Rate my routine

I am 6'1 and I weigh 192. I am currently cutting.


Pull-ups- 5 sets to failure
Deadlifts- 5 sets of 5
Bent over BB rows- 4 sets/6-8 reps
Seated cable rows- 4 sets/6-8 reps
Lat pull downs- 4 sets/6-8 reps
T rows- 4 sets/6-8 reps
20 minutes of HIIT


Squats- 4 sets/20 reps
DB lunges- 4 sets/10-12 reps
Leg press- 5 sets/8-10 reps
Leg extensions- 5 sets to failure
Leg curls- 5 sets/8-10 reps
Standing calf raises- 4 sets to failure
Sitting calf raises- 4 sets to failure
30 minutes of low intensity cardio



Incline DB Press- 4 sets/6-8 reps
Flat BB Press- 4 sets/6-8 reps
Incline Flyes- 4 sets/10-12 reps
Cable Crossovers- 4 sets/8-10 reps
Weighted Dips- 5 sets to failure
Standing Military Press- 4 sets/6-8 reps
BB Shrugs- 4 sets/6-8 reps
Upright Rows- 4 sets/6-8 reps
20 Burpees
20 minutes of HIIT


Skull Crushers- 4 sets to failure
Tricep Extensions- 4 sets/8-10 reps
Close Grip Bench Press- 4 sets/8-10 reps
Machine Dips- 4 sets to failure
Concentration Curls- 4 sets to failure
Incline DB Curls- 4 sets to failure
Chin ups- 5 sets to failure
Standing BB Curls- 4 sets to failure
30 minutes of fun aerobic activity (basketball, soccer, or racquetball)



*I work abs on Mondays and Thursdays*

Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!:happy:


  • Ashes_To_Beast
    Ashes_To_Beast Posts: 378 Member
    Looks good, If you want opinions here's a few suggestions or food for thought.

    Try to keep your work outs between 45min- to an hour(maybe cut a set per exercise since you have alot of variations)

    For recovery purposes maybe try switching up your days( My arms where lagging and this helped me alot)
    ex: Mon=Back, Tues=Chest, Wed=Rest, Thurs=Legs and Frid= Arms

    When I switched my routine up to what I just suggested I added 2 exercises(2sets of 8-12) for Biceps on Back day and Triceps on chest day, within a few weeks I could notice a difference in gains for my arms. They had more rest time between muscle groups.

    Like I said, food for thought!
  • cpusmc
    cpusmc Posts: 122

    1. Back 26 sets (thats allot if going heavy)
    2. Legs 23 sets (good, maybe think about splitting legs into 2 days, quads/hams)
    3. Chest 21 sets (did not see any decline work)
    4. Shoulders 12 sets (if you wear out your tris doing chest work, its tough to go heavy on shoulders)
    5. Arms 33 sets (wow, smallest muscle group gets most sets after killing bi's and tri''s on back and chest/shoulder day)
    6. Cardio - fine (cant believe you have gas in the tank to do cardio after some of these workouts, LOL)

    Here is my split in comparison...

    M - Legs - quads - squats, front squats, leg extensions superset with leg curls (6x6 heavy)
    T - Chest/Back superset 6x6, 18sets each (all presses (flat, incline, decline) and rows)
    W - Cardio/core
    Th - Legs - hamstrings - deadlifts, heavy lunges, leg extensions superset with good mornings (6x6 heavy)
    F - Shoulders/arms - 12 sets each 6x6 heavy

    Cutting is all about diet so we wont go there.
    What is your cutting goal and where are you now?
    Good luck...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Seems extremely high volume. Are you in a surplus or deficit? If you are cutting I would suggest lowering the volume per body part, as you don't have the fuel to recover properly.
    On your pull (Back) day, I would do deadlifts first. if you fatigue your upper back with pull-ups you risk losing form on the deadlift resulting in possible injury.

    Squats the day after a deadlift day may not be the best idea either. Deadlifts and squats use a lot of the same muscles, but to varying degrees, and back to back days they would not have recovered. Maybe switch Tues and Friday.

    Just an arm day doesn't make too much sense either, why not throw on 2 bicep exercises on back day at the end, and 2 tricep exercises at the end of chest and shoulders. Then you can do M,W,F, then don't have to change up back and arm day so you as you wouldn't do deadlifts and squats on back to back days that way.

    Is this a program you put together? If so I I would suggest a tried tested and true program such as Wendler 5/3/1. there is no reason to try and reinvent the wheel when you can just take one off the shelf that fits and is adaptable. You can add in whatever accessory exercises you like or that target weak areas. It is a 3 day a week program but can be scaled to 4, M,T, Th,F, which is how I do the program.
  • I'm not real concerned about my weight. I don't even look at the scale. My only concern is dropping body fat. I'm about 17% bf right now and I want to get into the single digits. On my workout days I eat at maintenance and let my workouts put me in a deficit. On my rest days I eat at a 500 cal deficit. I burn about 1200 calories in the gym
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I'm not real concerned about my weight. I don't even look at the scale. My only concern is dropping body fat. I'm about 17% bf right now and I want to get into the single digits. On my workout days I eat at maintenance and let my workouts put me in a deficit. On my rest days I eat at a 500 cal deficit. I burn about 1200 calories in the gym

    Wow, so on gym days you have a deficit of 1200 calories, that is much too large, especially on the volume you are working at. I would suggest eating half your exercise cals back, and lowering your training volume (sets and number of exercised per body part)

    That works out to a deficit of 6,000 cal/week, I would suggest eating at maintenance or a 250 cal deficit on training days including exercise calories, and eat at a 250- 500 cal deficit on off days. A larger deficit will result in more lean muscle lost then a smaller deficit. If it is BF% you are concerned with, your deficit should be smaller than it currently is.