
Okay, ladies, this one's for you...

My goal is ~30lbs of weight loss. The last time I had success with this (before I moved to the land of beer and cheese) I lost about 22lbs over ~6mos from regular exercise and improving my diet. I was 26-27. This year, I'll be 30. I have a little more to lose, and am not necessarily amply endowed in the chesticle area... About 38C right now. When I was at my adult thinnest (158 -- about 5lbs from my goal weight) it was 36B. Not a huge difference...but they've expanded their territory since then.

So... I'm worried with the increase in age and weight loss goal, I may end up playing Flappy Bird inside my bra. I've seen certain family members in the nude and it looks like a walking game of tetherball (though I am an avowed childless spinster and those women have breastfed).

I'm 5'5, about 180 now, looking to get down to ~150. So... anyone around my age/dimensions have experience in this area? I like my boobs. I wanna know if I'm gonna have to say goodbye.


  • kaaaaylee
    I've gone from 180 to 150 and honestly, genetics plays a large role in your chest. If you have busty women in your family, then they won't go down too far size-wise and if you take your time losing weight and work out, you shouldnt have saggy ta-tas. If your boobs are all fat and you naturally should be considerably smaller, they may be a little saggy. Just take your time with weight loss, your skin is surpringly elastic.
  • sarahseaya
    sarahseaya Posts: 5 Member
    Kids ruined my boobs... you will be just fine!
  • roniredd
    I am short (5 foot), lost 25 pounds, and still have 'em. Oh, and I am 42!
  • ladycadaverous
    ladycadaverous Posts: 35 Member
    When I was younger (before my late 20s) I was a member in the itty bitty get the idea. I never had boobs till I gained weight. But I can tell you if they disappear and I go back to that again I would not be disappointed.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm 5'8" at 194 trying to get to 170-180 so definitely not the same size range and therefore maybe not helpful at all. But I have gone down ZERO cup sizes (still DD) and just 2 actual band sizes (42 to 38) going from 307 lb to 194 lb. Meanwhile, a friend of mine was a DD cup at 180 lb and is a B cup at 160 lb. Everyone's different. You'll just have to see what happens!

    ETA: I'm 37, no kids, and seriously have equal sag now after age and weight loss to when I was about 19. Then again, I have joked that I had the breasts of a 35 yr old woman at 18 and now have the breasts of a 35 yr old woman at 37. So it's not like I'm all perkalicious.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I agree that I think genetics will play a big role in how your chest reacts. As I've been cutting body fat, my boobs have shrank one full cup size but are holding steady at a 36C, instead of a 36D. My husband refers to them as my "in shape boobs" and I think they are a little floppy now, but he says that's crazy. At any rate, I wouldn't trade them back if it meant the extra body fat came back. That's what a good bra is for. :bigsmile:

    ETA: I have no babies, nor do I plan on having any, so they weren't ruined by kids.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    This was an entertaining read but, sadly no one else's experience will mean diddly squat to you. Your boob loss or not-loss will depend mostly on the relative amounts of fat tissue and mammary tissue in your boobs (varies by person). You will probably have as much (or more) mammary tissue as you did when you were younger at the same weights (which is good). However, the older you get the less/more slowly the skin "bounces back" so they probably will never be as perky. But, if you lose it now you are better off then if you lose the weight 10 years from now.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    Breastfeeding doesn't change the breasts, actually just giving birth does. Even women who don't nurse get engorged with milk and that is what causes change.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I'm 5 feet tall. For most of my teens/early 20s, I was a 36D. At my heaviest weight, I got up to close to 190. Today I'm 159. I'm wearing a 38DD.

    I can tell you that over the last 8 weeks and 8 lbs I've lost, I can definitely tell they're getting saggier. Never had kids or breast fed, but I'm quickly losing hope for perky boobs. They might still be big when I'm done, but you won't see me running around with no bra.
  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    This made me LOL.... I like your sense of humor!!
    Sooooooo as far as the boobs go, I can say that I have lost 92 pounds and am still a DD cup size but the girth has changed. The more exercises I do for upper body, help the ladies stay where they need to be ;) I suggest making that a part of your regular exercise routine.
    Good luck!
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    Mine shrink, it's the first area where I lose and gain weight, they don't droop just get smaller, they were a 38 DD when I started like a 36D now, I'm older and had a bunch of kids too, you will be fine.
  • abickford82
    I'm 5'4, and at my heaviest (247lbs.) I was a 42DDD. One of those situations where "big boobs don't count if you're fat". Kept a C most of my life up until the time I became obese. I fluctuate between 146-151 and have a 36D now (fit into some C's). I've kept my "size", but they've deflated. IMO, you can always get implants if it really bothers you. Mine aren't terrible, but they aren't great and once I get to my goal I fully intend on getting them.
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    :laugh: Bahahaha flappy bird! Love it!

    Sounds like boobage varies widely from person to person. Mine are small whether I gain or lose. I say get healthy and worry about the rest later!
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    work your pecs....they may get smaller, but they should stay where you like em....
  • emilysfatsuit
    emilysfatsuit Posts: 23 Member
    I don't have kids, am 3 years older and 30 pounds heavier than the OP. I've lost about 50 pounds and have another 80 to go, but as the # on the scale gets smaller, I find myself checking my breasticles in the mirror for signs of sag. None to report yet, but I still have plenty of fat to lose. At my thinnest adult weight (130), they were still full C's, so I'm not worried they'll shrink smaller than that. It's just the sag I hope to avoid. I've come to terms with the real possibility, though, and am setting aside money for a breast lift. Just in case. A shopping spree and a boob job might just be the best reward I could give myself for reaching my goal weight!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I went from 188 to 165 and my bra size went from 40C to 38DD and now closer to a 38D. I liked them rounder up top but I'll take the smaller body any day. Like everyone says, you just have to wait to see what happens when you get to your goal weight. Invest in great bras and push the girls up :)
  • duhrishus
    We're just about the same height/weight, and ignoring genetic differences, I also was at 180-190 and have never had kids. I turn 30 this year.

    I've lost about 20 pounds over the past year and noticed that my band size has dropped, but my cup size has remained the same. Also, keep in mind that tone in your pectoral muscles will lift your breasts, to some degree. Mine actually look a mite perkier now that I've started a serious yoga practice and started to tone the muscle underneath.

    My suggestion would be to make sure you're dropping the band size rather than the cup size. A LOT of ladies wear the wrong size bra- unfortunately, I'm concerned about being able to find bras if my band size gets much smaller! 34D is already hard to find, I can't imagine that 32D is going to be any easier!
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I was never apart of the fully endowed club, always had a B cup at my thinnest, but as I gained weight, it went up a cup size to a small C, but I would rather revert back to my B cup if I can get my body to follow suit with the fat loss.. lol
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I swear these posts happen so people can announce their boob size. lmao :laugh:
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    Last time I lost weight (65 lbs) I went down from a 38 F to the 34 F. absolutely no loss in the cup size. I put on about 50 of it back over the years. Went back to a 36 F. still not to big of a change. Depends on where you put the weight on