Different for everybody?

I just spent some time looking at the "before and after" pictures of people on MFP. I just have a question, why does it take some people three years to loose 100 pounds and others do it in 8 months? I have so much weight to loose and this scares me because I am afraid it will take me a long time.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    it depends on how dedicated you are. It's taken me just over a year to lose 45lbs at about 3/4lb a week...which is a good rate of loss for me and my goals.

    I am thinking of taking off another 10 when I hit my 2nd goal of 155 but we will see...I may eat at maintenance for the summer and go back at it again in the fall.

    So it will be almost 2 years for me to lose 60lbs...
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Why are you scared if it takes a long time? Did you gain 78 lbs in 8 months? Why would you want to lose it faster than you gained it? What's wrong with it taking 3 years? It took me 2. And I'm PROUD of that. I'm MORE PROUD that I kept it off.

    The important thing is to get the scale moving in the downward direction, since it's probably been moving upwards for you for a while now.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Some people might choose to lose it slower than others - you can set your weekly weight loss goal when you sign up, so some may have gone for 2lbs/week, while some may have decided they were happy to eat a bit more and take a bit longer and go for 1lb/week. Some may be more strict about their diet, whereas some might not mind cheat meals and such so much. Some might do strength training at the gym which often means you'll lose weight slower (weight training helps you keep as much muscle as possible during a diet, so while you might lose weight slower, you'll be losing more fat, whereas someone not weight training might be losing fat and muscle).
  • daniellerigsby9
    Why are you scared if it takes a long time? Did you gain 78 lbs in 8 months? Why would you want to lose it faster than you gained it? What's wrong with it taking 3 years? It took me 2. And I'm PROUD of that. I'm MORE PROUD that I kept it off.

    The important thing is to get the scale moving in the downward direction, since it's probably been moving upwards for you for a while now.

    I actually DID gain it all really fast. I gained my weight while I was pregnant with my fourth child. I am not saying that you shouldn't be proud of yourself, I was just wondering why it took people so long as to it taking some only a couple months to a year.
  • daniellerigsby9
    I actually DID gain it all really fast. I gained my weight while I was pregnant with my fourth child. I am not saying that you shouldn't be proud of yourself, I was just wondering why it took people so long as to it taking some only a couple months to a year.
  • Momto4minions
    Momto4minions Posts: 173 Member
    We all have different life styles, eating habits, health issues, etc.

    We come to this place of getting healthier for different reasons. We use different methods. We have different bodies.

    Some people are already more able to exercise. Some people can restrict calories and never feel like they need a cheat or never binge.

    There is really no way to compare two people.
  • FJDodd
    FJDodd Posts: 140 Member
    I have a lot to lose as well, and I plan on it taking me another 1.5-2 years to lose it. It isn't because I want cheat days or to be lax on my diet, but because I want to make sure that I can keep going when I get to maintenance. I also do not want to have to worry about excess skin from losing too fast, which I have seen on people that try to lose it all as fast as they can. Figure out what works for you, and be less concerned with what others did/are doing.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I just spent some time looking at the "before and after" pictures of people on MFP. I just have a question, why does it take some people three years to loose 100 pounds and others do it in 8 months? I have so much weight to loose and this scares me because I am afraid it will take me a long time.

    Because everyone's journey is different. Dietary adherence is going to be different for everyone. People will set their loss rate goals differently...It took me around 8 months to lose 40 lbs...but that's how I had my plan set up; I wasn't interested in dropping that weight quickly. I have another 10 Lbs to go and I intend that to take me another 5-6 months or so as I intend to keep most, if not all of my current lean mass.

    You also have to consider possible medical conditions, allergies, nutrient deficiencies, etc.

    You really can't compare what you're doing to anyone else or your rate of loss to anyone else. It has to be your journey on your path.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I have never had that much to lose so I dont have a whole lot of room to contribute...

    But I would think some of it has to do with genetics as well. Every time I have tried to lose weight, it happens fairly easily for me. But I know it does not for others.
  • daniellerigsby9
    I have a lot to lose as well, and I plan on it taking me another 1.5-2 years to lose it. It isn't because I want cheat days or to be lax on my diet, but because I want to make sure that I can keep going when I get to maintenance. I also do not want to have to worry about excess skin from losing too fast, which I have seen on people that try to lose it all as fast as they can. Figure out what works for you, and be less concerned with what others did/are doing.

    I am not putting the people down who take a little longer to loose the weight! I just hope to not take a very long time to loose the weight. I am trying to find what works for me, however, I am new to this whole weight loss thing and I am concerned with what others are doing! Isn't that part of the point to the forums and groups? To talk to each other and get guidance or advice from others?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My take - people who lose a lot of weight quickly do it in ways that aren't sustainable long term. They do fad diets or live on minimal calories and workout for hours at the gym. Sure it works but what happens when you hit goal weight? Have you leaned enough and established the healthier habits that will help you actually maintain the weight?

    I say this from both personal experience and from hearing several stories from others who've struggled with their weight for years. I spent most of my adult years in the obese range and tried several fad diets, shakes and even a few pills and nothing worked long term because I was in a huge rush and the plans weren't sustainable and/or when I didn't get the results I wanted, I gave up.

    This time around I realized that it was better, for me personally, to take it slow and easy. I still eat all the foods I love, I just eat less of them and I workout more consistently to burn off the excess. It's taken me 4 years so far and I am so crazy proud of how far I've come and that I've basically maintained for the last couple of years because most other attempts lasted a few months (Atkins lasted about a year) and then I'd give up and regain and most of the time I'd gain even more!

    Do it whichever way works best for you, just consider along the way whether or not the changes you're making are healthy and something you can do long term so that you can more easily maintain once you get to goal.
  • HealthySideofLife
    HealthySideofLife Posts: 80 Member
    My first time around, I lost 80 in a year. Like most people have said, it really depends on how dedicated people are to eating healthy and how active people are. For me, I started my eating habits the first time about 2 months before I started exercising (I don't know why it took me so long haha). But when I started working out, I did the C25K. I didn't have a treadmill at the time so I was literally doing figure 8's in my living room. When I got my treadmill, I realized I wasn't running as fast as I wanted to, so I started over again. I also did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and a bunch of other things.

    Don't be scared, be determined to lose the weight! It won't come off fast (which I'm sure you've heard a bunch of times), so the first thing to learn is patience. What helps is to be realistic about what is normal to lose each week and to not be sad if you don't lose as much as you hoped for. Good luck!
  • FJDodd
    FJDodd Posts: 140 Member
    I have a lot to lose as well, and I plan on it taking me another 1.5-2 years to lose it. It isn't because I want cheat days or to be lax on my diet, but because I want to make sure that I can keep going when I get to maintenance. I also do not want to have to worry about excess skin from losing too fast, which I have seen on people that try to lose it all as fast as they can. Figure out what works for you, and be less concerned with what others did/are doing.

    I am not putting the people down who take a little longer to loose the weight! I just hope to not take a very long time to loose the weight. I am trying to find what works for me, however, I am new to this whole weight loss thing and I am concerned with what others are doing! Isn't that part of the point to the forums and groups? To talk to each other and get guidance or advice from others?

    You are being overly defensive. I never said you were putting anyone down. You say you were asking for advice and guidance. That you wanted to know why people lose at different rates. Do not get pissy because someone tells you their reason for what they are doing. If you actually take the time to read what I said, you will see I said " Figure out what works for you, and be less concerned with what others did/are doing." That means, if losing quicker will work for you, great, do it. If not, then don't.
  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member
    It's going to take however long it takes. I was in the same boat you are: I gained 88 lbs while pregnant. I have lost 80 of those lbs in 14 months (but the last 8 lbs have taken me four months to lose). I eat well most of the time, have dessert everyday, and even hit my favorite Indian buffet from time to time. Make changes you can sustain, treat yourself well, start now and you'll get there in good time.
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I just spent some time looking at the "before and after" pictures of people on MFP. I just have a question, why does it take some people three years to loose 100 pounds and others do it in 8 months? I have so much weight to loose and this scares me because I am afraid it will take me a long time.

    Losing weight is not about dropping a certain amount of weight by a certain time. That's the easy part. Dealing with the emotional baggage and habits associated with overeating is the key to keeping it off. Not to scare you off, but this isn't temporary. You will start a journey that will never end. You will have to learn to be a different person than you are now as you progress. You have a lot to discover about yourself.
  • daniellerigsby9
    I have a lot to lose as well, and I plan on it taking me another 1.5-2 years to lose it. It isn't because I want cheat days or to be lax on my diet, but because I want to make sure that I can keep going when I get to maintenance. I also do not want to have to worry about excess skin from losing too fast, which I have seen on people that try to lose it all as fast as they can. Figure out what works for you, and be less concerned with what others did/are doing.

    I am not putting the people down who take a little longer to loose the weight! I just hope to not take a very long time to loose the weight. I am trying to find what works for me, however, I am new to this whole weight loss thing and I am concerned with what others are doing! Isn't that part of the point to the forums and groups? To talk to each other and get guidance or advice from others?

    You are being overly defensive. I never said you were putting anyone down. You say you were asking for advice and guidance. That you wanted to know why people lose at different rates. Do not get pissy because someone tells you their reason for what they are doing. If you actually take the time to read what I said, you will see I said " Figure out what works for you, and be less concerned with what others did/are doing." That means, if losing quicker will work for you, great, do it. If not, then don't.

    Definitely not being "pissy" or overly defensive! I just felt like maybe I was coming off as putting people, like yourself, down for loosing weight slower than some and I wanted to clear up that's not what I was trying to do. Loosing weight is a huge accomplishment for anybody no matter how much or how long. I maybe took your post to be a little "pissy" towards me when you said, "be less concerned with what others are doing". Sorry if I took you the wrong way.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I just spent some time looking at the "before and after" pictures of people on MFP. I just have a question, why does it take some people three years to loose 100 pounds and others do it in 8 months? I have so much weight to loose and this scares me because I am afraid it will take me a long time.

    Sure, to a certain degree, every body reacts to weight loss differently. But there are so many factors when it comes to rate of loss, including personal choice.

    Sometimes when you see somebody losing at a really slow pace, or an exceptionally fast one, it just comes down to priority. There are those who believe it's necessary to lose slowly in order to keep their sanity in tact and eat as "normally" as possible. For them slow losses are just fine, and they have the patience to wait it out. Others, such as myself, are fast losers who prefer a much more aggressive cut. I don't personally buy into the popular mantra of "you need to lose it as slow as you gained it"; that's nonsense to me.

    At the end of the day you need to work at a pace that is going to keep you personally motivated, that fits best with your lifestyle, and is sustainable for the trajectory of your weight loss journey. Of course maintenance is another matter entirely.
  • spyecats
    spyecats Posts: 4 Member
    life happens and its not just about losing the weight, its finding the reason behind your eating that is the hard part. Many times there is a deeper issue and it take time to figure it out and wanting to change it long term. I really find food & fitness journaling helps me so I can figure out my triggers. This is a great platform to keep each other accountable, vent and ask questions. best of luck with your goals.
  • deadyankee
    When people run a marathon they don't all cross the finish line at the same time. There's an infinite number of factors why we don't all end up exactly the same in any endeavour.