Postnatal Group - December 2010

Open to any ladies with babies who are working towards their goals - whether is weight loss goals, workout goals, eating goals, etc. This is a group to ask questions, get support, and keep each other accountable! Let the journey begin!

Previous posts:


  • velvetechos
    I like this idea! I have a daughter, she's just turned one, and I have so much trouble getting a proper workout in as she is very clingy :) I just break it up throughout the day! Nice to meet all of you.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    Weighed in - same as last week. I guess it's better than a gain. Boo.
  • mamaisis09
    I weighed in as well... had a loss :)
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    congrats frostyisis on your loss!

    Shoppingqueen - Are you noticing a difference in your body, regardless of the weight stand still?
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Congrats on the losses ladies!! My weigh in date is Monday so hopefully I will be a good girl over the weekend and see a loss!!! And Velvet I know how it feels to have a little one crawling around!! My daughter is 13 months old and is into everything!! and wants to be held too! I have found that it is easiest for me to get my workout in when she is napping. I don't go to to gym or anything I actually play Just Dance 2 on the wii and I feel like i sweat more doing that than I do spending an hour on the elliptical!! Its great because you can do it right in front of your own tv...and actually i get competitive about it so i try to top my previous scores so its really a lot more fun than going to the gym!! i love love love it!! Also my daughter loooooves music and dances so if she is awake when i do it she just laughs at me!! :) Good luck with your weight loss!!
  • tmargolis
    tmargolis Posts: 6 Member
    hi ladies! congrats to those with losses this week! i weighed on wed. and was down about half a pound-- 131.8. i just want to be in the 120s, so getting closer!
    someboday asked about working out after working all day and just wanting to be with your children... this is very hard! but, i go right after school (i teach), then i'm done with it, and i pick up my son and can be with him for the rest of the night....
  • AmandaR910
    9 days until I can join!!!

    How long after giving birth did you start working out?

    The last two times, I was cleared to workout lightly at my 2 weeks postpartum appointments. I'm hoping the same thing happens this time. Right now, my calories are on maintenance (though I haven't exactly been sticking to it in the last week or so) and once I change it to lose 2lbs/week it goes to 1200 calories, so I KNOW I will need some workout calories to eat lol.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    9 days until I can join!!!

    How long after giving birth did you start working out?

    The last two times, I was cleared to workout lightly at my 2 weeks postpartum appointments. I'm hoping the same thing happens this time. Right now, my calories are on maintenance (though I haven't exactly been sticking to it in the last week or so) and once I change it to lose 2lbs/week it goes to 1200 calories, so I KNOW I will need some workout calories to eat lol.

    I think the recommendation is 6 weeks vaginally for high impact exercises. You should be able to walk as soon as you're comfortable doing so. Are you planning on breastfeeding? Most people burn 500 calories a day breastfeeding, so even before you can exercise that should give you some extra snacks. :-) Just be careful, if your gaining weight, you might have to cut back on the 500 calories.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I dont think you need to be pushing your body two weeks after you have a baby!! Having a baby takes a lot out of you...literally LOL. But in all seriousness there is a reason that doctors want you to wait to work out for 6 weeks, your body needs to be healed before you can improve it!! You will drop alot of weeks the first couple of weeks after having a baby. If you are breastfeeding you do not need to cut out a lot of calories, if you cut out too many calories you will not be able to produce enough milk for your baby.

    On another note: Tommorrow is weigh in date for me!! wish me luck...I just hope there is a loss even if it is only a pound!! :)
  • AmandaR910
    I cannot breastfeed, and I'm having a c section.
    My DRs are the ones who cleared me at 2 weeks, they said it's really just how you feel and if you're bleeding stopped (big perk to c sections is a lot of times you have minimal bleeding, I only need a pantyliner for about a week and that was IT!!!).
    But yeah I'm going to wait and see how I feel, I was just wondering if anyone else had started that soon. It definitely wont be hard workouts, I was thinking slow treadmill walking only until my 6 week appointment.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Well congrats on the baby! just dont push yourself too hard!!
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    9 days until I can join!!!

    How long after giving birth did you start working out?

    The last two times, I was cleared to workout lightly at my 2 weeks postpartum appointments. I'm hoping the same thing happens this time. Right now, my calories are on maintenance (though I haven't exactly been sticking to it in the last week or so) and once I change it to lose 2lbs/week it goes to 1200 calories, so I KNOW I will need some workout calories to eat lol.

    I walked staring a week after with my little peanut. I started back to working out around 3 weeks after. Nothing high impact, I waited until after 6 weeks to run again. But I had a really great natural birth so I felt ok. Everyone is different so don't push yourself if you aren't feeling it.
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    congrats frostyisis on your loss!

    Shoppingqueen - Are you noticing a difference in your body, regardless of the weight stand still?

    I guess. It all depends on what I wear. Some of my pants fit better and some I still can't button. The weight is still in my stomach area. Thats all. But it looks like I still have some great ab muscles underneath all that fatness. LOL
  • velvetechos
    Congrats on the losses ladies!! My weigh in date is Monday so hopefully I will be a good girl over the weekend and see a loss!!! And Velvet I know how it feels to have a little one crawling around!! My daughter is 13 months old and is into everything!! and wants to be held too! I have found that it is easiest for me to get my workout in when she is napping. I don't go to to gym or anything I actually play Just Dance 2 on the wii and I feel like i sweat more doing that than I do spending an hour on the elliptical!! Its great because you can do it right in front of your own tv...and actually i get competitive about it so i try to top my previous scores so its really a lot more fun than going to the gym!! i love love love it!! Also my daughter loooooves music and dances so if she is awake when i do it she just laughs at me!! :) Good luck with your weight loss!!

    I love the wii - I'll have to check that game out!! I have Wii Fit and the stepping game on there is one of my favorites but I've done it way too many times now. :)
  • velvetechos
    Congrats on your current losses ladies :)

    So how is everyone and their little ones doing?

    I'm new to this board, so I figured I'd do a quick intro -

    I'm 29, live in Idaho (California native - culture shock! :-o!!), have a 1yr old (her birthday was 11/24/09) and have been married to my husband for just over three years (London native - even bigger culture shock - ha!)

    I've lost close to 40lbs using MFP but seem to be at a bit of standstill the past month. My primary workout in the summer and autumn was a daily 30min walk while wearing my daughter in a sling, but we haven't been doing that with the current snow and cold. I've decided we need to get back on track though - so over the past few days I've been working out sneaking in 5 min here, 10 min there of some workout dvd's (I love the Bollywood dance video by Hemalayaa!) and my resistance bands. We'll see how that goes. Prior to having my daughter I loved pilates, yoga, and cardio with pilates inspiration (Crunch has a great cardio-pilates dvd) and had just begun my weight loss journey when I found out I was pregnant!

    I'd love to hear intros from all of you too - I've found it's a lot easier to stay focused with motivation, and it's easy to feel motivated when you get to know people on the boards :)
  • emgi
    emgi Posts: 15
    Taking this weight loss thing slowly. As long as I don't gain weight over the Holidays, I'm satisfied. I've been trying this conscious eating thing: sitting at a table every time I put food in my mouth: no eating in the kitchen, no eating in the car, etc. That's a tricky one with a two year old and an infant, but it's a very healthy habit that I would like them to learn, so I'm practicing it.
  • velvetechos
    I'm sort of in a "please don't gain weight over the holidays" mentality as well. I'm glad we're past Halloween and Thanksgiving because pumpkin-anything is my downfall :)
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hey ladies so I weighed in this morning and i didnt see a loss. I am exactly the same weight as last week!! :( This is very discouraging!! I have been eating waaaay below my daily goal of calories and working out atleast 30 mins a day!! I am going to try to increase my calories atleast to 1000 so maybe that will help me shed a few pounds!! I am starting to get nervous that I might not hit my 5lb goal by christmas :( Any advice ladies? also I am really stressed with school right now...(Finals are this and next week) any healthysnacks for brain power!? LOL
  • rubixcyoob
    Can I join!?

    Just joined this place. I'm 18 and just had my son 4 months and 13 days ago. Breastfed him for the first two months and the weight dropped off me to no end. I had to give up breastfeeding for personal reasons and since then the weight has been at plato.
  • velvetechos
    Hey ladies so I weighed in this morning and i didnt see a loss. I am exactly the same weight as last week!! :( This is very discouraging!! I have been eating waaaay below my daily goal of calories and working out atleast 30 mins a day!! I am going to try to increase my calories atleast to 1000 so maybe that will help me shed a few pounds!! I am starting to get nervous that I might not hit my 5lb goal by christmas :( Any advice ladies? also I am really stressed with school right now...(Finals are this and next week) any healthysnacks for brain power!? LOL

    To maintain losing weight you'll want to eat a minimum of 1200cals a day (net, so you'd want to eat your exercise cals as well) - otherwise your body can go into starvation mode and will actually hold on to fat. Also, you can begin burning off muscle mass while holding on to the fat, so your metabolism will take a major hit. Try ramping up the cals and making sure a majority of your foods are "whole foods" with plenty of fiber, veg, and protein - see if that helps :)
    Some good brain foods are nuts, salmon, and other oily fish.