes up.


  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I am in week 4 of beta so will be starting gamma in 1 1/2 add me if you like. I haven't weighed myself at all in the programme I was becoming frustrated by the lack of movement on the scales. I can see more definition in my abs. I haven't been following the diet plan as I follow paleo and I lost the plot entirely with eating this past week but back to it now. Loving T25 I am also running 2-3 times a week, lifting 2-3 times a week and dancing once a week. I watched the pyramid workout while ironing the other week it looked intense but looking forward to it. I couldn't decide whether to follow pure gamma or option 2 ( can't remember what it's called). Think I will go with pure.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I just ordered Gamma a few days ago...they said (Ebay) Thursday delivery, so we will see. I'm excited to try some new things and still mix in some Beta and other dvds.

    I've been watching some good youtube videos on it and it looks like speed and pyramid are the hardest, but doable. Reviewers mentioned there isn't a modifier in 3.0 but there is for the strength.

    I just do what I can, if a movement is too complicated (and most of his aren't) I change it a bit, keep the intensity but make it a bit easier for my 2 left feet. I like how he repeats so if you don't get it at first you will know what is coming next after a few times and the timer tells you a few seconds ahead of time. If it was longer than 25 min, might get boring, but it goes fast unless I'm really tired.

    I do T 25 and some Amy Dixon tabata-style workouts and a couple of Jillian's and when the snow melts, will be walk/jogging again. I like making my own schedule but will enjoy checking in with others if you want to add me. Good luck!
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I am in my final week of beta and plan to start pure gamma on Monday :-). I love my results so far.
  • priv8dan
    Thank you for all your replies ladies. Looking forward to hearing about all the wonderful results we will be getting. Gamma is suppose to really bulk up those muscles. Yea, the results are great and overall feel when I move around is a world of a difference. Keep it up! I will post my impressions of Day 3 Gamma later if it doesn't kill me :)
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Gamma came early....might start it tonight after I rest a bit. : )
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Oh my, 3.0 was not only fast but a lot of different moves....I didn't "learn them" after 5 minutes as Shaun thought, but I muddled through, just kept moving doing something, some form of burpee, etc. I laughed at one point and thought if he was watching, he'd be like, "What program is she doing? " ; )
    I'm sure it will get easier, didn't burn any more because I was missing the intensity, but one day at a time. Would like to try the pyramid next.....maybe the weekend will be better.
  • playadelcarmen2
    playadelcarmen2 Posts: 38 Member
    I just finished gamma, I did two videos a day, five days a week.(one weights one from beta) My results are great. I dont notice them as much as other ppl do, I have been asked non stop what kind of workout I do to get those arms. I have been happy with this whole series, didnt lose alot of weight, but didnt have much to lose. Definition was what I was looking for, and what I got. I am sorry to say I never conquered speed 3.0 or really any of them, but that was the one I always dreaded. Good luck to everyone!!
  • priv8dan
    Day 3: Extreme Circuit. This one really worked my arms and shoulders. They're still very sore after two hours, this one is also intense but is expected. We are talking about Gamma after all, none of of them should be a walk in the park. biceps and triceps are two of the major groups this workout is targeting. I had problems holding on to my balance towards the end and keeping up with burpees following the kicks. Feeling great after this one even though I can't say I nailed it.

    deb: one day at a time, we will get stronger at it when you push. Speed 3.0 is super intense, I'm glad you're also starting around the same time I did. Stay strong and keep motivated. Only you can push your fitness level further.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Yes, I will try (if I don't work too late) Rip T Up tonight. I do a tabata style workout with Amy Dixon that gives my cardio a boost, but you do have short rests and every exercise you do, whether for muscles or your heart, challenges it a little differently.
    I tell myself, the goal is to keep moving on the speed 3.0...most moves are for variety, if I can't lunge as much (bad knee) do something else in the ball field that keeps your heart rate up, but I know in time, it wont be easy, but "Nailed it" will come. ; )
  • priv8dan
    Pyramid: Still using 15 lb weights. Initially it wasn't too difficult at all, but soon after the weights are stressing out the muscles. All the lifts were really difficult especially when hitting 7, and even made us hit 11. This is definitely not going to be easy, but the good thing is, it's only 25 minutes again can't wait for the results. My arms are definitely feeling more muscular already.

    Back to Speed 3.0 today :) I will try my best not to modify
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I did 3.0 and Pyramid this morning, one of the few times I don't have to go to work or run out of the house before 11 or so.
    I liked Pyramid, used 5 and 8, lower than with some Dvd's because of the way he does them...probably could have done 8 with all but wanted good form. My only gripe is when he says to do it fast...many people lose form and jerk the weights doing that, but all in all, I know I will feel it in a day or two.

    I can't lunge well, so try to do the burpees really well...I'm weird but I like them and they don't have the dread factor some exercises do.

    Happy weekend to everyone...
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have come to like burpees too. I did a burpee challenge in December this helped a lot. I am so glad I did the challenge before T25 or I think I would have struggled. One more week of Beta and then I am onto gamma. Bring it on. Well done to everyone it sounds intense but great.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I'll be starting Gamma on the 10th, I just finished week 4 of Beta. I already have all of the workouts and have done them all, except that I couldn't make it all the way through 3.0. :( Hopefully in another week I'll have the stamina! Awesome job everyone.
  • priv8dan
    priv8dan Posts: 24
    I'll be starting Gamma on the 10th, I just finished week 4 of Beta. I already have all of the workouts and have done them all, except that I couldn't make it all the way through 3.0. :( Hopefully in another week I'll have the stamina! Awesome job everyone.

    To be honest Speed 3.0 was the one I had the most trouble with, to me that is fitness at an athlete's level.

    Ready to start week 2 of Gamma. I did the stretch still last night and felt great. Can't wait for better results..
    This week (2):
    Monday - Rpit'd Up
    TUesday - Extreme Circuit
    Wednesday - Speed 3.0
    Thursday - Pyramid
    Friday - Ript'd Up

    really gonna try and nail it all this week.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I did 3.0 tonight but I was tired..found myself missing some of the counts...he's day one more and I'd still be finishing the last one. ; )
    It felt good to finish and I didn't double up with another of T25, I went and did an easier one from Jillian with weights. I will go back to T25 tomorrow. I'm afraid if I just do T25, I'll get bored, right now it's fresh though and I feel so good when that counter gets to 0.

    Good luck everyone! Focus. : )
  • jessicaberry7547
    I am almost done with Beta. I have not ordered Gamma yet, but plan to. When the alpha beta and gamma are complete, do you start all over or do you have to find a new program to do?
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Those of you who have been on Gamma a bit, did you do Gamma every day? I've done Ript and Circuit now, and seems like they're hitting the same muscle groups...tempted to alternate Gamma with a Beta workout to have some recovery time.

    BTW, I'm no longer *****ing about the minimal upper body and strength training in the T25 regimen :-)
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I noticed that too, I do Beta sometimes and other DVD's, I don't want to hit arms hard 2 days in a row, I'd rather do abs or lower half. They tell you in Beta, you can start Gamma early and do both.
    I took today off so tomorrow I will do speed and pick one more, since I'll have an hour.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I noticed that too, I do Beta sometimes and other DVD's, I don't want to hit arms hard 2 days in a row, I'd rather do abs or lower half. They tell you in Beta, you can start Gamma early and do both.
    I took today off so tomorrow I will do speed and pick one more, since I'll have an hour.

    OK, glad it's not just me. Did Beta Core Cardio last night, and will probably do the Gamma Pyramid tonight. Not sure if I'm ready to incorporate Speed 3.0 yet...still haven't really nailed Speed 2.0.

    Thanks for the reply!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I actually did 2.0 speed today, I missed the moves and I can do it better. I did do Gamma core/weights though. It's could to grow with the program, it it was easy, there would be nothing to work on. (at least I tell myself that) ;)