Knee pain running on treadmill

I have been doing the c25k.......which I did last year as well. However the difference is I have had to do the treadmill rather than outside with all the crappy weather we've been having and have been having some pain in my knee from it. Anyone else have this issue when running on the treadmill. Looks like I will just have to wait for some decent weather to start the c25k. Still getting workouts in with lifting and zumba just really enjoy running :(


  • jatten
    jatten Posts: 6 Member
    My husband gets knee pain faster than I do on the treadmill. He found an elliptical at the gym that makes no knee pain no matter how long he goes. Now the elliptical is his preferred machine.
  • verasdaughter
    verasdaughter Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I was thinking about just doing the elliptical until we get some better weather. Elliptical here I come.
  • belle_rn
    belle_rn Posts: 23 Member
    I am doing C25K as well....on w3...well, i was. that is about the time that the knee pain was unbearable and i am sure i felt fluid on my knee (not the first time in my life that it has happened)and i was icing my knee after each session. someone recommended a compression sleeve for my knee and a foam roller to do exercises/stretches to properly stretch my leg/knee. even tried the arc trainer and the eliptical for low/no impact and the pain was still there. plan on starting over C25K from the beginning tomorrow after a 12 day rest/break. I felt guilty for not doing cardio for almost 2 weeks, but i would have rather have taken that bit of time off to rest than to not have the option later because i pushed myself too far and damage my knee beyond repair. listen to your body!
  • verasdaughter
    verasdaughter Posts: 71 Member
    Do you think it's a treadmill thing? Had no problems last year doing c25k but I was doing it outside.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Could be a shoe thing. How many km/miles have you run in the shoes you are currently using? Rule of thumb is to change at about 500k. - but everyone is different. I know if I get knee pain it is shoe induced.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Go outside - it's a beautiful day in St Louis! But first, have you been fitted for shoes?
  • belle_rn
    belle_rn Posts: 23 Member
    That is a good question. i wish i knew for sure if it is a treadmill thing. but i would guess that the ground is a lot less forgiving when it comes to cushion compared to a treadmill....or it least that is how it feels when i get onto the treadmill. that difference in cushion may be the reason. i know a friend of mine that uses one pair of shoes for the treadmill and another for running outside. i thought it was a matter of having one pair that is okay to get more dirty than the other pair, and never thought to ask him but it might just be because of the cushion difference.
  • Greytfish
    It's not a treadmill thing per se, it's more the tendency to push harder and the consistency in the way the foot strikes the ground without the variation in gradient. Treadmills are actually more cushioned than blacktop, but if you don't have well school form and muscle memory, your tendency can be to run in a way that you could not run outside becase it would be too painful.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    I switched over to the Elliptical because of the knee. I swear by it now. You can set the resistance to whatever you can handle so you can get a kick *kitten* workout on it if you want to without the impact of a treadmill or sidewalk, street, etc...
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If the roads are plowed, try running outside!!