Sad day

slynn217 Posts: 21
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I found out last night that my dad has colon grandpa just last month had a severe heart attack, open heart surgery, & is now recovering & doing great. As soon as we think were "out of the water", we find out about my dad. I'm not really sure how to feel right now, still in a little shock. But it makes me want to just give up on this whole weight loss thing & just make a bunch of cookies & eat my sadness away. Although I know when I'm done I'll only be more miserable. Sorry if this sounded like a pity party, maybe it was. I do feel a little better...ha.
I'm believing for another miracle in my family. If God did it for my grandpa, I know he can heal my dad as well.
I guess I just need some advice/motivation for anyone who's gone through something like this, & not used emotional eating as coping?


  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm sorry to hear that and I hope everything gets better soon. I wouldn't give up on the weight loss. Perhaps take the rest of the weekend off and start fresh again on Monday. Exercise will more than likely relieve the stress you might be feeling. That can be your escape. We're all here for you when you need us. *hugs*
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    I feel your pain, my father was diagnosed as terminally ill 12 months ago with a prognosis of 6 months but he is still going strong. My brother in law has had cancer twice & is currently very healthy & looks great so think positive thoughts. Colon cancer is a very treatable one & think what motivation it will give your father to see the "new" you & to follow your journey. Perhaps allow yourself a few days to come to terms with the battle ahead & to get over the shock then the best you can do for yourself & your dad is to be strong. You will be healthier & happier when you feel you have some control & that way you will be the best help . Good lck & feel free to add me for support.
  • Oh I'm so sorry... that's a really tough one, and not an easy thing to offer advice for. My heart goes out to you. Just remember that your Dad will be needing all the support he can get, and you need to stay as positive as you possibly can. Maybe that will help you to stay on track .. for him, if not for you. Be as strong as you can, and come back here for a boost whenever you need it.
  • juberry
    juberry Posts: 28 Member
    Very sad and overwhelming news. But please try to approach your feelings this way: work out. When your dad receives his treatment and is recovering, walk with him when he is able. Make nutrition choices that will help the whole family improve health and live better.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Dang it child. Prayers on the way.
  • My prayers are with you.... Do not give up on your weight loss goals, take this time to increase your walking and as you walk use that time as prayer time. Prayer really does work and God does listen.
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Eating the cookies will not help you, but if baking them will then I suggest you do that and then give them to someone else who is having a bad day (pay it forward). Keep going with your weight loss we are here for you. :flowerforyou:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I'm really sorry to hear your news. Nobody likes to hear the 'c' word. When my best friend was diagnosed with bowel cancer I thought I'd fall apart too. But actually, after the initial shock, I was probably at my strongest. Your Dad needs you now, there's no time to fall apart.

    It's scary I know, but if they have caught it in time, it's also very treatable.

    I'm hoping for the best possible outcome, take care :flowerforyou:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I know you want to eat everything in sight, I know it. BUT staying on track will in the end give you a sense of stability and control in an unsatable situation. Prayers and well wishes for you & your family.
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I am so very sorry!!!! I just recently lost my Mom 3 months ago. Honestly, it is the most difficult thing I have ever gone through in my life and believe me I have been through it!!! Thyroid cancer, no children, divorce, etc. But with MFP and all of the support we have here you will be fine. Turn the depression into success for your future!!!! They would want you to be healthy and happy!! I have always put everyone else before myself and this time I am doing it for me! And I know my Mother is looking down at me from Heaven and Smiling and so very proud of me!!! Do the same!!!!! I will continue to pray for you and I am here if you need to talk to someone! I truly mean that!!!!!
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    So sorry to hear of your sad news. Positive thoughts and prayers are coming your way. You said it yourself so you KNOW that eating your emotions only make things worse in the long run. Though difficult, this is a time for your to learn to deal with feelings in a different way - journaling, exercising, blogging, counseling, whatever you have to do to not try to process things with food which, eventually, fails us in the end. My heart goes out to you as you cope with the trials ahead.

    Remember that in trying to take care of others that you need to take care of yourself first. Don't neglect yourself. Good food, exercise, sleep - whatever you need to take care of yourself will benefit not only you but your Dad and family.
  • Im sorry to hear your sad news, I to am dealing with my dad he is looking like swiss cheese right now he has skin cancer, the more they remove, then it just pops up somewhere else on him, but its hard for me because he lives in Australia and Im in Canada, so I fear everyday am I going to get that call today to say he has gone, skin cancer is the biggest killer in Australia, its not a nice disease and its horrible knowing someone you love has it, I hope your dad will be ok :happy:
  • Wow. I am truly amazed at how much support is on here! You all have made me feel so much better & stronger already, just with your words. & those of you praying, I appreciate that as well! I know there's nothing to big for our God!
    I have decided I'm not going to give up on me, & I'm going to keep logging in & exercising. Even if I don't feel like it, the overall result will be worth it. You all are amazing! Thank you for every word of encouragement & your thoughts/prayers! <3
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    My sympathies hun. If you like to bake and it helps you relieve the stress, go for it! Bake up a storm! Then box them all up and take them to a local homeless shelter, nursing home, vet's center, hospital ER, or other similar location. You get the double bonus of relieving the stress by baking them, and knowing that someone will be enjoying them. Ok, you can take one or two for yourself too. :wink:
  • I am new here, but wanted to offer you my sympathies. My mother and 2 of my sisters had cancer. It's hard on the patient, of course, but it's also hard on the family since there's really nothing you can do but offer support and prayers. Well, I suppose praying IS a lot, but - you know what I mean.

    Anyway, I know that you are feeling like throwing in the towel- or just wallowing in a dozen cookies, but remember that no matter what your father is going through he still loves you and wants the best for you. All the time. Even when he is feeling crummy. It won't help him to see you hurting so much and/or to know that you aren't taking care of yourself because you are hurting so much for him. He would want you to keep taking care of yourself - and that, in turn, will give you the strength you need to put on a happy face and be there to support your dad as he goes through cancer treatment.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    I am new here, but wanted to offer you my sympathies. My mother and 2 of my sisters had cancer. It's hard on the patient, of course, but it's also hard on the family since there's really nothing you can do but offer support and prayers. Well, I suppose praying IS a lot, but - you know what I mean.

    Anyway, I know that you are feeling like throwing in the towel- or just wallowing in a dozen cookies, but remember that no matter what your father is going through he still loves you and wants the best for you. All the time. Even when he is feeling crummy. It won't help him to see you hurting so much and/or to know that you aren't taking care of yourself because you are hurting so much for him. He would want you to keep taking care of yourself - and that, in turn, will give you the strength you need to put on a happy face and be there to support your dad as he goes through cancer treatment.

    Words of Wisdom. (above). Thoughts and prayers with you and your family. Your change in diet to a healthier lifestyle is important not just for weight issues but to help with stress and ward off potential "C" yourself. Include roughage to your diet for colon health. Proper diet and exercise can help with stress and the effects it has on our bodies......this said, I know it is easier said than done . I have found MFP friends can be a support .
  • I am so sorry.....I found out a year ago my mom had breast cancer. It's been a long year. But keep your chin up and stay strong.
    I know and understand how you feel.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I am sorry to hear that you are going through something so hard. The best thing you can do right now is to try to stick with what you are already doing in life. I'm sure your dad doesnt want you to put your life on hold!! Try to keep your head high and keep praying.
  • Thank you all! The emotions are there, & even when I just feel like sitting on the couch crying, I'm going to get up & do something! I just did 20 mins. of high impact cardio, I didn't want to, but it totally took my mind off of everything & now I feel great! I'm going to start doing that at least 5 times a week. It's been way too long!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I am so sorry. Truly. This is a tough day and there will likely be more ahead.

    You KNOW that eating will not bring you comfort and it is comfort that you seek. Do what is truly comforting as that is what you are really yearning for.

    The pain and sadness will not kill you. Live them. Walk into them. Do not eat to avoid them since they'll be waiting for you when the food is gone. By walking into them (each wave, as it comes), you will also be able to walk THROUGH the pain each time.

    We are all here for you and I'm anxious to hear that your father has made a full recovery.

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