HELP: eat all my allowed calories before 2pm



  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    If it's not that you're hungry, just tell yourself no or you won't get to your goal. You have to have control.
  • typicallyjazzy
    typicallyjazzy Posts: 41 Member
    You've all been really helpful. Thanks so much. I'm gonna reevaluate a couple things and take into considering what everyone is saying. I'm doing it all wrong but it can be fixed with a little willpower, more protein, throwing out some of the snacks, and not obsessing over my weight.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Clean eating isn't necessary, but it certainly helps! I eat junk, I eat real food and it works. I am not perfect, some days I am over and some days I don't eat enough.

    Thing is, I'm real. I'm not gotta tell you "OMG YOU'RE ONLY EATING CHEMICALS" because water and oxygen are chemicals. So don't get hung up on something like that.

    The EASIEST thing you can do first is buy less junk. Just stop. Don't. I know when I have it around it is calling me in the house and eventually I WILL eat it even if only because I don't want to waste food (also bad).

    Cheetos for breakfast (I know you put it in quotes) is no good. If you want cheetos you can have a few for lunch with a healthier sandwich. A small amount, on the side as they are intended. That's cool.

    Thing is you also have really low calories, so it makes it harder too. Do you really need to lose that ONE stupid pound in one week? As someone else pointed out, what is a pound? It's nothing, it's anything, it's everything... but most of all it is A NUMBER ON A SCALE.

    Screw the scale, throw it out or get one that can tell you body fat percentage etc. Useful numbers. Take measurements, pics, look in the mirror. We aren't determined by the number on the scale. A ball of fat can weigh 120lbs, and a sexy lean body can weigh 160 lbs.

    You need a sustainable plan if you're ever going to reach your goal and maintain it. Maybe you just need to eat at maintenance as someone else said and let it work itself out (it will).

    I'm not knocking clean eating, the plus side of that is being able to eat MORE and stay within your limits, I'm just saying it isn't necessary. However you can't eat ONLY junk and lose weight (well you can, a guy only ate twinkies and did it, but it's not nutritionally ideal). You gotta add some other things in there.

    I know carbs are cheaper inexpensive food (I'm currently having problems myself).. and that whole wheat isn't always better sadly (they often have more calories in my experience), but try to start with making small changes. Add a salad to your meals. Find things you LIKE in the salad to make them enjoyable when you eat it. Some people add things like nuts or apples or even mandarin oranges! Lots of ideas. Little steps and don't sweat that last stupid pound.

    I'm rambling and all over the place but I hope that somewhere you get the point I'm trying to make XD
    +1. Nicely said...
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Falling into a pattern of binging and then skipping meals to compensate for it plus the fact that you're obsessing over the scale is a little worrisome. As others have said, you're not making healthy food choices, which is why the food you're eating doesn't fill you up. Have a breakfast filled with protein and fiber, then get away from the food and do something. Don't let yourself keep thinking about food or being tempted to eat more. Keep yourself busy doing other things. It also might be a good idea to try to keep some of the junk food out of the house for now, and I really encourage you to think about meeting with a dietitian to help you figure out some healthier food choices that will keep you satisfied longer.
  • pinkpolkadots25
    pinkpolkadots25 Posts: 101 Member
    Late but adding an opinion in case it's helpful...

    That would never keep me full in the morning. Try something with a lot more protein - a can of tuna and 2 eggs, for example. I often get hungry in 2 hours unless I have 40+ g protein OR if I don't work out in the morning. Even some moderate walking for half an hour as soon as I wake up helps keep my appetite in check. (We have similar stats; I'm between 5'5 and 5'6 and maintaining at 125 lbs).

    My other advice would be to try distracting yourself in the morning. Don't spend time dwelling on food - keep busy - and see if that helps.
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    Eat more protein and fiber. Will keep you full longer.

    I second that. Buy some psyllium husk at any bulk store (Bulk Barn here in Canada carries it, and it's very inexpensive) and take 1-2 tbsp 30 minutes before meals to help feel full longer. It expands in water (a lot, an undrinkable thickness) so I suggest only putting a bit of water and pounding your drink, or, what I do is take each tablespoon dry and then drink a full glass of water. Do make sure you drink a full glass of water after each tbsp so that the fibre can smoothly go through your system.
  • tuneout
    You need to stop buying the crap that you're buying. It's not doing you any favors! If it's not in the house, you won't eat it.

    If someone else is buying the food (this was a problem when I was living at home during my summer recess, and my mom had lots of sugary snacks tempting me at all hours of the day) either request that they be hidden where you can't find them (out of sight out of mind!) or set aside a bank of calories where you'll let yourself indulge. Don't eat a row of oreos! I know they're yummy. But eat two and let that be all you'll let yourself have for the day. Track religiously, and add some friends on here that can encourage you :)
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Get the junk out the house. Crackers chips poptarts arent terrible on moderation but you dont seem to have much selg control so for now stop buying them. Eat real meals, snack on fruits n veggies. I love granola bars as well but I have a one a day limit. The thing with that is you actually havr to stick to your limits....eggs n veggies whole wheat toast breakfast. Will keep you fuller. Once you eat, get out of the kitchen go do something. Exercise, clean something read etc,...try to stay busy.