I am going SO SLOWWWWW!!!!

I have lost 4.2 in 23 days although I have been eating my calories and sometimes a bit less. I exercise 4 times a weeks (Tae Bo 45 min) and I do not eat after 7pm. Still...I don't know what I am doing wrong, I am currently at 1200 calories because I am sitting most of my day, yet when I exercise typically it's too late to eat anything...don't know if that is harming my progress...any suggestions??


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    There isn't anything wrong with 4 pounds in three weeks! Progress is progress!

    If you are working out regularly, there is no reason to wait until after your workout to eat the extra calories: you can eat them earlier in the day.

    Also, the only reason to stop eating at 7pm is if you go to bed early and the food is giving you stomach issues when you lay down. That rule only helps people stop from binging at night, it doesn't have any magical weight loss effect.

    If you are truly unhappy with the results and need a new focus, consider taking up a new fitness routine that will give you goals to work towards. For example, I want to be able to do pushups, so I do a bodyweight routine 2-3 times a week. When the scale gets stuck, I am still working to lots of other goals, so I don't get so caught up in those numbers
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    You think that's slow. I have lost like 1.2 pounds in the last 6 weeks. :laugh: I feel better and i'm lifting weights, so I know that messes with the scale.

    You are on the right track!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    thats actually really great progress and maintainable, how much are you trying to lose, and how fast?
  • ladycadaverous
    ladycadaverous Posts: 35 Member
    You may not be doing anything wrong. A loss of 1 to 2 lbs a week is good and even healthy If your in it for the lond haul:)
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    That's not slow. That is a normal and healthy rate.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    0-2 pounds a week is a healthy average rate of loss. Unfortunately, it takes longer to shed pounds than to gain them (at least for me anyway).
  • Kris1279
    Kris1279 Posts: 229 Member
    I feel the same way, but my hubby always reminds me that we gain muscle too and loose inches and the scale doesn't tell us that progress. Don't look at the numbers on the scale so much, it's all about how you feel and how your clothes are fitting too. I'm down 8 pounds in 45 days. I workout 6 days a week and follow my daily calories too. It takes time, I'm so impatient and want better results, but they say 1 pound a week is healthy. So be proud! Keep up the good work and like others said, switch it up more if you don't start seeing results you want. Everyones body and weight loss is so different. Don't give up! :)
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    I know...I keep reminding myself it's supper healthy, but I am super overweight and have to loose about 80 pounds, hopefully by next February. Anyways, I don't eat y calories when I eat them because although I LOVE Tae Bo, I don't do it everyday and I don't always know which day I will do it because of my schedule, plus MFP says I burn around 700 calories in my workout....what the hell am I gonna eat at that time so late at night (around 10 pm)? I really got serious at this whole weight loss around last October, I was weighting 245 (5 6') I am now 230...don't know if that is good or not honestly. We wash our brains with the easy fixes,pills and diets that make you loose in 90 days crap and it's the first time I do it this way...so, so hard!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I'm frustrated too.
    Only 1.6 lb in 4 weeks! :grumble:
    But I have 1.5" off my waist & 2" off my hips. (My neck went up 1/4". )
    So I'm doing something right, maybe just not enough of it.
    I spend about an hour a day between cardio & weights, and am paying attention to calories. My actual intake is usually right around the 1700 my doctor recommended, and my net calories are way below that.
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    What does that mean?? Am I supposed to eat them at whatever time before bed???
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I have not lost any weight in 28days
    but I know I have lost inches which I'm more happy with :)

    maybe you should do measurements.....
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    As a few have already said 1-2 lbs per week is not bad. However 1200 calories sounds a little low. How did you arrive at this number? What's your BMR? I suspect it's higher then 1200.

    Regarding time you eat, I think it's irrelevant, as long as it doesn't effect your sleep.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    plus MFP says I burn around 700 calories in my workout....what the hell am I gonna eat at that time so late at night (around 10 pm)?
    Suggestions: yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit, a handful of nuts, a hard boiled egg, a bowl of cereal, a piece of cheese with crackers, peanut butter on crackers, veggies with hummus, a granola bar & glass of milk, a sandwich (turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, maybe relish, mustard, and a little mayo), salad (which could also have hard boiled egg, veggies, beans or chickpeas, shredded cheese, fat-free croutons), fruit (maybe a smoothie with fruit & yogurt)...
    And you don't have to eat all 700 calories. Even just a couple hundred calories would keep you from being as hungry when you wake up.
    I was weighing 245 (5' 6") I am now 230... don't know if that is good or not honestly
    Here's where you can calculate your BMI, and it tells you the normal / overweight / obese ranges.
    At 230 you're at 37.1 BMI, which is in the obese category. [I'm currently at 38.4. :frown: ]
    At 185 you'll be at the top end of the overweight category.
    At 154 and below you'll be in the normal weight range. [For me, 173 is the top.]
    My doctor said that even losing 10% of your starting weight has large health benefits, so that would be 220.5.

    As for "is that too rapid?", I'd say not. It's 15 pounds in more than 15 weeks, so it's relatively gradual.

    Forgot to mention... one way to have a rough idea of how much you should be eating is to take your goal weight and multiply by 10. So if you aim for 1500 cal per day you will eventually end up at 150 lb, which is in the normal weight range. (This is what my doctor & nutritionist explained to me.)
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    It's 1210 to be exact and that was what MFP calculated for me based on my daily movements (sedentary) and 4 days a weeks Tae Bo...
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    plus MFP says I burn around 700 calories in my workout....what the hell am I gonna eat at that time so late at night (around 10 pm)?
    Suggestions: yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit, a handful of nuts, a hard boiled egg, a bowl of cereal, a piece of cheese with crackers, peanut butter on crackers, veggies with hummus, a granola bar & glass of milk, a sandwich (turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, maybe relish, mustard, and a little mayo), salad (which could also have hard boiled egg, veggies, beans or chickpeas, shredded cheese, fat-free croutons), fruit (maybe a smoothie with fruit & yogurt)...
    And you don't have to eat all 700 calories. Even just a couple hundred calories would keep you from being as hungry when you wake up.
    I was weighing 245 (5' 6") I am now 230... don't know if that is good or not honestly
    Here's where you can calculate your BMI, and it tells you the normal / overweight / obese ranges.
    At 230 you're at 37.1 BMI, which is in the obese category. [I'm currently at 38.4. :frown: ]
    At 185 you'll be at the top end of the overweight category.
    At 154 and below you'll be in the normal weight range.
    My doctor said that even losing 10% of your starting weight has large health benefits, so that would be 220.5.

    As for "is that too rapid?", I'd say not. It's 15 pounds in more than 15 weeks, so it's relatively gradual.

    Forgot to mention... one way to have a rough idea of how much you should be eating is to take your goal weight and multiply by 10. So if you aim for 1500 cal per day you will eventually end up at 150 lb, which is in the normal weight range. (This is what my doctor & nutritionist explained to me.)

    Wow thanks!!! That makes me feel much better...I really want to keep going, but I want it fast and it's not going to happen...-_-
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    Forgot to mention... one way to have a rough idea of how much you should be eating is to take your goal weight and multiply by 10. So if you aim for 1500 cal per day you will eventually end up at 150 lb, which is in the normal weight range. (This is what my doctor & nutritionist explained to me.)

    Wow, thanks for that, that really puts it in to perspective for me. MFP was telling me 1300 calories,and I KNOW that's way too low
  • ladytiburona
    ladytiburona Posts: 17 Member
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks for that as well MKEgal, that part about goal weight x 10. Very good information.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    It's 1210 to be exact and that was what MFP calculated for me based on my daily movements (sedentary) and 4 days a weeks Tae Bo...

    I still think 1210 is low. I would suggest using other calculators to at least validate what MFP is recommending. You can google scooby's calculator or iifym. I initially started at sedentary and 1850 calories. I kept adjusting my calories up and I'm at 2540 and still losing. Actually trying to transition in to maintenance. Good luck.
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    I lost 1lb in 2 months!! But I lost 4 inches from my waist! Take some measurements :)
    And believe me I know your pain, I hate how slow it's going, I don't have long!!