Looking for fellow weightlifters / bodybuilders

Hi fellow fitnesspal members - I’m a middle aged guy from Vancouver Island, British Columbia and my primary goal is to achieve healthier balance in life and regain optimal fitness levels. I have recently started a Natural Bodybuilding, Rowing and Chi Running routine which will become my new, permanent lifestyle!

My other favorite activities include such things as: Mountain Climbing; Sailing; Coastal Hiking; Nature Photography and Simply Enjoying Time with my much loved Dog!

More specifically - My life is good and I can honestly say that I’m healthy and happy, but the weight has slowly creeped up on me to the point where I can lose at least fifty pounds. I am not sedentary, in fact my wife and I are very active - mountain hiking, cycling, boating and adventure travelling on a regular basis. We also eat a healthy and balanced diet, albiet my portions are likely way too big…and my metabolism way too slow!

What I don’t do is high aerobic activities such as running and cross country skiing - but I want to, it’s just being able to “get there”. I realize that does not make much sense, and many of you would say suck it up and just do it. But, like many things in life, it simply does not seem to be as easy or simple as that. I try to start a running routine, and manage for a few days, then something happens and I miss a day here and another day there and then have to consider “starting” a running routine all over again! Time to change all that - I need to be focused and remain consistent with my lifestyle goals...

I'm looking for fellow members who also body build / lift weights regularly and DO NOT use steroids or artificial enhancers - natural all the way, it may be the long road - but well worth it in the end.


  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    There are a couple lurking around, but not too many. Although I'm currently training for the Army, before that I was focused on a bodybuilding type regimen. This site is helpful for both bulking and cutting, as a huge part of bodybuilding is finding the right diet for your particular goal and sticking to it consistently. I will warm you, however, that your activity level doesn't lend itself to bodybuilding. All those cardiovascular activities will make it very hard to build solid mass, especially if your going all natural. But if you're somewhat willing to sacrifice excelling at one goal to enjoy the others, then more power to you. I know that it's driving me crazy to run all the time. I know it's killing what mass I've been able to develop in my legs. But hell, the army wants me to be able to run, so run I will.

    Best of luck on your endeavors.
  • lefrance12
    albiet my portions are likely way too big…and my metabolism way too slow!

    Seems to me you have the answers and just need to apply them more. It is always going to be a sacrifice, it is what you are willing to give up to obtain those goals. Are you using the suggested values MFP has assigned to you? Are you going over on your cals? Just a few questions?