Eating a lot :)

I was talking with a lady yesterday about my weight loss and she asked what I was doing. I told her I was counting calories and that I stay around 1300. She says wow that's very little food. Then I told her what I eat in a day (I eat three meals and three snacks). She said wow, that's a LOT of food. I told her that if you make the right food choices you don't have to be hungry. I have tried fad diets in the past and always go off because I miss whatever food you're not allowed on that diet. This is great, I can eat most anything in moderation.


  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    Reminds of yesterday, I was talking about food and stuff with my brother - I told him how many different things I eat in a day, and how often, and he was like "that's sounds like a huge amount, how are you losing weight like that?" - For reference, he is 6'6", lifts HEAVY every day, runs half marathons everyother weekend (and training throuhout the week): I'm pretty sure he eat a lot more calories than were in the foods I told him about! :b
  • aavila60
    aavila60 Posts: 7 Member
    What kinds of food are you guys eating?
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    What kinds of food are you guys eating?

    My diary is open, take a look :) I don't know if you can click the things I've added from my recipes, and see the ingredients?

    But anyways, breakfast, coffee w/skim milk and whole grain oats with water and cinnamon. Lunch, I made a caserole thingie with broth, black beans, steak bits and brusselsprouts. Afternoon snack was a milk+berry smoothie, dinner was salmon, squash, onion, lemon and cottage cheese in tinfoil. Evening snack was a 'cake' made from apples, whole grain flour, soured skim milk and dry, unsweetneded cocoa powder (so no sugar or fats added). And lots of low calorie drinks (sugar free water flavouring etc). Pretty typical day, except I did no bicycling today.

    ^That can sound like a lot of meals and a long list of items, but it doesn't amount to that many calories.